General Discussion

General Discussionunranked = high skill games?

unranked = high skill games? in General Discussion

    Ok; so here is the deal. Months ago before i started ranked i was doing almost all my games in v.high (unless playing with friends). After calibrating i got ~4.5k mmr on both and havent tried to get more mmr ON THIS ACOUNT. I admit that i lost it to learn supporting but my skill level probably is even better than in that time IMHO; i just dont do ranked often as i was used to unranked. Now i am low 4k's/ super high 3k's if i get dumb ranked games where my fault was less than 20% at best *ahem*
    (not that i am not happy about my mmr/care much as long i perform and others dont mind it)

    The problem is; every game i go to unranked, i wait like 5-7mins, i get put into some russian 4stack+me. I wont even talk how they troll in the games, i just dont want to play high skill games. These 4 stacks to will troll and report me all the time; even in games i dominate for 30mins i will be blamed for . Games are pretty easy in high skill so far but many people will start to believe i am ~3200mmr if they (high skill games) keep on showing.

    I understand 1v1 mode has small people pool so games can be in ''high'' skill. But it can't be the case with unranked, can it? There are many smurfs who should be v.high!

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      I'll tell you just this.

      There's hard work grinding 3.2k mmr to 4k mmr if you're not 5k+ player.

      Even sub 5k players will have to work hard to grind that +1000MMR gap from 3.2k to 4k+.

      But the difference is, they WILL do it a way faster then we/you do.

      As sub 4k player, or even 3.8-3.9k player, grinding up 4k+ in normal or ranked games will take some time for sure.

      Games are a challange, at least, for me.

      I dropped from 3.7-3.9k recently and I'm having hard time grinding up MMR to 3.9k again.

      Every time I grind 100 MMR, I lose it, because I start to get mad and trow games/play on tilt or I just simply lack expiriance and game-understanding to win like 500 MMR in a row...

      So, in my opinion, swings between 3300-3700-4000 can easily happen, and you'll have like 1 or 2 months hard-time coming back to your "normal" mmr since 3.3k is a challange at the end of the day for high 3k players...

      Anyways, high 3k, low 3k, sub 4k... It's still the same shit.

      Any 5500 or above player would be able to apsolutly crush enemy team in this bracket..

      That's how bad you are, or we are( me included).

      So i suggest you start to work on improving, and MMR will come along with it.

      I hope I helpd you!

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      jus chillen

        my unranked solo is about 2.5k-3k mmr, my ranked is about 4100-4600.
        if i play solo unraked i get normal skill lol, i guess it just starts from my initial mmr ~2500 so i didnt play much solo unranked since ranked came out.
        unranked is just like ranked when you have enough games tho, ~+25 and normal matchmaking doesn't even matter that much, so why you stress about it.



          So if i just raise my solo mmr then unranked hidden bracket/mmr will also change????

          i thought they were separate

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          jus chillen

            ^lol it won't, that was my point SOLO MM=normal, SOLO RMM=very high, at least in my case


              It wont. It goes seperatly from your ranked mmr.

              As Kast said, when you rise your SOLO mmr, let's say, to 4.9k+ and you beign able to actually stay there for a while, grinding up from high skill to vh skill in normal games will be a lot easier for you.

              But in order to do that, you have to get better.

              As sub 4k/mid 4k player, you will eventualy be able to raise your normal to vh, but why would you do it anyway?

              It takes a lot of time, dedication and nerves to do that, since it's hard for our skill level to stomp close-to-our-raiting games.

              Btw, @ Kast,

              If you have 4600 MMR, you'd be probably able to boost your @ 3000 MMR normal games in like 10-15 days..

              There's pretty much big gap between an solid 4600 player and sub 3k player..

              Normal skill bracket is a lot easier then high skill/very high skill bracket,at least, for me and my playstyle.

              Ofc, to some good players it doesnt matter. Normal/high skill, even sub very-high skill..

              They just dont care, since their mehanics/game understanding and execution is waaay better then mine, for example..

              But for me, it does. I can stomp games in 2k-really low 3k with ease, as long as I stay in below 3.2k+

              After, let's say 3.3k, people starts to play more like a team, they buy dusts, they pick smarter, they don't get destroyed by my Shadow Fiend completly, they have better vision, they make you go on tilt, bla,bla,bla.

              At least this is my case. The main reason why I can't grind my mmr fast is basicly two things:

              1. lack of basic game sense(picks, decicion making and a lot of other stuffs included)
              2. Playin' on tilt. I work hard for +100 mmr, I lose with ease -100 MMR.

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                @shred you to bits

                i am not THAT bad to linger on 3.2k mmr for a long time XD

                my point was; i already was PAST that point, started playing unranked again after disabling api (most games were stomps) and some lengthy break; did lots of 1v1 games and replay analysis.

                just for some random reason games insta-turned into high skill. ~4-5 games ago i recall asking people mmr and most guys said it was 4.1-4.4. I had insane 10-20 kda IIRC in that game with viper. Took short break and now i need to play vs russians with russians :(

                Anyways we did 1v1; dont you remember? :D

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                  I don't, sorry. How it went? :)

                  I'm not that bad either, it's just hard to climb from that for me..

                  My normal-games are vh skill, and when I ask people for mmr/add them, they got something like 3.8k-4.6k.

                  Depends on game.

                  When I went trough calibration phase, I was a bit unucky, aswell. Finished 7 losses/3 wins, and abbadoning one game, beause of bad Internet.

                  Aswell, one game was me playin' "random brood mother" xD

                  Anyway, that cost me 3.6k, even I really have something like 4.2-4.3k at the very start of my calibration process.(Icheck it out by adding them) :)

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                    Try and cancel the queue so that you get paired will players more around your level. Don't allow the queue to go up to 5-7 minutes because the more you wait, the more valve places you with people further away from your skill level.


                      well from my experience, difference between low 3k and high 3k is not that small

                      people finally started to carry tp scrolls and supports will usually tp on mid to help you when you're ganked
                      also they don't dive to enemy part of map with no vision so much as they used to

                      it's pretty rare when i meet person saying stuff like "omg mid no gank, noob"

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                        that game where i was constantly trying to kill you with you playing super carefull

                        you are not as bad as some other 5k sf players; but you still ultimatelly got dominated.

                        jus chillen

                          btw just so you know, there are 5k players who completely cant play mid, and a mid 4k or even low 4k mid player could win.

                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                            lmfao what a fucking no lifer ssing your 1v1 wins please just kil yourself


                              it's not like he didnt asked for it himself -_-

                              *commit sudoku*



                                i disagree. If player is atleast 1000mmr bigger than his opponent; he should win ~70-90% games or more IMO (rune luck can be factor); even if he doesnt mid. Last hitting and zoning, creep techniques are used everywhere unless he just afk jungle all games (unlikelly to attain high mmr with that, tho). Even then, he can see how his mid of simmiliar mmr plays when he is checking for a gank/rune and blah blah.

                                In short : 4000 mid player should lose to 5000-5500 offlane/carry/support player most of the time because he is worse player in many aspects, save for midlaner hero affinity and maybe few aggro tricks that low 4k's are unlikelly to have. Even then those carries can pick heroes like slark/troll; offlaners can puck/windranger/zeus/mirana and so on and so on. Some heroes are quite flexy in terms of lanes.

                                take a look at this 5.5 offlaner. Despite playing mid only 30% of his all games compared to other roles he knows huge chunk of mid stuff (we have same CS; i missed some only when playing aggressive to get kills) save apart hero trade calculations/greedy positioning that lost him the game. IMO he would rolf-stomp most 4000-4500 mids because he uses all that knowledge elsewhere but he can still apply it for mid

                                i know and have plenty of examples like this. It may be luck, but from my experience i can tell that bigger mmr > skill in one lane

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                                jus chillen

                                  ofc mmr means something dude.
                                  im just saying i once almost lost 1v1 mid to a guy 1200 mmr below me.
                                  he had close to same cs and good lane control, only outplayed him on hero control and counting damage and killed him 2 times.
                                  im just saying you can be good in mid, but you can also lack in many thin such as awareness of where the supports are, when to farm up, when to kill, when to push.


                                    Seems like you won against my Shadow Fiend, nice. (: We should play again, I was really on big tilt for the past 2-3 weeks because of this -500 mmr drop I had.

                                    I even stoped with ranked Dota for a while, because I really don't enjoy it anymore..

                                    Anyway, I'm not sayin' your win is not legit, just sayin' I was really on tilt, and we should try it again! :

                                    Still, everything I said in this topic is legit and I'm not wrong.


                                    Yeah, mmr means something for sure.

                                    You can be decent mid in terms of mehanical skills, lane eqalibrium and stuff like that, but the very first moment you leave your mid, you might be as bad as 2k player, and that might be a reason why you're 3k, for example, even if your mid skills are let's say, 4.5k..

                                    Zenoth or someone other 5.6k+ player already said this, I'm just tryin' to tell what he did.

                                    An 5.5k+ player might be bad at laning phase, but laning phase is not "free way to victory +25 mmr".

                                    There's just tons of other stuff.

                                    For example, most of the time I lose games as Shadow Fiend(my best hero) - when I reach +45 min mark.

                                    Because I lack desicion making, patience and I can go on tilt really easy sometime.

                                    I'm tryin' to fix that out, so thats the reason why I don't play ranked now.

                                    I want to face myself that at this moment I'm 3.2k because of ME, and not because of other players.

                                    And I want to be aware of it every fucking minute, not only when I'm calm and cool.

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