General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some enlightenment

I need some enlightenment in General Discussion

    I need a few clarification on some dota language. First, I hear alot of people saying things like "hes a 2" "hes a 4" etc, does this stand for support, carry, etc.

    The other question is a bit tricky to explain, i know the carry, support, semi carry role, but what is a core? For exemple the latest naga thread about being support ive read that if you build her diffu/heart shes a core, wouldnt she be a carry? Is a carry a core while a core isnt always a carry?

    Thank you


      core - heroes who farm, it's more a efficient to have less people farming and the ones taking most of the farm on the map are cores


        for example = core naga would be safelane naga, or mid naga
        and support naga would get her farm from pulls and she can later transition into carry, but it wouldn't necessarily mean she is a core, because she doesn't start in a position where she is last hitting creeps in lane

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          And about the numbers, do they speak about lane position or roles?


            farm priority


              they asked the same shit in reddit a few days ago... like the same shit.

              AND DOESNT MATTER WHAT ITEMS NAGA ENDS UP GETTING!!!!!!. Its where shes positioned farmingwise compated to his team! he can just be support andget good gold from kills and suddenly have a radiance min 20 still. doesnt fuckig change the fact she was a 4 that game


                Calm your tits i dont read reddit, i just asked for an answer. "She was a 4 that game" thats exactly what i want to know, what does that mean.

                I am at peace (muted)

                  1 = most farm(usually safelane carry) 2=second most farm (usually mid) 3=third most farm uslually offlane, 4 less farm usually mek carrier, 5 the least farm courier, sentry, smoke etc


                    Thank you, commended!