General Discussion

General Discussionpub mentality

pub mentality in General Discussion

    People stick to 1-1-3, or 1-1-2 +jungler in pubs 95% of the time.
    I never gave it much thought, just something I noticed over the past few days that whenever my team go aggre 2 or 3 it's like people don't expect it, even a dual lane rapes so hard they can't comeback.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      dual aggro is the best if you can hold a cool head cause omfg people are trash. I usually end up ruining the game when i share lane because of the atrocities i see.


        aggro tri followed by sitting together wins most of the pubs.


          So your suggestion is to play aggressive in the early game (with good aggressive heroes I presume) and that basically allows you to the game? (as long as the team does decent in the mid game I guess)

          I've been playing a little more aggressive on my supports recently and I think it's been working out, so if that's what you're suggesting, then I think it's working haha


            it actually wins the game over 75% of the time even if the enemy mid rapes

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              you mean allpick mentality?


                yeah all pick
                I don't play cm


                  u forced me to yolo 1v5 gg report


                    people in pubs mentality = mid, carry or jungle and if they support they feel that they are gonna lose and blame their team cause they are a support :)

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                        lich in duel aggro = double safe lane if they don't deward pull camp

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                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Teach me how to play -ap ppl... I just can't play in that chaos where everyone plays for himself.
                            I played -cm from 3000 to my current mmr (5100-5200), I wanna switch to -ap till I reach 6k. Cause -cm que takes too long and I often find mmr gaps (1 guy with similar rating as mine versus me, rest 400-1000 points below)

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Teach me how to play -ap ppl... I just can't play in that chaos where everyone plays for himself.
                              I played -cm from 3000 to my current mmr (5100-5200), I wanna switch to -ap till I reach 6k. Cause -cm que takes too long and I often find mmr gaps (1 guy with similar rating as mine versus me, rest 400-1000 points below)

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                                  That's weird, because nearly every single game I've played is 2-1-2, five carries vs. five carries. I've only seen one game with a jungler on my side, and only a handful of trilanes. Keep in mind, I used to have a account with about 130 matches on it.

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