General Discussion

General DiscussionNew dota please help advice

New dota please help advice in General Discussion
sosi u pacanov

    Hello friends my name is Kirill. I recently move to Canada to save life ( originally from Ukraine) and to pursue education. I play little dota 2 (play dota 1 with friends long time ago) and i have a few questions to ask you friends.
    Firstly, what is this mmr everybody talking about. I play dota, and i have no number next to name (everybody has number, just not me).
    Secondly, how to win dota if team is bad? I not say i am good or pro, but some games i play and see that both enemy and my team very bad players. In game like this, i try, but sometimes try is not enough. How to win these kind of games?
    Thank you friends for having time to read this. I am new player, no troll. I hope good player read this and give little advice to i become good player.


      you need to be level 13 to get assigned an MMR (match making rating). It's about 100 games.

      you're currently in very high skill after 10 games played. this means the system has "smurf detected" you and you are now playing with other smurfs for now, until you get more games played.

      while you may not be a smurf, and possibly came from dota1, the system thinks you are. so until you get a lot more games completed you will be playing with a lot of other smurfs. it's easy to get placed highly with smurfs so you may have teammates that the system thinks is good, but are actually bad because they are smurfing.


        The only way to improve at Dota is to play a lot, to never give up, even if you have lots of loses in a row, don't worry.Just play.Watch how pros are playing. Download replays from professionals.