General Discussion

General Discussiontreads mom vs treads armlet on void

treads mom vs treads armlet on void in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    which one do you think is better ?

    EDIT: ill play 3 games on each

    tread armlet :

    helm of iron will gave me some sustain while sapping exp nearby tower because of bh and weaver around.

    tread mom : next faceless game

    Тази тема била редактирана

      tbh, I feel you are trying too hard to make bad items on heroes that doesn't benefit of the item cause it's fun.
      Yes, you can armlet toggle. I could argue armlet could be SOMEWHAT ok in some games, when armlet toggle actually was broken.

      Nononono, no armlet my friend. MoM makes you farm faster. Armlet doesn't make you sustain, nor does it make you farm faster than MoM.

      kanye went to uni

        can someone please answer this quick to set him straight

        thank you

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          Mom gives more AS i believe, lifesteal and movement spead. Armlet is more expensive, drains your hp and you farm slower.


            When I saw Treads+Mom vs. Treads+Armlet I thought you were talking about Sven.

            There's no point in going armlet on void.

            Sven, on the other hand... :D

            Miku Plays

              oh god, but im still gonna try both builds and see it for myself. But thanks for the info everyone

              kanye went to uni

                last time he went no boots maelstrom into brown boots into armlet into helm of dom but his sf and sb carried him so he thinks its fine



                  Btw its "la mayo"

                  kanye went to uni

                    sorry, my mistake

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      You can buy 21 Salves for the money you spend on Armlet.

                      Quick maffs

                        If you want something a bit different on void you can go something like manta diffusal


                          ^ and necrobook

                          casual gamer

                            necrobook void is 2 legit


                              Armlet on agi carry, are you some kind of retarded or sth?

                              Miku Plays

                                ^ just wanted to try new things .. got a problem


                                  ^ Just ignore him, people like him are no fun


                                    ARMLET BEST ITEM ON EVERY HERO DUD
                                    but u dont need power treads on void go phase boots
                                    that is my standard build Keepo

                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                      if u want to try new items mom manta diffu is pretty cool i think

                                      kanye went to uni

                                        beastmode are you x6


                                          i am x6 ba dum tsss