General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussion) Storm Itemization

Discussion) Storm Itemization in General Discussion

    So, I played about 62 games with storm. Have played various match-ups except OD.
    This was generally my itemization in terms of Early to mid game. I still don't know if getting treads first or orchid first is better.

    This is what i generally build - pls tell me the flaw of this build, and suggestions are always good :)

    Starting : Tangoes (Sometimes shared if my team is generous enough) + 3 branches
    Laning Stage : Rush Bottle -> Brown Boots -> 2 Robes of the Magi (+12 intelligence which I will use them to make orchid) -> orchid -> treads -> Bloodstone -> (BKB If needed although I dont like to go on this hero) -> Sheepstick etc.....

    I honestly don't know what is better, getting treads first, or getting a faster orchid? And is Skadi an item on this hero?
    edit 1) When do u get BS first, and when do u get orchid first? I heard Getting BS first is a little gamble (dangerous?)

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      i used to rush orchid but these past days i played with pt first and i think its way better. u have way more kill potential and farm speed with +30 as and treadswitching. last game i got pt into orchid in 16 min compared to 17 min orchid rush (mb i just suck)
      dont buy skadi ever. u need mana regen. if u need dmg u can go raw dmg items like mkb against pa and for hp u have bloodstone which is enough in general. i always go orchid first since if u die once with bs rush its fucking horrible


        I go on 2 builds , bs rush or orchid
        if bs first i go : 2 x ggbranch +1 or 2 pulled tango rush bottle boots soulring into treads into bloodstone , u go this build u get huge farm potential but u sacrifice ur killing potential , with this build go 2 0 4 1 at 7 2 1 4 1 at 8 then max remanant , only go for fights ur sure u will win, after bs u have high kill potential

        Build 2 : go null + tango + 1 or 2 pulled tangoes bottle boots treads 2 robes into orchid into bloodstone , this give u huge kill potential , almost always u can kill mid at 6 , 1 1 4 1 at 7 , then max remanant or pull depending on ur needs , if u chose pull get it to lvl 3 then max remanant.

        I saw that build number 2 is better for pubs , huge pickoff potential.

        Against od u can win the lane but killing him is hard , comunicate for a gank , make sure his astrals fade from u then bate his astral and kill him ez with any kind of stun,slow , abuse his astral use remanants to farm he astral u once or twice fill ur mana with bottle , after orchid he is pretty much food.
        this is a game against od check

        Skadi is amazing but situational , if u need the ms / as slow against bkb heroes and u need to tank a bit its pretty amazing

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          Thanks bois

          casual gamer

            treads first lets you use more remnants, plus you kill jungle camps and heroes faster