General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you beat Medusa late game

How do you beat Medusa late game in General Discussion

    Or "you shouldn't let the game get late" vs her?


      Mana burn, not team fighting, AM. IDK

      playinginursockdrawer mm soc

        Nyx assassin and Kotl (untested) have a powerful mana drain that scales. Having the ability to gank at early levels and disrupt medusa's farm as well makes nyx the best counter pick.

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          AM is godawful as Medusa's counter. Nyx ain't that good either, but he can lane against her quite decently.
          Among mana-burners, I think only Aghs OD could be considered as a real counter to Medusa, because he doesn't "deal more effective damage" to her, but burns almost all her mana in an instance. The problem is, he should be played at position 3 or lower, because as a fighter he'll lose to a shield-less Medusa in a teamfight. Someone should fight for him.
          Other than that, the idea of manaburn countering Medusa in any way is just plain stupid. In most cases, if you have enough time to burn all her mana, you'll be able to kill her without doing so.

          Omniknight is great against her, 'cuz he's OP as shit, especially on low level pubs. Centaur is not bad either - he allows you to bait her Gaze quite efficiently.

          Aside from that - splitpushers are probably the best choice against her.

          Also, everything that'll make her miss is good. Be it PA, Riki, Panda etc. It delays her by at least one item, which is not that optimal.

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            Please.... :facepalm:

            splitpushers are probably the best choice *good choice against her.

            ^This is true though

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              If you talk about counters, you must always name Doom first.

              Everyone loves Chibi

                Troll warlord and rat, best counters Kappa.

                 VΞИGΞAИCΞ  

                  U Cant . beat him . at late .


                    Halberds destroy dusa since dusa doesnt get bkb, with 2 halberds its enough to disable dusa for the vast majority of the fight


                      This posts come around all the time.

                      She is the type of carry you can't let farm, and must win before late-late game...
                      Like Anti-Mage, Terrorblade, Spectre etc.


                        You fucking arrow that bitch with a 5 second arrow and kill it with fire!

                        Everyone loves Chibi

                          "You fucking arrow that bitch with a 5 second arrow and kill it with fire!"

                          This. Or you pick Troll Warlord and rat her like Alliance did vs Na'Vi :D


                            Umm.. Ursa maybe? wound stack will rape her mana >_<


                              Medusa is not countered with am,
                              am can never fight a dusa and in team fight she is stronger too,
                              am can beat medusa by split pushing or outfarming her and end early,
                              what helps against dusa r nyx "since he will be position 3 4 " od with scepter , doom , if the game goes late the only way to win against dusa is to make a 4v5 fight "lets say she is woods u make the enemy fight without her" or u go gank herwhile she is alone, at higher lvls this wont happen ,

                              Naga is really good against her
                              specter can out fight her if u bait her ulti
                              if she dont have linkens a good bat can take her out of the fight "blink ulti firefly madness force take her far from the fight so the fight be 4v4"

                              Imo its extremely hard to win against dusa at like min 50 if u dont have specter or naga

                              Play by her weakness , she is bad early and mid game, use that to take objectives , take map control ward her woods keep the pressure

                              Sry for bad english

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                                PL with diffusal. U dont see the diffusal here cuz I'd just sold it for second heart, bcuz bloodseeker was giving problems, but the diffusal 2 perhaps was the main reason dusa was kept under control. Plus I was ratting after BoT

                                yes, I shud hav sold the S&Y rather than the diffusal for the heart

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                                Bait Master Elite


                                  normal skill. and why would you get a 2nd heart over skadi?


                                    aghs bane maybe

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      spectre with diffusal and refresher maybe? Honestly don't let game go an hour like you did. Push harder, sooner. Tough cus they had storm, jug and tide.




                                          Alliance did it the other day, Xboct was over farmed as medusa, split push and rat...



                                            403 cs in a 76 minute game with medusa? im sorry, but that just does not count..a real medusa would have been maxed out 30 minutes prior and your illusions would be irrelevant ever since, although having an ES and a tinker (imagine if he could actually play) would be pretty handy I'll admit

                                            Really you need to be able to catch her alone, the problem is that most people are going to be protecting her a fair amount. If she has built herself properly you just cannot win team fights aganst her without some really big ultimates going your way. if she is alone, you can chain stun her/bash/mana drain or whatever just to completely keep her in one spot. But in team fights, she has her team constantly doing shit which not only hurts you, but limits your ability to just focus her down. You need to have a good amount of items and disables, this means hex, necro3, abyssals, EB + dagon 5 is also really nice

                                            @OP, are you serious? Your game is not a case of "game went late", its a case of everyone being so damn bad. No hex on yourself or invoker? Abyssal naix? Refresher doom? same can be said to your opponents, did everyone run away from creeps for an hour?

                                            You have a decent team to take down medusa...also note that medusa while very tanky vs physical damage, her magical EHP is ~1/3rd of her physical EHP, so if throwing down some nukes can really hurt her

                                   - super low skill game (rd :P), but still managed to wreck dusa. I think her problem was too much defensive items, probably would have destroyed us with a rapier or something

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                                            Tiny Airlines

                                              Anti-Mage or Riki can drop her mana really badly (You need diffusal blade for Medusa if you're Riki).

                                              Basically any hero that can drain mana from a hero is a major threat to Medusa.


                                                I really do not see why antimage can't outclass a medusa. Every meleehero has the advantage of bash in a 1v1 scenario. Problem is, that dusa deals more damage against your team...

                                                This brings us to am's burst potential. If the enemy team has some high mana spending heros, am can have aoe impact +

                                                Am comes online faster and harder than dusa. Am peaks arround 25-30 min mark; where you should have manta, heart, vlads, battlefury.

                                                In a normal game a medusa will have 1 item less.

                                                All permabashers can fuck her over. If you are permanently stunned, you can't attack:

                                                Easiest counter:

                                                Gank her early. Until lvl 6 she is easy ganktarget.


                                                  Bane is quite good against medusa. Enfeeble lowers her dps by a lot and his ulti also drain her mana.


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                                                    Slark rapes her if not get caught in her ulti (not sure but maybe he can even purge it with Dark Pact ?). Medusa without ulti is food for Slark...but then probably 6 slotted Medusa will have refresher...Medusa is a typical deathball hero, that's what's her main strengh, so probably split push is the best way to deal with her.