General Discussion

General Discussiongood or bad drow build

good or bad drow build in General Discussion

    benao pls dont flame me i try this build and had fun not ranked ))


      wouldnt u get raped easily by wd/lion/vip/bh if they aim u?
      oh it's high skill bracket..u could just go divine str8 at this bracket since they are as good as ai


        Ahahhaha wtf is this forum.. I thought people only flamed normal skill but look at this scrub he's flaming high skills ahhaha


          Hope you´re trolling Kael. 99% of players sub 5k are utter trash, and Very High starts at 3700?

          That you are indicated by very high doesnt mean you´re good by any means.

          and yes, there´s only scumbags and idiots left in this forum. RIP


            I know high skill is not good but still better than normal. I pointed that out because I have never seen flame someone because someone is in high skill only seen normal skill flame... Like benao trash


              dude ppl flame 4k trash all the time and 4k is at very high bracket?
              if 4k is trash high skill (3k+?) is obviously hopeless?
              as for normal bracket, a game like dota is clearly too mentally challenging for them...i would advise finding another easier game (pokemon etc)


                Oh just noticed you a right click scrub.. Top heroes all right click scrub... Smurf wp. First time Moba probably did way better than you when you were 2k


                  As for me getting VHS just wait till I get 3k games and I'm not even half done yet bro. Don't worry keep your raging emotions to yourself


                    I once played a game where the drow got 3 SnY's. I was dumbfounded, but hey we won? Interesting, what made you want to do this?


                      Wat ??


                        Kael do u even know what's the definition of smurf?
                        Also general skills like map awareness positioning and common sense etc are what u need to get past 4k. I can bet any veteran 5k can rape normal skill bracket with almost any hero with 1 hand...
                        Also u were talking about when i was 2k? Hmm i have never even been below 4k, started at 4k+ and goes to 5k so not sure what u are talking about.

                        Never have an opportunity to play normal-high skill games, but watched some of them and it was unbearable...even the 4ks i met said all the players in those brackets have down's syndrome


                          it actually works :). I think ive used it once in ranked and a couple of times vs bots. Very risky though.


                            Cool story bro now add some dragons and shit :)


                              so Kael, as a normal skill bracket player, u think u are better than 5k, thats why u are calling me scrub?
                              why not add me we can 1v1 or whatever whoever loses quit from dotabuff forums?


                                Already rekt a 4k scrub. I will sure 1v1 you after I get same dota 2 hours as you. So.. How many hours including your main, smurf, dota 1, league? Etc tell me total and I sure will. And also non right clicks . Or if not dota 2 how about some other games you know some fps except cod

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  this is my only d2 acct, i can play any hero with u
                                  so u are basically admitting that u wont challenge me until u are as good as me (which u think u will be when u get to 2k+ games?)
                                  if u know u are a newb in d2 why are u acting like u have some d2 knowledge?


                                    Heheheh keep replying scrub. My words actually hurt you doesn't it

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      wow this guy is stupid (@kael)


                                        It's definitely not a mature thing to say but I remember someone comment on your face on some thread you made. Saying life must be hard some sht like that. Please link @bena

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          oh i feel so bad right now, might kill myself


                                            Please do and make sure you look into mirror and your face.

                                            No Need to kill actually I just hope there's a 9/11 attack in your country

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              wtf is your fucking problem! I am handsome you stupid shit.


                                                Look again we know you are handsome. You are like a beautiful rotten potato xD!

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  lol kael so that's why u go around forums calling ppl scrub, u think ppl are hurt by the comments of a normal skill bracket player?
                                                  at least make urself an average player then some ppl might actually care what u say...
                                                  since u have ran out of logical arguments and start posting baseless insults like a kid, i shall stop responding to u
                                                  have a nice day~

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    what a waste not stacking agi items for the visage synergy.


                                                      it's ok 5k's are trashes too so it's w/e

                                                      the only people who aren't trash are players within leaderboard range who can play a variety of heroes


                                                        most visage suck and dont attack with familiars when the boost is on. Expect them to suck more in his bracket

                                                        Linda | DotaExchange

                                                          You think there is difference between high skill, and very high skill ?


                                                          only after 5k, there you can see REAL difference.

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            welp i didnt stack agi cuz we already were wreking them hard and if i did build more agi for all the ranged heros on my team it would be hard to ks. And talking about lion and wd, i mask of madness blink to them and they died before they even reacted to use spells, i understand wd but lion with instant hex is just retarded i dont know y didnt he hex me fast enough. this game was over before 30 min mark so... i didnt neeeded to tryhard.


                                                              Does cristalys stacks?

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                its like revolver if first one dsnt crit there is chance other one does. having 3 there is big chance that it will crit.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  so having 3 of 20% chance to crit would be like 45% dont know exactly how much. too lazy to do math right now


                                                                    fair play. i've been playing a few drow+visage recently where my drow "support" rushes a butterfly after a couple of wraith bands. my familiars melt anything especially once i get my medallion.

                                                                    think it is sad that visage doesn't get played more as is one of the most fun heroes imo - needs very little farm and just a little bit of micro to own the mid game.

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      it was all pick normal game, never told anyone to pick anything, only person who i was playing with was prophet.



                                                                        Scrub have a nice day. No sht you are not hurt by my comments that's why you keep replying its fine I guess


                                                                          3 times 20% gose like this--> 0.2 + (1-0.2)*0.2 + (1-0,2-0.8*0.2)*0.2 which is equal to 0,2+0,16+0,128=0,488? so roughly 50%, pretty OP imo :). but it takes 3 slots. imagine if they stacked in 1 slot like dagon OMFG!


                                                                            btw i play drow support sometimes. I usually do it when i have a sniper carry, so good combo :)

                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM


                                                                                your point?

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  thats to keal, on every forum he posts, this guy with normal skill flaming everyone is starting to piss me off.

                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    Keal pls stop posting here. Unlease its related to topic.


                                                                                      Oh I thought my comments don't hurt what now ? Riwu

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        they dont, they are just pointless and take up space.


                                                                                          how ironic

                                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                            I dont go to such extremes and never try hurt someone by calling them scrub or shit. And I know when to stop.


                                                                                              +1 ^


                                                                                                megapenis misses mokujin's insults too much tho :'(


                                                                                                  it's the natural reaction when you lane with him
                                                                                                  you wouldn't know when you're mid all the time :horse:

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                    @Moku Sometimes just need to chill, ppl get hyped and ppl sometimes get off wrong foot. But I understand y u did that not mad at you. just saying.

