General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre- To diffusal or not to diffusal?

Spectre- To diffusal or not to diffusal? in General Discussion

    Assuming you get radiance, is it better to go for a diffusal blade (what i normally think to do), or should it be skipped, going for manta/heart and eventually going for a skadi?

    which situations would you do one over the other?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Shouldn't be skipped. Gives so much damage and potentional to actually kill heroes in fights (without using 20sec running after them)

      Also, manta before diffisual. With radiance you farm even faster, and diffisual should come up 3-4minutes after u get radiance and manta.


        lol diffusal should be one of the first items unless u get uncontested farm then u go for expensive item possible radiance


          watching a pro game just now in mlg and the spec skipped it, was interested in thoughts

          Arteezy SKILL 2424

            Radiance if you can get it quickly, if not always build fighting spectre (basic: Urn/Drums/Treads core:Diff/Manta/Hearth).

            If you get radiance, like DD said you always buy diffusial after radiance.

            Also if you're playing in 3-4k bracket just focus on farming your items you don't let your teammates force pushes.
            So when you get your beefy items and you can easily wreck supports iin fight than ur playing her right :)

            The Ice Truck Killer

              I don't know much but I remember reading you should get a HP item after radiance


                I'm surprised it isn't normal to go for an HP item immediately after Radiance. You're most likely 20-25mins in and will be squishy as fuck with just a Radiance. I doubt any of your illusions would survive the length of your ulti at that point and you can still pretty much only kill steal when you reality in. Maybe a red smartie or reaver if not going for the full heart straightaway? You're basically sticking two fingers up at Dispersion.

                For fighting Spectre, why Treads and not Phase? Sure attack speed is nice but I favour the gap-closing/escape of phase+spectral dagger over that. I guess if you have Diffusal it is less of an issue.

                And why Manta before Heart for fighting Spectre - I can see it with Radiance Spectre for the increase in farm but again, doesn't a Heart give so much more for a fighting Spectre? Extra Dispersion and extra survivability at the expense of a couple of very squishy illusions?


                  diffusal, treads first, unless ur lane was so good that u got radiance first. then its diffusal-->heart or simply heart/butterfly.


                    i go drums->diffu->radi/manta->hearth, able to gg anytime

                    Giff me Wingman

                      That's why you are 4k trash


                        basically, there are two commonly known spectre builds - via radiance OR via diffusal. If u get diff after radiance, it means that u badly need it cz playing vs omni/ursa/whatever. Otherwise, ppl after radiance usually go for yasha, heart, manta, butterfly, etc.


                          diffusal is great damage and manaburn, sometimes you ulti and after that tide/enigma won't have enough mana for double ulti and you can go in and rekt them

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