^what do you mean?? there is no tinker here dude http://www.dotabuff.com/players/167430025 pure dazzle powa
I would like to see a main support climb into vhs rather than a smurf already detected as vhs playing there.
Anyone with one of those? I main a support and am trying to improve... though I seem to get better results playing sniper and other shit like that.
EDIT: My previous comment was a mess, just deleted it... was looking at wrong accounts and fucked up the whole thread point and shit... so reall comment is above.
well i checked through his games, and they start with normal skill, then a little of high/very high brink and then very high, so i'd say this guy climbed there legit with dazzle.
Idk why you have vh, and i think you neither know it."
if that didnt answer your question - compare my sk trends and other trends on people who play on vhs. Not stacked, just allpick. If that doesnt you what you want - you need just attention.
I work too much to grind my MMR back up and then when I go get a chance to play I play like a 2k player. I have gotten in like 15 matches in 4 months
The difference between me and you is I know when I play like trash and you are far too stupid to comprehend your own failures lol
@Sampson ✔Muted
"you will not get to VH just by dropping down a ward and hoping your team carries u"
But this is exactly how it works for me...
@deljade... how would you know? you spammed different carries in your climb... seen you play a fair bit of enigma... but the most spam was 5 games... wheras your ck, jugg, void, bs, etc etc. spams were 10 games a piece.
@Sampson I know that feeling... Though I've never been good at dota, I wish I had more time to play just for learnings sake.
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