General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat new year gave to me?

What new year gave to me? in General Discussion

    -300 MMR

    But I actually don't give much of a fuck about that, since most of the games I lost these days was my fault, since I failed to carry my team.

    3400 MMR here I come. At least I'll have some easy 200-300 MMR points soon, since players here play a lot more retarded then in 3.7 - 4k bracket..

    I actually discovered something.

    I haven't played much of Shadow Fiend, and let me tell you, it's a lot harder to grind MMR if you don't play your best hero.

    But I played SF on 1 january and managed to grind my higest GPM on almost 880. : )

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    the realm's delight

      it gave me -200 mmr and fucking retarded 6k players in my team
      how the fuck am i supposed to win with this autistic windrunner. i got him 2 times in my team and every game he ruined it mid going my and feeding. how is this monkey 6k i cant believe
      also seen him on dendis stream like 1 week ago feeding in 6k games with wr. fucking shitter
      then 6,5k bs feeding mid vs 4,9k invoker
      its actually unreal

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        Well, as I said earlier, it's a lot smaller gap between an solid 4.9-5k player and 6k player, so it's normal to see that coming.(Invo vs BS)

        Also, maybe 4.9k player has good Invo skillz and BS (6k guy) is not that good on mid or as BS..

        There's much difference between players that rank does-not measure corectly.

        Some people can be good at, something while sucks at other things and system puts them in lower MMR because of that.

        But with decentish team-mates they do wonders...

        Biggest problem is having 3k team-mate as 3.7k+ player, since difference between sub 3k player and high 3k-sub4k player is BIG, BIGGER then 5k vs 6k.

        So, most of the time they party with some sub4k friend and he's supposed to support his friend, while in reality it ends up horribly for both of them since 3k player is not able to catch-up with rest of the team..

        Games are equal to some extend, however, the bigest problem is feeding. If 3k player dies 4 times for 10 mins, it means their offlaner will have insane amounts of farm and will probably shut-down our carry to the point he'll start to rage and do stupid things.

        So yeah, since both (3k and 3.7k) sucks to some extend, people here can't carry games alone most of the time, and this can be a problem sometimes.


          i lost like 150 mmr, i cant win with earth spirit.
          i dont know what the fuck is this, but i am really unlucky.
          i get pa's who feed and buy battlefury at min 30, i get tinker mid (he had 0 tinker matches before that) who goes maxed rocket and laser and went 0 9.
          i mean why the fuck in ranked would you try a new hero that you dont even know how to play, when you have 300 invoker games and could most likely win with it.
          really unlucky, volvo better give me like 500 mmr winstreak or something...


            Most of the time when I try-out new heroes in ranked it's because I belive i will get lucky on them or I'll get carried by the team, since that's what I do for them when I play my best heroes.

            Sadly, it never turns out that way. xD

            ❤ Ashley ❤

              u r just bad


                EBOLA CANCER AIDS :horse:

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