General Discussion

General DiscussionBan/Dodge List App for Dota2

Ban/Dodge List App for Dota2 in General Discussion

    Decided to keep this to myself when I first saw it. Creator messaged me on reddit privately and let me see it before he made it public. Le Reddit didn't take kindly to it so most people don't know about it.

    I personally don't use it, cause I'm lazy and its not thaaaat necessary before you hit around 4.5k imho (if i mute someone i never want to play with them again, but this will allow for more nuanced dodging of players depending on the situation).

    This is also particularly useful for tracking people by steam ID rather than names which can be changed (for all those meepo pickers that try to hide who they are).

    DL link -

    Тази тема била редактирана

      if i used this 1 week later i couldnt play a single game anymore cuz i would have to dodge half of the europe server

      i mean if i ban people for picking pudges whatnot

      this is so retarded even people with down syndrome are smarter than this

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        i think i am in half of 5k+ players mutelist


          L M A O


            If I was in 5k, I would probably use it to dodge meepo pickers on my enemies team.

            The best part about it is you can mute someone to add them to your dodge list, but then you can have a recorded reason as to why you muted them, so you can know if you should actually dodge or not.


              What a completly retarded " app " if that is even the name for that idiot thing you just made me watch it litereally Does nothing.
              you can just make a text file then add the name. and use SEARCH! and viola! same shit. built into windows ^^


                this and concede are 2 things I absolutely disagree, and I think valve should have harsher punishments for dodgers



                  actually it goes by steam ID not names making it capable of tracking people when they change names. However you are completely daft if you think it is easy to parse through a text file manually in time to dodge.


                    and what do u do when person has private profile ?


                      The point is that he mutes people anyhow making the "app" point-less. In a sence he "invented" copy paste and search.


                        A private profile wont stop you from searching by their profile through the recent players window. Even if they haven't set up a steam profile, they still have a steam ID you can track.

                        the app is more for knowing the reason why you muted. Maybe you are 5k and don't like losing to devilish's meepo. You mute him, and the app will tell you it is devilish even if he changes his name.

                        and again, I personally dont use it.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          hue app >:D


                            You could just copy paste the same steam link to a text file and wirte the reason next to it, then find the link in your text file using CTRL+F and it would do the same as this app.

                            I'm sorry to say but I don't see why anyone would use this over a simple txt file.

                            P.S. never understood dodging either, everyone has bad games


                              some people have many bad games....

                              as for text files, it is convenience.


                                ppl that dodge in rmm are the worst kind of people


                                  le dodges


                                    Everyone viewing this as an app used by some cheap bastard to avoid difficult opponents.

                                    However, it can also be used to avoid horrible teammates who are either bad or flamers. I do not think there is anything wrong with the latter. Why would I intentionally play with someone that I know will ruin my game?


                                      if someone dodges in ranked

                                      allchat > report dodger

                                      > watch him get low priroity/mute right after the dodge

                                      MASS PROFIT


                                        baba yaga: Instead you waste everyone else's time. I always report dodgers and I always get my reports back so it seems to be working.


                                          Is a habitual intentional feeder that throws games not also wasting everyone's time, except more of it?


                                            You are not preventing that from happening by dodging. He will just end up in another game.


                                              you can use reports before dodging, though I see the point you are trying to make.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                That's a lot of work to check why you banned a player.
                                                It is possible to extract steamids once you receive "Match has been found" and parse it through a program to check if they are in a party or if the steamid is on your banlist which I personally use and won't share due to reasons.

                                                Whoever made this program just has no clue what he is doing and basically makes it annoying to check if someone is on your ban list or not instead of having it automated, lmao.



                                                  thats like saying you should walk around carrying tons of money even if you know theres robber in the vicinity, cause even if you don't, he would rob someone else anyway.

                                                  thats some retarded logic out there. if i know someone is a game ruiner, why should I be at fault for dodging (i already get the 5 min penalty). saying i have to knowingly remain in a game with someone shitty is ridiculous......................


                                                  you understand how nonsensical what you just said sounded, right?


                                                    No, you are just being an idiot baba yaga.

                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                      Does this Concede guy even do anything else than hating on other people for irrational reasons?


                                                        isnt the pentalty increases for every dodge ?


                                                          For someone who has missed a game or dodged before, it will go up to a starting point of 8 minutes. Dodging more than once in 24 hours usually leads to the penalty going up to 30 minutes. I think it can go as high as 24 hours.

                                                          However the penalty resets after 24 hours.

                                                          Essentially you get a free 8 min penalty dodge every 24 hours.



                                                            Glad you realized how stupid you were seeing as how you can't even come up with anything to respond with. If I know there is a game ruiner, there is nothing wrong with avoiding said game ruiner. Please learn to st fu if you're just gonna make another snide remark with nothing related to the topic ;)


                                                              baba yaga your analogy was the dumbest thing I have ever heard on Dotabuff. It is completely irrelevant to what I said.


                                                                is baby yaga your real nick? I need to know so I can give you credit when I quote you


                                                                  so u can only dodge twice a day ? lol

                                                                  i mean before u get "severe" punishments


                                                                    To my knowledge. I have never been so bold as to dodge after getting a 30 minute penalty.


                                                                      I can simply create a list on Microsoft Excel and use the "Find" button to see the reason why I muted that player

                                                                      im so bad at artifact

                                                                        Seems kind of pointless, especially seeing as how you still have to manually mute the player.

                                                                        I could bang out a tool that would allow you to simply mute players you want to ban in game. When you close dota, it updates your voice_ban.dt file, and the program would watch for changes. It could then detect any newly-banned players, and prompt you for a ban reason.

                                                                        Best of all, since all it does it watches a file, you could run it on another machine and access the file over the network, making it completely undetectable if Valve were to try to vac ban something like that.

                                                                        Future versions could have a sharing feature, I guess.

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          dodging is barely a thing anymore