General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Builds

Troll Builds in General Discussion

    I go Phase>Aquila>HoTD>S&Y>BKB>Skadi

    Sometimes instead of skadi I get mkb if there is PA or something.

    In a couple of games I got AC because I needed more armor.

    So pretty much after I get bkb should I get AC, MKB/Daedalus or Skadi?

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      Insert BKB as required




        Bottle (if mid) - Phase - Aquila - HoTD - S + Y (only if before 20 mins)- BKB (only if required) - Daedelus - Skadi - Heart or Satanic

        Miku Plays

          Starting items : RoP, circlet, x2 branch, tango

          Rush morbid then either get basi ( armour ) or wraith ( damage ), this lets you afk farm jungle and lane easily.

          Early Game: basi/aquila, phase, morbid, crystalys.

          As usual farming and pushing, helping team when theres teamfight nearby. Roshan is waiting

          Mid Game: basi/aquila, phase, daedalus, blink/sb,morbid

          Look for pickoffs, take roshan, farm more, take t2 and t3.

          Late Game: phase, daedalus, sb/blink, bkb, satanic, skadi/mkb


            I have the same build as OP but my starting items are: Stout, RoP, Branch, Tango (625) gold.

            Ability build:
            1 0 0 0
            1 4 1 1
            4 4 1 2
            4 4 4 3

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              ^(hatsuke miku)i gringe every time is see some silly advice and then i look at the players profile: NORMAL MFING SKILL

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                You have a Normal Skill game from 2 days ago.

                Miku Plays


                  OP asks for troll builds, i just stated how i build my troll warlord


                    hm, usually


                    tango/salve/qb + stout at side shop
                    phase + sb, OoV + pb

                    then ill usually finish skadi but if i want more dmg then i might go crit, if i want mediocre dmg and more mobility then a yasha

                    or if i need to rush bkb then ill do that after a casual pb for mana sustain

                    i get lifesteal later as i find skadi gives me enough durability/chase , sb gives me enough intiate/escape and recently ive been focusing more on ganking/being aggressive which interrupts my focus when stacking with hotd.


                      Make a fucking cristalis early, it's so broken on troll, the only reason not to make one is when you have to buy mkb asap

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                      Miku Plays

                        ^ guess matrice approves my build


                          phases > dominator > sangeyasha>skadi>if u didint win by then u shouldnt even play with troll


                            fix: phases > dominator > sangeyasha>skadi>if u didint win by then u shouldnt even play dota


                              nah sometimes u just cant win cuz of retards but troll is so op that even with retards u should win if played properly

                              Dire Wolf

                                Depends on what enemy has.

                                Woods troll dire just get qb and stack medium camp with cliff exploit. Get dominator and at level 6 go solo rosh. Radiant side go tango, stout shield, qb. Same thing, at level 6 minimum and dominator go solo rosh. You need a creep to help you and don't forget to smoke.

                                Lane troll I go tango, healing pot, ring of prot, circlet. Build phase, morbid mask next if I'm getting harassed, otherwise aquila then dominator.

                                From there you have to make choices depending on enemy team. If you know you need to fight stunners in the next 10 mins rush bkb. If you're getting free farm, they don't have much stun, you can slaughter them with dps cus maybe your team has a tide or axe or something to set you up rush a crystalis. Default for me is s&y though and then bkb.

                                Then I choose between daedulus or mkb usually. Mkb is very underrated and not just needed for PA and evasion heroes. Remember you can pop ranged form and still bash people with it so it's extremely useful for finishing off runners and interrupting casters.

                                Skadi's ok but overrated unless they have a ton of shit to burst you down. You really don't need the slow with your ranged whirl axes and maim procs and doing more dmg keeps you living with lifesteal. With bkb and s&y you already have over 1600 hp at level 16. I like skadi as a 5th or 6th item after phase, dominator, s&y, bkb, daedulus/mkb, maybe butterfly, then a skadi or satanic.


                                  Fucking troll pickers make me sick.


                                    pick trololol win doto


                                      You don't need tango in radiant wood


                                        ^ you also dont need in dire if you go on the cliff

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          "^ you also dont need in dire if you go on the cliff"

                                          I know that, that's why I said different stuff for radiant and dire. Pray tell good sirs, how do you woods radiant minus tangos and shield? Or do you get shield?

                                          I have tried going fervor and range pulling creeps but for me the 1 point in Q build with stout and tangos works better for radiant. For dire only qb and doing the cliff pulliing works slightly better.


                                            When i pick troll i dont

                                            Mortimer Smith


                                              WHAT DI FUCK IS DIS HIRO?


                                                I like the Sb build a lot, although i generally hate the item ... you can find nice pick offs and accelerate your farm.
                                                Haven't built a Skadi on him yet. i prefer Butterfly for some reason.


                                                  @timber, no tango no shield, radiant


                                                    axe in wood ? wtf, no wonder you wrote that he isn't the most efficient.

                                                    You should not take those axe before lvl 7-8, and you can almost completely skip them when wooding
                                                    3-1-3-1-3-4-1-1-2-3 is my usual buiild in wood, and it's faster than jugg wood (before his nerf) and jugg wood (before his nerf) was faster than tb wood (before his nerf)

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      Look at all this troll pickers, kill urself yall


                                                        People calling people "troll pickers", are people who can'y play troll... :)

                                                        They probably have problems switching melee/range.

                                                        Btw I played some legacy dota, and I find troll to be A LOT harder to play in warcraft 3, fristly because of hotkeys, secondly, the morph is so buggy when it comes to commands (I remember it being buggy but this... :D)...
                                                        You can't instantly use range axes after switching to range, and then going back in melee.
                                                        And if you change from melee to range, he will first aproach target and then start to throw his axes from melee range. (unless you manually override)
                                                        Casting ulty and axes interrupts you if you were attacking.

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          @rich homie

                                                          Whats the use of early branch though? Anyway, gonna try this one soon.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Yeah that's not a great build but that was an older patch looking at rosy location before the troll fervor fix. But if that cliff part works that's essentially the same as dire side.


                                                              ok... i play #1 troll at mid 4k's mmr. Few more wins in row and i will prob go to top 100list.

                                                              i know most people see him as #2 mid but i will focus on what works for me.

                                                              start with qb/stout and tango. if you really need early stats for some reason you can get wraith band and get aforementioned items in side shop. I never needed aquilla; i am conservative with my mana. Also i always jubgle so qb is for faster jungling. Finish poor mans at sideshop asap for anti-harass and damage to poke offlaners harder. if you dominate your lane you can either get midas (good item for troll) vlads (deso vlads allows faster rosh and faster pushing when you want to end game fast) or just get faster sny. Sny route is usually the best bet overall. usually after pms i get Hoiw, then boots and finish hod+phase.

                                                              i know that many better players tend to get lifesteal as 4th/5th item but i am too used to manfightning and constant jungling -bottle is not enough for me. xbost leaves plain morbid mask himself.

                                                              when you got sny kill rosh even with no wolf and without much fret - you can take hits and dont need to rely on ult or micro too much.

                                                              get bkb next; you will buy this item in 90-95% games or so. sometimes you can swap it for linkens or manta. sometimes...

                                                              then grab skadi, finish satanic and end game. if needed; get butterfly or mkb if you need damage.

                                                              Troll doesnt need damage items - as long he is alive he will dish ton of dmg. Just tank up.

                                                              i used to do hod-crustalys-bkb-daedalus-satanic build A LOT and for LONG TIME but skadi build is like 2x easier. Both work, tho.

                                                              hod-sny-crystalys-bkb-deadalus sounds like midgame rapist build. it plays like that XD

                                                              i noticed that some top 100players like to get butter and mkb asap; sometimes they skip skadi. I need some clarification on this myself; dont have balls like that anymore. Love muh movespeeds and hp now...

                                                              blink is also good item when they got many escapes...

                                                              you can grab early OOV but i tend to avoid ii as i am tight on slots for aegis and yada yada

                                                              shafoeblade isnt that good imo. so is meda as other can grab it. drums are good item; esp. on mid troll.

                                                              mjolnir might work sometimes as a farming and dps item. Sounds weird but it works; had some 850gpm games with it XD

                                                              battlefurry looks good on paper as dps and anti iluusion item but sadly i havent tried it so cant comment on it :(


                                                                Don't finish the sange, buy cristalis, ggwp through more damage you healed more than the hp of sange.
                                                                (not to mention the people you killed earlier that cann't damage anymore). -and you can continue without finishing it into daedalus for a while-
                                                                There's nothing more annoying than a core that don't deal damage...

                                                                And no, you are right troll is a #1, even if played middle. it's way too greedy to put som1 more farm needed than troll with troll.


                                                                  Ya, i totally agree with matrice right here cause i learned that the hard way. Going for S&Y after phase+hotd is ok, but you really lack dmg. Getting crystalis after yasha really pays off and you start to hit like a truck even with 2k gold worth damage item.


                                                                    matrice; whats the point of plain yasha if you wont be upgrading it? drums are better then...

                                                                    manta isnt THAT great on troll nor can be bought every game; even moreso after fervor illusions nerf


                                                                      ^you get sny after cristalis, you are not going just yasha all game ofc.
                                                                      he just says early cristalis is way more damage than early sny. (basically same gold)


                                                                        i tried it and its super op (enemies were potatoes though)

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          @blackwolf, looking at your games your items seem fine and normal, but that post... midas on troll? wtf. I would report any troll who builds a midas in my games.

                                                                          Better players get lifesteal as a 5th item? What? Almost every single troll rushes morbid mask.



                                                                            manta is mostly bought on troll as bkb alternative when they lack hard disables and have silences/have only 1-2 disjointable stuns. It's not an item you want in every game. Also troll doesnt buy many stat items (deadalus/mkb/phase and such) so his illusions aren't as strong as some morphling ones. Sny gives more hp and movespeed; also maim.


                                                                            troll likes early levels - be it nukes or faster 6/11/16; more stats. It's not like he scales badly with items, either or has some flash farming ability like sf/am/morph/dusa. That item was suggested by one of the 5.5k guys in gamefaqs; i tried it in ~50games or so; had great results; some 950GPM games. Its WAY better than russian shadowblade build....

                                                                            many good players often frown upon lifesteal rushing; it's general opinion no matter the hero. Only ursa and lycan are said exections... It's just something i memorised. But i do it myself on troll; shame on me. One of the top 30 trolls in reddit also said he prefers bottle over HOD; he gets sata by endgame...

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              bottle over hotd and rosh at lvl 25, amirite.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Yeah but midas delays all your core items so much. For a hero that is primed to fight at like level 8 why go midas? You could get a crystalis for a few bucks more.


                                                                                  troll cant really fight with no bkb; so you want it ir not; 20-25min no real teamfightning unless you want to be blown up by few nukes as high priority target..

                                                                                  also very few heroes can fight lategame troll so i fail to see why midas is bad. You are not clinkz. You dont need specific timings. You will rice for some time as pushing or fightning can be risky sometimes and you cannot die. Like it or not you will spend lots of time killing creeps and midas accelerates farm.

                                                                                  i stopped going midas revently because i have idiots to carry and better become online ASAP. But with decent team you can trust you can go midas.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Well there's the rub. Pub play probably doesn't lend itself to midas building. And midas takes a very long time to recoup your investment. If you go yasha instead you move faster, farm quicker. Takes a while for midas to catch up to that.


                                                                                      Seriously though why does no one like Maelstrom on Troll, it's so good


                                                                                        ^Because he farms fast enough already, got a free mjolnir with his ult and fervor? Theres better items for him like movement speed, survivability, damage.

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                                                                                          Because life leech is broken on troll (at least on the build with damage ^^)