General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if i can add futures in the game!

What if i can add futures in the game! in General Discussion
Dark Mango

    1) Searching your MMR matches by position you play (core,support). Not able to find match with more then 3 cores.
    2) Take off the option to choose random hero in MMR matches (or abolish the bonus gold idea). Lets not gamble our games.
    3) Language preferences actually works
    4) Using the detailed dota players statistic to search matches with the players with similar experiance (ofc with your mmr). Dotabuff can sort players more accuracy then valve.
    5) Option to find the good old "solo match" if you remember that :)
    6) If you play with prediction gem you find a stack of players who also have prediction gems. Lets go to try hard mode.
    7) Instant low priority for feeding with purpose. Staying afk too.
    8) GG button when 5 players agree not less then 5!
    9) If you play CM the player with highest MMR become captain. Not the best idea i know. But you dont want to spam the button or to flame your internet when you dont become captain.
    10) You cant unpause, when some other player pause at least for 1 min. Why they force us to dc?
    11) Ingame Manner protocol. You want Dota 2 to become sport. Then we need an eticket for our behavior.

    I'm sorry for my bad English. Hope that you folks will understand what i wrote there. I wish you GL HF.

    P.S. If you want change in Dota start with yourself.


      1) Unlike WoW, in DOTA there are much more roles than just two or three.
      7) It's often hard to tell is someone feeding on purpose or just bad.
      8) If you are the only one to disagree, you'll get four reports from your teammates for bad behavior. =)

      P.S. "Futures" => "features".

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      Dark Mango

        Ty for the feedback
        1) I think your right here. Mb at least people to be able to choose offlane carry mid support and some random 5th position.
        7) I mean when someone tell to your team "I start to feed" and go to suicide
        8) Y i cant comment that mb 8 is not needed. Especialy the fact that some people are throwing a big % of their games by overextending.