General Discussion

General Discussion6 wins in a row while stacking in a party -> low prio

6 wins in a row while stacking in a party -> low prio in General Discussion
Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

    Of course


      Same happend to me, 2 days ago I RAPED and enemy were 4 man gay stacking and all reported me and got muted for 2 days ;(


        stackin in a party yo, mb not pause and flame your enemaises


          Oh you are that asshole who had to go mid and afk farmed wood whole game without teleporting to any teamfights whole game

          thanks for losing -25 points u deserve low prio


            and yes we all reported u enjoy it

            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

              Oh right, you were that retard who thought it is a funny joke to force me to instalock my hero and buy trash items and get counterpicked because you need to flame me right at the pick screen and behave like the dumbest idiots on the planet.

              fucking trollshits. Someone should go at your house and shoot you in the head.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                yeah yeah blame us, we didnt troll a bit, you intentionally threw the match

                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  Yea, because saying "we help you last hit and will all go mid and ruin your game" is not trolling at all. You're fucking braindamaged. You only deserve death. Why don't you post your address so I can come at your house and kill you fucking shitter?

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    I always wonder, how incredibly retarded must one be in order to think that I help you after you troll ruin my game?

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      OP you got a serious problem dude. I would report you on sight if I were in your game.

                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                        Oh yea sure I got a serious problem because I'm not a fucking retard shit like you who has absurd superiority complexes. Do us all a favour and suicide maybe? Any serious admin would permaban + lawsuit you if he saw your dumbfucking comments spreading your stupidity.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          For most people dota is a computer game
                          for you playing OD is a f***ing lifestyle
                          relax dude


                            Someone deserves death because of some trolling they did upon you?

                            Uh, that's some fucked up shit rehight there



                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                I don't know where you got that bullshit from, you seem to be fucking retarded dumbshit.

                                Oh no, someone playing to win, we must all harass and flame him for teh lulz lololol fucking hate trolls like you shithead. If I ever see you in real life I will hit you in your face without hesitating.


                                  Yo smaug, calm down. Why you even care about these guys? Also, please read what you just wrote. It looks really stupid..

                                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                    "Someone deserves death because of some trolling they did upon you?" someone deserves death if he is so stupid that he thinks if he does harm to others they would help him or like him more. Nobody who's that retarded should live on this planet. Just a bane to humanity.


                                      " you seem to be fucking retarded dumbshit."

                                      careful! Some might sue you!

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        "Why you even care about these guys?"

                                        Because I'm fucking losing games and get flamed and low priority because of those dumbshits maybe?

                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                          And no, they can't sue me else they would have to shut down their website as they would clearly lose the court process.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            What are you a goldfish? 30 second memory?

                                            you are the one that threatened to sue before, thus the joke.

                                            Its like trying to make fun of a toddler.

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                              "you are the one that threatened to sue before, thus the joke."

                                              There is no joke. I don't know how come you don't actually know what a lawsuit is, but I guess you're just extremely stupid, that explains it. So for dumbfucks like you:

                                              1. Me: I will lawsuit you!
                                              2. You: Dotabuff will lawsuit you instead!
                                              3. Me: good.

                                              There is no joke and no issue with any of those, I'm not sure how someone could be as stupid as you, but I suggest you to take a knife and cut your throat so that you can't do harm to more people.

                                              It's like arguing with a braindead.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                nevermind im done with dotabuff Twrd.


                                                  "If I ever see you in real life I will hit you in your face without hesitating."

                                                  Good thing you never leave your basement

                                                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                    "Good thing you never leave your basement"

                                                    Only dumbfucking trashes like you reject the reality and think their sick brains would have any kind of logic. Spew more bullcrap like that I'm sure that's a good way to show off how fucking retarded you are. Get cancer shithole.


                                                      I love reading Smaug's posts, feels like I'm the smartest person in Earth

                                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                        Dunning Kruger effect. You're so dumb that you are too stupid to notice it. Pityful.



                                                          Bot Tyrone

                                                            Cute thread.


                                                              And why aren't you the one with Dunning-Kruger? LMAO


                                                                Legit man, you have some serious problems. I mean if you are a kid, which is what I expect, then its pretty funny. But if you are an adult, then this is just sad. Seek help, you desperately need it.


                                                                  Ohh that's why I'm getting dumb cuunntss in my game because people like you exist fking ret4td shit. I hope you die for trolling in ranked and putting other ppls mmr at stake. Scrubby janppa shit go back to your hentai Chinese fk. Smaug is right rest are brain dead fkers

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    Glad you're in low priority, brain damaged players often believe the whole world's retarded and they are the only one that's sane


                                                                      Stackers are trash talking what a fking pu55y scrub. So much hentai braindmging you kid