General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could I do to win this kind of games?

What could I do to win this kind of games? in General Discussion

    sf weak vs these setups


      I don't see how Shadow Fiend is weak against dual lane Clinkz and Drow.

      I went mid against Timber, had decent farm and items. SB/PT/Bottle/BKB in 19 min, but still, it was anyway too late.

      We were playing all the time from behind, no chance to do splitpush. I did one stupid mistake, where I started to do my ult from SB,and suddently I broke Invis when I activated BKB so enigma managed to blackhole me and Drow just right clicked me.

      Other then that, I don't see what could I do much better... But ofc, that's just my opinion

      What hero you think could do some good against this picks?


        Storm Mid, invoker, void safe etc


          I'm bad Invoker. I can play Storm I guess, I just wanted to go SF mid in last game because I thought that there's no chance Clinkz and Drow willb e able to out farm me.

          And I was right.

          It's just they got all the farm from kills and towers, not from CS.. Game just finished in 25+ min mark.

          How safelane Void could do some good when our Dazzle wasn't that good on that Hero anyway?

          One more thing, Terrorblaed went safelane. I don't think he'd be okay to let me go Void safelane..


            i was talking generally i dont know who picked 1st or 2nd:P
            ofc ur chance of winning is going down if u have a bad support sitting u

            but well sf is still squishy.. vs dem


              0-7-0 pa carry ... your team is pretty low overall


                1st Your team got outpicked hard and outplayed hard also, nothing you could do.

                2nd Make hand of midas and play defensive, make sure to tell your team to play safe to not get picked off a lot by clinkz etc also tell es to stay far back when enigma bh is up to cancel it since he is your only disable.

                and shadowblade is poop item, I do not recommend building it.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  stop going SB every game

                  the realm's delight
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                      ^Haha he deleted his comment, he is such a loser

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                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          GO TONY
                          TREADS AGHS DRUMS AC MANTA BKB DAEDLUS


                            There's no point going blink-dagger when you're playing from behind.

                            I just can't do any good with Blink if i go first and die from Enigma, while my team have no idea what's going on.

                            I don't know for you guys, but in my games, I have close to 0 team cortination and cooperation.

                            Guys just don't give a fuck about game, they play in their little world.

                            Most of the time last two days, I got matched with stacks.

                            One guy with 3.5k and other guy with 4k, one guy with 3k and other guys with 3.7k, and I myself around 3.8-3.7k.

                            What happens is, that 3k guy most of the time ends up playin' Dazzle or some Rubick and feeds their carry to the point he's got Orchrid as Clinkz in 9 min mark(for an example), just because he managed to kill dazzle in laning phase at least 3 to 4 times, and took at least 40-50 CS on his HARD-LANE.

                            There's nothing I can do with Dagger, so I went SB hoping they'll fail and I'll be able to use that advantage.

                            However, it seems that playin' with and against stacks pulls the things like dust/sentry/gems more often.

                            So, I'm on 6 losing streak atm, and all of 6 games I went against and with stacks.


                              And oh, I forgot..

                              By the time i got around 80 CS at 10 min mark as Shadow Fiend and already got my SB in 8 or 9 min-mark, their Clinkz starts roaming around the map, killing shit out of my team, while our carry has no farm, since our Dazzle wasn't able to do any good shit, so he end's up with 20 to 30 CS in 10 min I guess, having hardly Power Treads and some other cheap stuff.


                                Oh, and...

                                After that he decides to buy Helm of dominator and starts to farm our woods while clinkz or some other enemy heroes coming OVER and OVER again killing his stupid little ass.

                                And that's not all!

                                If he survives somehow(he most of the time DO NOT carry a TP scroll, however, if he does or if he's lucky to somehow escape)

                                Here it comes! Dazzle with nice set of wards is gettin' raped over and over again in mission to ward.

                                I'm aware it's not about team-mates, I know that I need to get better in order to win this kind of games.

                                I'm just asking how to do that, since I struggle to play from behind and recover from such big fail on every lane and so on...


                                  I doubt hand of midas will help me win this kind of games. I already tried that.

                                  By the time i got midas as mid-sf(mostly 5 to 6 min mark) - it slows down my farm and my core items, and we end-up losing mid or some other tower-towers.

                                  I think that havin' SB/PT/BOTTLE/BKB is good enough for 19 min mark, so I don't see how farm can be a problem?

                                  I'd be very greatfull if some 4.8k+ expirianced Shadow Fiend or mid player could help me out with this matches and give me some tips on how to recover from this.


                                    I'm really startin' to lose interest for Dota since I can't break fucking 4k.

                                    I'm actually starting to think about switching to fucking smurf that's around 4.3k at this moment, since playin' there is more enjoyable then on this acc. : "(

                                    waku waku

                                      pick pudge


                                        Nobody said you should buy dagger. I just said do not get sb.


                                          @Shred you to bits
                                          it's tiring to play solo ranked only (which you are doing because you set a goal that you thought was realistic) esp when you are losing like that, just switch your mind and go play some ability draft or mess around in normal games.


                                            I didn't read all your posts here but it looks like you are just listing the mistakes of your allies, if you just accept that they will make mistakes (just like you) you won't have to bother with thinking about it.
                                            for example, you mentioned that one of the mistakes of your allies was being out of position all the time, you can assume that it's gonna be true for the other team too (most of the time) so if you try to pick a hero who can punish that, like storm etc. that's jut one example.


                                              You have the point.


                                              Will try storm after New Year and I'll see what's gonna happen.


                                                try other items, looks like homosexualblade doesn't work out too well for you.
                                                you are @ like 3600 by the looks of it, just get dagger euls and instakill anyone, or some othe bullshit like eblade .dagger eblade bkb
                                                could also instakill heroes with no bkbs.


                                                  I'm bouncing between 3500 - 4000 all the time.

                                                  Having no problems grinding MMR from 3.5k to 3.7- 3.8k,

                                                  After it, it does gets a bit harder, and then I hit losing streak..

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    if you're sub 4k it's possible to completely dominate midlane if you're good with SF, I'd get brown boots aquila bottle dagger in ~9 minutes on average and just proceed to kill people around the map with runes. Also blink makes it easy to flash farm and get 3 times the net worth of the enemy team since they are bad and don't know how to farm optimally

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      Buy real items, not shadow blade.


                                                        As I said, it's not much of a problem gettin' out of 3.5k.

                                                        Games gets little harder to deal only past 3.8k actually, but team are better after 3.7k.

                                                        I'll try Getting Boots/Aquila/Dagger setup, since I didn't rush that build long time ago.

                                                        Maybe it's just different item setup afterall.

                                                        Maybe I DO rely much on SB.

                                                        Well I got tons of SF games and I got expiriance with him.

                                                        However, you can always learn something new.

                                                        I'm open for sugestions and opinions as you can see, people.

                                                        Thanks for new tips, will try-out for sure.


                                                          Gaben giffs me new year gifts, he lovez meeee: