General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this game winnable?

Is this game winnable? in General Discussion

    1150399902 I have no idea what happened, my team refused to go for rax when we had the oppurtunity. Anti Mage got mad cos he got omnislashed where timber could have stood closer to take some omnislash hits for him but he didn't so Anti Mage got seriously pissed for some reason then decided to leave the team and split push. And he was like in chat: Timber fkrs like you don't deserve to win etc so he just ran into the enemy team and died. Anti Mage and me were the strongest 2 in our team. But he just threw the game away by intentionally feeding. Just bugs me how we could have won that. I am aware that people will say I suck so anyone who wants to say that don't worry I know it because I'm in 2k.

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      "Anti Mage got seriously pissed for some reason then decided to leave the team and split push."

      Isn't this what the anti mage was supposed to be doing in the first place?

      And really, you can't control what pubs do. You could try to speak a little kinder to them and encourage them but that's the extent of what you can do to influence them.

      Regarding what you can do, if your team refuses to push with you and chooses to fight loosing battles. Just don't go with them. Mute them. If they choose to fight, use that opportunity to split push and take towers (I notice that you barely had any tower damage). You could take towers probably just as fast as antimage. So with the both of you split pushing top and bottom you two could've probably taken rax on both of those lanes while the enemy team probably only had the capability to take a single lane of rax. That's my opinion of what you could have done without watching the game. Other people may disagree with me, and that's fine, they're probably better.

      My advice is to simply know the limits of your hero and always check your minimap for missing heroes.


        srsly you again. stop this shit fucking tard and learn to play instead


          @Pilot He left the team when there was a teamfight and he was probably the strongest on our team. Though what I said about Anti Mage he pretty much left our team. He went off and fed on purpose for us to lose.

          @Benao Whenever I see your name in my threads you are just telling me I suck. I left a line for you in this thread to tell you that I know I suck and you don't have to tell me that: 'I am aware that people will say I suck so anyone who wants to say that don't worry I know it because I'm in 2k.' Did you not read that?


            you're spamming the same shit over and over again. NOW REREAD MY PREVIOUS POST