General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't focus when I'm playing

Can't focus when I'm playing in General Discussion

    I can't focus while playing dota in my skill level, i played many games in normal skill with friends and i am kinda calmer and don't care much when i play with them. Now i tried playing couple of games alone in my skill level and I am totally lost. I don't farm is well as i used to, don't position well in team fights and I'm not very aware of what the enemy or enemies are capable of in certain situations. I would like some advice on that and also If you can give me some tips for playing mid lane. TY!


      Having similar issue in vhs games while stacked. I feel nervous, do stupid mistakes which i wouldn't do even on my level and feed.


        dont play cores, play support only

        not only will you win more, your vision of the game will adjust and you will stop ruining peoples games!


          I'm the worst at supporting, i would get lost even more...


            I had a similar experience when stacking with friends and also when started playing after a 2 months break, it takes time to adjust but after a while you should be back on your feet, you can also analyze your replays.


              yeah I think it will be ok with time, ill watch the replays too. Good point, ty.


                pls dont go mid
                go jungle or something