General Discussion

General Discussioncould you do jungle PA? (and other weird junglers)

could you do jungle PA? (and other weird junglers) in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Could you woods PA if you go quelling blade, stout shield, and blur, strike, blur, strike, blur, ult build? Rush morbid mask, treads, then aquila to maintain strike spam?

    I think her dmg output would be pretty shitty but with evasion plus stout shield she should take very little damage.

    Other potential junglers, medusa and luna. I have tried both of these in bot matches on dire using the medium camp cliff spot. Medusa was pretty easy to do, you max split shot and snake, use both to farm, rush mask of madness. Pretty easy, just have to be sure not to miss stacking that cliff camp or your screwed since she's so squishy early and low dmg output. Farm and levels weren't actually that bad, not nearly as fast as a troll mind you, but not as bad as I expected, probably on like a lifestealer jungle level.

    Luna was much harder cus of her short range. Also the jungle luna build kinda stinks cus you are maxing glaives and her dmg boost over beams so she doesn't get a strong ult til like 16. You're very much comitting to farming only for a long time since your team fight will suck. Luna started much slower, was harder to stack the cliff camp with her short range. She kept trying to run back down the hill to attack unless I forced her to move close enough on the ledge. Once I got to level 6 with like 0/3/3/0 build and a morbid mask though farm picked up a ton.

    Both heroes I bought quelling blade only and rushed morbid mask. Dusa I went mom then phase boots, luna I went treads then finished dominator. I think medusa could definitely work in a real game if team was on board. Luna I don't cus you skip beam to jungle, probably her best fighting skill. If you spec beam you simply won't have enough dmg to jungle at all. I kinda want to try a mom luna build too but that's probably suicide.

    What about some other possibliities? Clinkz with his searing arrows? Drow with her nice range/slow and her passive dmg boosters?

    I'm gonna try sven maxing cleave and wk maxing crit and vamp but I think they'll be far too slow. Tide sounds fund too with smash and shell but again I don't think he'll have the dps until maxed anchor.

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      you can jungle with anything
      1st level bristleback+od easy jungle cleaning since 1st min


        ^ worst advice i've ever heard


          ^thanks, i appreciate that



            I jungled jugg once, was flamed hard


              dusa can jungle pretty fast, much faster then life stealer about the same speed as NP for the fist 6-7 minutes, then faster. you don't need to cliff jungle, or at least you don't need to only cliff jungle since you are ranged and you can take a level in mana shield you can take very little damge from creeps, you can also start farming 2 camps at once or stacks as soon as you get level 5 and some cheep DPS items (u will need a QB to brake trees). if your HP and mana are low early on just buy something and suicide to neutrals.

              the issue is that you will spend a lot of time at low HP so you can get ganked. since you r a carry so you can really mess your team up if you fall behind. also she gets more farm out of safe lane, and even more out of mid if you stack for yourself, even more then that if you go safe and ur supports stack.

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                it should have been long ago; now i see jungling jugg rather often.
                once i played with roaming support jugg, and it worked. although the pair of supports we had that game (jugg roaming #4 and wk laning #5) doesnt seem rly viable tbh.


                  Dunno, I've never seen it before. I just said to myself that it should be possible with the wards. It is a bit slower than in lane, but you do get your items.
                  Just to stay on topic, I don't think that you can jungle PA. She can barely jungle with morbid mask.

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                  < blank >

                    Jungle Terrorblade try it out

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                      Fyi I had to jungle tide one game with his dps starting out from level one it was kinda slow prolly guess I had a little more farm than a position 4 but less than a 3 and we lost most lanes so didn't wrk for me.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I used to jungle TB all the time, I don't think that's that unusual. I mean it's like jungling troll or jug, happens a lot, just far fewer people play TB so masses are less informed. However that guide is from 6.82 and he was pretty nerfed in 6.83 (illusions take a lot more dmg). I think it's a lot harder now.

                        @12 you only cliff jungle that first camp, make sure it stacks at min 1. You will probably kill it three times before you rotate and be almost to morbid mask. However I am kind of wondering if morbid mask -> mom is the best jungle option for her anyway. Going a wraith band or yasha or maelstrom early might be faster.

                        What about jungle sniper? Lol I know it sounds retarded but all of these ideas are just spitballing, not supposed to be min/max strats. With max take aim and headshot you can pew pew all the camps from range and not take any dmg and headshot beefs your auto attack pretty decently. Shrapnel cd is too long I think to be viable, plus the creeps run out of it so you won't do full dmg. With good placement you can do nearly full dmg, but won't hit for all unless you tank dmg. I guess a quick bot match, I can try both methods, maybe max shrapnel and headshot!

                        A big problem with all of these though is you are going to get flamed to hell and back. I had a game where I wanted to jungle troll and some guy got so pissy he last picked enigma to force me to lane. Well we didn't have good lane support and he sucked at enigma and we got rolled. Troll isn't even an unusual jungler and he's awesome at it and you still get flamed and gg and poor picks to go with it sometimes so I can't imagine people's reactions if I tried to jungle sven or sniper.

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                          Its possible to jungle most agility melees

                          I used to get forced to jungle faceless all the time, it wasnt very efficient but it still worked.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            ooo forgot about faceless, but his time lock % starts super low, you aren't getting much dps out of that. You are getting pretty good stun on creeps though.


                              like rarras said, you can jungle many heroes, but some are far better than others. eg, you can jungle dk for instance, but it's very slow. Max his passive, get a stout shield and a bottle and you're set. I practiced Sven jungle for a while but he was way too slow as well, even maxing cleave. He just doesn't do enough damage. obviously, once you get lvl 6, morbid mask, and treads it gets a lot faster, assuming you stack camps.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I did a bot sven and sniper. Both better than I expected. Dire side, grabbed rune both times.

                                Sven I went 2,1,2,3,2,4,2,3. Mana cost on storm hammer is too high to make it worth spamming for dmg. You just use it for the stun when you are low hp. Starting items qb, stout, tangoes. I did easy camp, then the woods choke point medium camp, then another medium camp and ran back to base, bought morbid mask at base. After that I farmed everything, got to 900g for recipie and suicided (I was at like 20% hp going onto a hard camp and spent all but 20g). At min 10 I was level 8 with mom and treads done. Not bad. Obviously not as good as free farm but I think it's slightly better than a well contested safe lane tbh. I'll have to do lifestealer again as a benchmark but I think it starts a tiny bit slower but now with treads and mom you clear jungle so fast. You can clear the whole thing and run out of camps actually.

                                Sniper felt like it was going better but I was actually half a level behind sven at level 10, though I had mom and phase boots done. Probably cus I didn't waste gold on starting items, went qb only to tree chop the cliffed the medium camp. I went all headshot and shrapnel. Didn't find myself missing the extra range one bit, headshot is best dmg passive. Shrapnel is nice dmg but as I suspected the cd is way to long to spam. You can comfortably use it like every 2nd or 3rd camp and have it up all the time. Again, level wise staying on par with a duo safe lane, farm wise behind free farm but I'll have to do a mid sniper against another good mid and see what happens. Mom + phase boots at min 10 seems pretty decent, more than most sniper mids have.



                                  I jungle PA'd this game. Turned out okay but I had to play safe which isn't how I like to play PA.

                                  plz do

                                    i heard dark seer is a wicked jungler. dont know if cliff stackin still works, mb that is old times.

                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      jungle QoP :3


                                        I once jungled Anti-Mage at lvl 1. It worked out fine, we won. Normal Skill tho....


                                          when I did sven I went 3, 2, 2 (no pun intended), and didn't skill stormhammer. I felt that the first point in cleave isn't worth level 1 when you have pretty much no damage to speak of. Anyway, I'll try your build now

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            You could definitely skip storm hammer, the dmg is nothing, it's more for a 2 sec stun buffer on a medium or hard camp to help you squeeze one more in before running back to base/suiciding. The real issue with these junglers though is it's incredibly easy for enemy team to gank you if they care to. We were playing a normal match so I was screwing around with jungle sven and riki came in a never killed me but kept forcing me to leave jungle. I was really far behind cus of that.


                                              u can go tarzan with every hero just cut trees and move smart around trees with dancing moves and stuff then game will be 4v5 and @ 20 min u will get out of jungle and then die 1 time and ur team will stay afk

                                              imba tips by fyyq

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                                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                  u can jungle with any hero that has a blink skill on dire, u just cliff them. even melee
                                                  make sure u eat the correct trees such that u can stack from your cliff spot.

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                                                    u can jungle hard camp on dire side with timbersaw lvl1 actually