General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people buy accounts?

why do people buy accounts? in General Discussion

    Why do people pay money so they can feed in brackets that are way above their skill?

    Pom Pom 🍕

      Because most people have the idea that they belong in a much higher bracket (despite very rarely being the case).


        But that still doesn't make sense to me. If you think you belong in a higher bracket, that means you're stomping most of the games you play, in which case you'll rise to a higher bracket over time.

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Have you not seen all the people complaining about their teams? Like "losing mmr because my team always sucks", that's very common to hear, especially in dotabuff.

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            cuz dumbasses thats why


              they keep saying "bla bla i'm better shit teammates" and when they play in a bracket like 500 mmr above theirs they feed like retards.
              i played in a 5 random people stack, 2k instapicks mid and feeds, funny thing is we were all 4k and he was like 2.8k

              EZ MID 9k mmr

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                    people buy accounts due to exaggerated self-esteem that doesn't let them admit the reality in form of the mmr they get.


                      Because most of people think that they can not boost their MMR because of bad teammates, not because they are not good enough.

                      Too bad that easiness with which 5k player can gain MMR even on 1k (no wards, no cour, no basical game understanding, mid or feed Pudge having boots and bottle on 20th minutes and 1-8-2, etc) shows how wrong they are.


                        because people are retarded and fyyq apears and gets their money
                        its funny to see 2 accs you sold 6months ago 5.2k / 5k mmr
                        dropped to 3.6k/4k atm :D

                        this will never stop live with it..

                        bum farto

                          I payed for my account that's why I am on a losing streak.

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                              i am the best to answer this question:

                              becuz we feel we deserve more mmr
                              but we hit 4600 mmr and play with some ( durty avatar manga elites)
                              then we lose and lose again and we think its becuz we are unlucky or steam is against us( prob true)
                              and we lose and lose and get back to 3.8k where we realise people as vengeful spirit cant hit STUN in time. and thatttt make me madddddddddddddddddddddd


                                i mean your hero is ONE HERO . how hard is it to control this shit. in wc3 you have to control many units. in dota 2 you have one unit to control. even a mentally challenged kid can get to very high tier if he try enough.

                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  why do people buy high ranked accounts?
                                  why does ehug want to scrim against eg?

                                  such are the mysteries of life


                                    god ur avatar .. i hate you alrdy


                                      i em 2100 i buy this acaunt for 35 dolores.


                                        NIce bArgAin


                                          I pay 100 american dollar to buy 1300 mmr account from Pedro from Peru. He said this 1 year of hard work, i blive and pay and now enjoy very high skill game.


                                            Pedro Lord of Peru


                                              because very occasionally some people do belong in a higher bracket

                                              might be supports who stack and shit but their carries don't make use of them blablabla but in high 4k/5k game people make use of it. or ragers who have the potential to be decent but get so extremely mad they play like potatos

                                              most players just suck though

                                              plz do

                                                just cracked 4k mmr, selling my account for a billion $.


                                                  "Why do people pay money so they can feed in brackets that are way above their skill?"

                                                  Most people learn more when they play with players that are better than them selves as opposed to playing with trash.

                                                  pengu >> "might be supports who stack and shit but their carries don't make use of them blablabla"

                                                  lol. the legendary hen or chicken question. if you stack creeps for carries that dont farm them than you really suck. Basic communication would avoid that kind of bad play. But if you dont even communicate you probably belong where you are.

                                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                    hen or chicken tell me more


                                                      half of them don't even play on them.
                                                      they just use it to brag about it to their friends.


                                                        Im 3.7kmmr, but when i play on pubs, everybody uses 4k as an insult, most are around 5k and up, and i hold my weight pretty good..

                                                        Still, i never considered buying an acc since i already went from 2180 mmr to 3700 on my own (65% ranked winrate)... the thing is, to raise your mmr drastically, you need to improve drastically, i did it before but now i dont have the time to invest in gathering data, watching replays, learning the new big deal heros of the moment, etc.

                                                        IMO you get the mmr you deserve if you play with your main acc with no smurfing, theres no excuses, i climbed from 2k as necro roaming support/ganker, not carry or mid, so playing sup is no excuse for not raising mmr.

                                                        Acc buyers are like smurfs abusing the calibration system, they have a fictional mmr, not a gained one, they dont comprehend the logics behind the mmr they actually are, that john clese video posted above explains it too good, they are bad but they cant realize how bad they are.

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