General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin

Templar Assassin in General Discussion

    So say you have a team of 3-4 people that aren't good. What would your item build me? Phase>Drums>Yasha>Situational or Phase>Drums Blink>Situational


      how are you in normal bracket still with those stats in ranked?

      Did you calibrate at 1000 mmr or something?


        i go

        2 branches into bottle into phases into yasha (or blink) into blink into desolator into daedalus/mkb/rapier/bkb/whatever else might be needed at that time

        works all the time majority of the time


          deso rush get it by 10-15 min wreck faces

          the realm's delight

            dont get both drums and blink.
            blink is not needed most of the times but there are some games in which u kinda need it. if u do, get it, if not just go drums yasha

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                build that works majority of time : 2-3 branch+tango, fast bottle, phase+drums by min 10 or so>yasha>desolator>sny/manta>crit/mkb/bkb.
                if you got like 2-4 kills early game and you have a good level advantage, you can buy a fast dagger and just blink+meld supports and just snowball with experience and items.


                  Carry build is cool. Go Aquila treads mom then you can farm like an anti mage and get skadi manta butterfly Daedalus and whatever else


                    way to get trash items on ta

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Recently I've been getting Bottle > Boots > PT > Yasha > Deso and finding it really effective. I rarely get Phase anymore.


                        @Concede, legacy account (so likely not marked as smurf) mixed with his first page of games being full of abandons and a whole load of losses early would have dropped him to like 1.5 to 1k ... (similar to me in that I lost a lot early, dota 2 was my first moba and I had literally no clue what I was doing ... still learning lol D:)

                        I don't play TA much at all (only 2 games in the recent past) but bottle -> phase -> blink feels really strong with the blink/refraction change... I got vipered in both games who maxed poison attack into me early... but 2 seconds of 1 damage instance per second does fuck all to refraction if you invis and they have no detection... it's veno and jakiro you really gotta worry about, if there was veno or jakiro or other decent DoT early hero I'd likely go bottle aquila treads drums yasha deso or something... not really sure tbh... but I'd imagine you'd need to build tankier since you can't rely as much on refraction.

                        You may be able to go treads over phase with blink since you don't really need the chase... that one is a personal preference.


                          ^last line is true i guess


                            This guy clearly belong a lot higher then in normal skill bracket, at least according to his farming skills and KDA's. What was your initial mmr dude and what is it now?


                              if he didn't stack then his mmr has increased by about 2,450 since calibration according to his ranked game played/winrate.

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                                  if you understand how deso work with psi blades and did the math for it you'll find that in almost no circumstance would a deso pickup be inferior to a daedalus pick up (this is from me parsing several competitive matches where TA opted for daedalus over deso, and finding that every single kill would have taken the same or lesser hits than if she opted for a desolator, which is cheaper, and has additional benefits)

                                  combine with how you can finish deso sub 12 minutes in a decent lane and there's close to no reason not to get it at all

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    I like to build
                                    if mid bottle > pt > if i got kills midas then blink if not just blink > deso > situational

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      Deso is core on Lanaya. It's cost effective and mid game orientated. Furthermore synergy with Meld and especially Psi Blades is great. Clearing jungles and ancients becames very easy and you can easily solo Roshan and feed on people with Desolator. You can usually grab Deso by the 15-17 mins if you got an item after upgrading boots (Yasha/Drums) or around 11-13 mins if you are doing straight Deso (which is really strong). I have 80%+ winrate in 151 games with TA in which I bought Deso. Buriza is much stronger item and should be gotten later. (20-25 mins lel)

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        gg for EVER


                                          why would u even buy pt on ta

                                          since shes not a carry more like pickoff splitpush hero who just clears creepwave in 1-2 hits and melts heroes and disapears like nothing happend u don't need attack speed u need burstish damage asap to win both laning stage and killing shit after that

                                          unless ur playing vs some super tanky heroes that will facetank u then attack speed might matter

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            Went from exclusively buying Phase to sometimes Phase sometimes Treads to almost always PT. The benefits of Tread switching are hudge on TA, more Refractions = less deaths, more GPM/XPM. Way easier to solo Roshan with PT. Easier to clear stacks early, especially ancients. Greater DPS in mid/late game.

                                            However Phase has it benefits as well which I'm not gonna talk about because most TA players go Phase anyway.


                                              @Beastmode initial solo mmr was 2k and now is 2.8k Initial for party was 2.1k and now 2.9k