General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to learn Elder Titan

I want to learn Elder Titan in General Discussion

    So i know hes mostly shit in pubs but i still see the hero in the pro scene and i just want to get a few tips on him. I know hea mostly a team coordination hero.

    Item build
    Good/bad against
    Lane position
    Better solo or dual laning

    Thanks in advance.


      elder titan-solo off

      If you are passively laning, maximize 2nd spell; if you are about early rotation, stun is your core skill and u can take the spirit just lvl1.
      you can rush soul and abuse 2nd spell to farm without risking your life. you can also try to stack and later kill closest neutral camp, but its dangerous.
      in most cases, you do not need ult on lvl6, postpone it till later. Also, many people do not invest more than one point in ult untill lvl24, although I personally disagree.

      Items: PT/arcanes/tranqs; drums; mek/pipe; forcestaff/eul; shiva/ac; halebard; Scythe of Vyse
      Good with: Shadow Fiend, Naga Siren, Slardar, Mirana, Void
      Bad against: everything that is fast enough and can kite poor elder. Also juggernaut, troll and sniper (sounds familiar, eh? thats why ET became even less picked recently)

      Solo laning is preferable

      There also exists an idea to go into trilane supp, but im not rly aware of build details and stuff here.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        he is good solo 1vs1, and he can be used to counter high armor heroes, but he is not the greatest hero now, and i think he needs to be played in synergy with some other hero like magnus, dark seer, or void in order to really maximize potential.


          max w and e take 1 lvl in sleep
          items get arcanes/ pt forestaff drums hex
          good offlane, can throw spirit get like 100 dmg and kill supports/ carry
          better vs lots of units
          good vs agi heroes
          bad vs heroes that get armor not from agi.


            Thanks for the tips, ill try some games tonight. And yeah he gotta synergise with aoe stuns to get his ult off. Since axe is virtually in every games he could be brought back in a future patch with a few buffs i guess.


              items are movement speed items

              basicly tranquils euls sangeyasha drums for 522 ms cuz ur spirit becomes same speed as u are

              then skill build max ur spirit and aura if need damage boost if need cc can keep spirit lvl 1 and go for max stun aura

              never skill ulti above lvl 1 until lvl 24