General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Bogi 5k mmr?

Is Bogi 5k mmr? in General Discussion

    Maybe it took way more time than expected but still I managed to do it, I didn`t gave up. Thanks to everyone who believed in me and thanks to all haters as well who didn`t believed love you all guys. Now I m going to sleep happy, see ya tomorrow.


      wow amazing achievement


        finally. now take a break and go ranked when u feel completely relaxed.


          now i can sell your account too if you want, talk to me boi.


            now bogi will stop playing ranked for 1 year

              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
              the realm's delight

                wow :)

                kanye went to uni

                  i believed all the way

                  not really but im still happy for you

                  Miku Plays

                    is this real life? where are the flamerinos


                      I always knew this boy is gonna get 5k, if he relaxes and focus only on his play. Congrats man, well deserved!

                      Mortimer Smith

                        I Believe you don't deserve it, but congrats and enjoy.

                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                          Ah, 5k MMR, the curse in disguise. A tragedy cloaked in the guise of success.

                          Once bogi learns that 5k trashcans are only slightly better than 4k garbage trucks, (or, to put it in matrice's words, "people at 5k still don't know the basics of the game, so in what way is it different from 4k?") he will be very sad that he wasted all that time ranking up his account.

                          2661 ranked matches, I assume he plays solo 90% of the time so well over 2000 solo matches. Then again, if you have nothing better to do with your time, dota is certainly not the worst option.

                          Congrats, but I suppose you'll have to learn this lesson the hard way just like I did. (If I had a time machine I would go back and tell myself from 5 years ago to avoid this game like the plague and go find other games/exciting things to do)

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          Mortimer Smith

                            ^you are on the same way spaming troll and slarky

                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                              Actually I'm way above 5000, but thank you for your useless comment.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                sano I ll actually play today again dunno why you thought of that.

                                qxz Try play Brood without spiders and win 5 in a row at 5k mmr and tell me its easy please :D

                                qiqete I believe you are normal skill and you have no idea about about this game and what you are talking about, but congratz on your normal skill enjoy it as well bro.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  "qxz Try play Brood without spiders and win 5 in a row at 5k mmr and tell me its easy please :D"
                                  by that phrasing you seem to be implying that it is a handicapping build if so why do you even do it.


                                    Because I know how to use its not easy at all at some point is harder than with spiders at the other its not. I will say if you know how to use this build you ll create way more space than with spiders, but spiders push much faster and are anoying people more but this build after you kill people they get so mad because they cant do really anything when you dive tower and kill with 40% slow and 60-80% lifesteal than they all rotate probably you even die but you create so much space as well they buy 2131241 sentries and dusts and they just waste money till your carry free farming and pushing towers.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      It took 1 year and 7 months LoL


                                        and you are yet to get there LoL

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Looks like the little norwegian kid has some mental issues or has issues reading digits. Poor child.


                                            gj bogierino, i knew you could do it, but i thought you'd do it faster, lol

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              another drop to 3k incoming kappa.

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                WeLcOmE BaCk To 4K

                                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                  a years work destroyed in 3 hours

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    If only i also have no life to. Well back to work and planning my wedding day


                                                      like some1 gives a fuck

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        lmfao rip

                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          Congrats, even tho I hated you. But seriously the smurf talkers here full of shit, dem less than 500 game smurf. I'm talking about your Omega, talking like u play'ed dota for years, meanwhile your 2k mmr main is collecting dust.


                                                            If you have that many games and you aren't 6k you're trash, sorry :(


                                                              then most of ppl i know in dota are epic trash, me in the first place.


                                                                Game is hard!


                                                                  rofl i still can sell your account


                                                                    8/10 lost = tilterino


                                                                      Actually 6/8 last 2 are low prio


                                                                        ^ my bad




                                                                            maybe bogi u should reach 5.5k first so you can compensate your 'tilt-loses' :3


                                                                              spiderlings ftw?

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                4.9k, damn son

                                                                                We only need bogi to claim that he is a 5k player despite being 99.9999999999% of the time in 4k bracket, then we have benao 2

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  And than we have a Blunt who don`t even show his profile mmr for more than a year because he is a insecure pus sy inside his body that can`t take his mmr like a man :)))

                                                                                  Sup m8

                                                                                    And then you got low prio. Haha.


                                                                                      shitty mmr

                                                                                      Krazy Kat

                                                                                        Congratz BOGI.


                                                                                          u go bogi 6k next


                                                                                            dude stop playing spectre u suck with that hero

                                                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                              i'm actually kind of glad i don't see people like him often in my matches, if i had shitters who insta-called safelane with high 4k mmr every single game i wouldn't bother trying to win ever

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                God i finally know now what Bogi had to go through. I calibrated at 4.5k on this account which is now my main and games are just like WTF. Yes, people know how to farm descently, but they are so damn egoistical and stupid. Pretty much 0 game logic and how to focus and execute in fights. They just run around like headless chicken doing nothing. I will get to 5k in time, i hope soon since i'm losing my mind playing this shitty games atm.

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman


                                                                                                  You are still in 4k?


                                                                                                    bogi 4856.

                                                                                                    Soon 6k :cheeky:


                                                                                                      Yeah, i sucked as i was calibrating recently (lots of support playing which i'm trash with) and had bad luck with people abbandoning too, so gg. Yesterday got 4.5k, how i'm i supposed to get 5k in one day dude :D


                                                                                                        I tryed some casual first Sf pick didn`t worked out need to try hard again because otherwise ranked you can`t win :D You pick Sf other team pick Lina,Lion,Axe,Troll and Jugger good luck have fun! :D