General Discussion

General DiscussionTB ICEFRAUD

TB ICEFRAUD in General Discussion
Arek Akashi

    buff TB please , at least this one 4)Illusions damage taken 300% ---> 425% , thanks Icefrog

    1)Reduced movement speed while using metamorphosis
    2)Reflection nerf
    3)str gain nerf
    4)Illusions damage taken 300% ---> 425%
    5)Sunder doesn't mini stun anymore
    6)All Illusions now deal 25% less damage to structures
    7)reducing tower's bounty

    90thThis Month
    Win Rate
    41.67%This Month


    Giff me Wingman

      yeah he kinda got extremely useless.


        That hero needs a buff so badly its sad.


          I was hoping for a buff for him and lycan (new ult suck so bad) this patch, what a joke.


            tb needs a fucking buff


              They rotate heroes out, they rotate them in. Just wait a year or so. And don't pretend he wasn't absurd before the changes.

              Dire Wolf

                he was pretty fucking nuts before the changes. Since devs seem to hate rat doto, just buff his stats so he can manfight better. Bring back old reflection, buff his str back. Leave the illusions puny.


                  oi mate those sweet times when he was added. ez mid ez top ez bot ez jungle ez kills ez ancient.


                    I think he sucks on so many levels now... He needs BADLY more base hp, its idiotic now. And i know im a noob, i might be hated and called names for this, but i really dislike his ultimate. For it to be very effective you need so much hit points, and therefore - items. I think he, as a carry, comes online later than ANY hero in the game.


                      he's ok if you can average 7-800 gpm (then again most heroes would be more than "ok", as TB you fucking HAVE to get that much farm to be relevant at all)

                      good luck doing that against opponents who try to shut you down though, since his backup jungle plan got nerfed so hard

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                        How would you balance him though?

                        He seems like a hero very hard to buff or nerf without breaking him in either direction.


                          Lycan doesn't need a buff jesus christ.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Not really, Reflection is generally a useless spell and Sunder is a disgrace to ultis. So if you buff them the hero may be good without Meta or illus being broken.


                              I agree with Concede, if they actually buffed that shit hero i would quit dota. I consider him a hero that needs a nerf, not a buff.


                                tb is an okay-ish teamfight anti-carry against lineups lacking in bkb-piercing disables like blackhole and rp, since bkb+sunder+eblade reliably one shots nearly anybody

                                reflection is not a bad skill inherently, but the cast range means that tb should never be able to get it off reliably past the laning stage, and for you to even use it late game you need alot of bulk. and adding reflection early does not help with bulk the way adding illusions and mass farming items does.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  They both need higher cast ranges really. For a hero that barely has 1k HP 25 minutes in, getting to 200 range is just a flat out bad play but the skills make you have to do it. Also Reflection needs to be better early on. Make the duration the same at all levels, scale the slow. Especially after the STR nerf getting stats is just way better since you rarely use that spell anyway.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Yeah he'd be pretty easy to buff, make reflection and sunder range 400, make reflection last 4/5/6/7 seconds, buff his base hp to 500. Then he'd be not crap in lane, dunno if he'd be a baller but he'd be a lot better than now and actually hold his own, and you'd see people maxing reflection since it'd actually be good at those durations and range. You'd probably lane and put a few in reflection and meta, then illusions when you transition to farming mode after lane t1 is down.


                                      Give back ms on meta, reduce to naga lvl the damage illusion are taking, is the very least they should do.

                                      Only reason to pick tb, fuck the opposite anti mage ;)


                                        Just remove the movement speed nerf, its so annoying...
                                        And give him like +3 strength on lvl 1, something small...


                                          I remember before I had him on the hero challenge I was dominating so god damn much, and when I had him... fuck. Took like 6 tries because the brain damaged balance team griefed us with buffing Juggernaut.

                                          He shouldn't be that weak in comparison to Clinkz though, what's up with that?