General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove party mmr and stacks in ranked?

Remove party mmr and stacks in ranked? in General Discussion

    "you're going to be unhappy every time you run into one"

    O´really? Did you make that conclusion after reading my over 20 posts about fucked up games with stacks? I hate stacks. They ruin games. That is what they do. There is not one single aspect of the game that they actually improve for the solo players. Sure , you can always find a couple of exceptions. But on average, they just ruin games.

    "it seems like you would be better suited to a 1v1 game like starcraft 2"

    Well you are wrong. I can interact with people. I interact with managers 2-3 levels below the CEO of one of the most well know car manufacturers. As well as the higest technical project managers and business program directors.

    Interacting with rude and dumb assholes in Dota2 that dont have much more on their mind then flaming and abusing the report system...
    That is another thing.

    bum farto

      Cause in your games the stacks are the issue.

      Smurf: Finally VHS but 47% win rate *Will probably fail and you will make another
      Smurf: Normal skill *Failed
      Smurf: High Skill *Failed
      Smurf: Testing Zeus to get into VHS *Failed
      Smurf: Trying your had at the Meta *Failed


        Havoc Badger

        Didnt you understand when I told you that I am not interested in discussing anything with you since you actually urge people to report for picks and item choices.

        But it is flattering that you keep track of all my smurfs for me. But you dont need to. I have them all in an Excel doucment. Well, seems like I made a lasting impression atleast.

        "Cause in your games the stacks are the issue."

        Just check the games I posted. I almost always have the best stats in my team in one way or another. But dont missunderstand me now. I dont care wheather you care or not. To me you are just another mentally challanged potential psychopath spending your time with ruining Dota2 games.

        There will be a long time before I give you this much attention again.

        bum farto

          Its pretty easy to keep track of your smurfs when they are the only friends you have.


            Hahaha, like I would bother to add my friends to an account that I maybe only play 10 games with.
            During year beast I had so much invites from my friends so it was annoying.
            You want a screen shot of my Facebook?

            Edit: and when I left my second account that I used for year beast, I deleted around 60 friends and around 30 on my first account.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Ohh, I see that I have 100% win rate with my "useless" no dagger+headress build on PA. That is nice.


                Wow this might be my most fucked up game with stacks ever.

                Liina+Silencer in my team.

                Rubick+SF in Dire.

                Me and silencer raped top (ember+srubick). I had 2-1-2 very early and free farm almost.

                But my team feed SF over and over. And he ended up with KDA 30-1-8

                This is broken garbage match making.


                  Very fucked up game with stacks

                  WR+Rubick in my team
                  Pudge+clock in Radiant

                  I pushed down all t1 very fast with NP. Troll and sniper had free farm. We still get totally crushed.


                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    Is dotabuff forum your personal blog?


                      Why are you interested?


                        Had a win streak on 4. And then I get a stack that insta pick carries. And assume someone will support them.
                        Then my team flamed me. Then they sucked. Then I saved us during 2 battles in our base. Then we lost.




                        Just look that xp graph :D

                        I almost had more hero damage then niax+void together :)
                        And I was the only one in team with tower damage :)

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          Hahaha this game each team had two 2 man stacks.


                          Me and ES only solo players

                          My team only pick paper heroes vs Riki and then feed him to 24-1-18 :D :D :D

                          Very entertaining to watch :)

                          Yes, I feed also in the end, but it was either that or hug the fountain since Dire allready have an impossible advantage.

                          Edit: paper heroes with MoM. Even worse vs Riki!! :D

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Very sad game with a 3 man stack. SF, Rubick and Mirana.

                            They leave me alone on safe lane vs Troll. They try to go and do gosu ganks 3v5 the entire game.
                            I am basically alone the entire game.
                            Every time I chrono someone, ES stand in the back and stuns me.
                            They never commicate any plans or strategy.
                            I buy my own wards since they dont do it.

                            They blame me. Report me. And so on.



                              Today I couldnt sleep at all brcause my financial project was way more difficult than I supposed, and in the end I submitted it after deadline.

                              Last film I watched was 4 rooms (tarantino, rodriguez, et al), and it was pretty weird. Didn't enjoy it much tho.

                              The weather here in Moscow is nice so far. It's rather warm and sunny.

                              The music I got automatically suggested by the social network Im using is very weird and includes mostly stuff I wouldnt ever listen to, and I got no idea why am I supposed to like it and how it correlates with my actual track list.

                              Recently I managed to improve greately my winrates with ppl coming from db, but I still have 4-12 with doge boy, I guess it will take a while to make it better.

                              I havent seen my best friend for couple of months cz hes even more busy than I am, and I just knew than in this time period he broke up with the gf he was in love with for over 8 years, found a new one and plans to go to Paris with her in about a week.

                              Since I broke my fingers 3 times in a row playing basketball (about 3 yrs ago), I gave up sports and cant force myself to do smthng, even the so-known spring beach time panic doesnt affect me.

                              Yesterday when I was walking towards my home I suddenly realised I can't express myself in Spanish fluently as I used to, that's a pity.

                              From what I see around me, people do not grow up and mature; they just learn to hide the child inside them and wear pointless masks.

                              In the last years, the amount of times I find myself being bored greately increased. Even tho Im studying in one of the most prestigious departments of the whole Russia and am able to chose any kind of courses )(physics, biology, anthropology, arts, etc.), I feel like I don't need it, I'm not motivated to achieve anything anymore. Furthermore, I guess I frustrated my parents' dreams, but tbh I dont care.

                              When Im thinking conciously about it, I am surethat im not racist/sexist/whatever, but deep in my mind I know Im affected by stereotypes as well as ppl around me.

                              When I was a boy (did I grow up since that time? nah, dont think so; just became a worse person) I believed Ill be special and achieve anything I want. Throughout my life I got everything I wished rather easily and without lots of work. I learn everything pretty fast: languages, maths, sports; even online games. People I knew spent 8 hours per day for years and still got worse results than me, even though I studied all the shit the night before, and I always felt kinda sorry for that. However, due to the easy my life was, I cant force myself to work hard when it's really needed, neither I want to.

                              Castaneda's and Liri's books are bullshit.

                              When I was 12 y.o., I stole a Chupa-Chups when living in Spain and got caught. Embarrasing memories suck.

                              If you had a chance to live your life once again, what would you change?
                              Why not to change everything including your personality even if you are satisfied with what you have? Isn't it way more interesting?

                              The paradox of god being unable to create a stone he couldnt lift is not a paradox; its formulated in the wrong way. The quality of the stone "god is unable to lift" is not a reality quality; omnipotent being can create any kind of stone and lift any kind. Although the probability of the existance of god is incredibly low imo; religion is too good to control and direct people to be based on trueth.

                              Catcher in the Rye's translation into Russian is awful and ruins reader's impression of the book. When reading it in English then, I realised it's much better than I thought before. Same stuff with most Gabriel Garcia Marquez' books.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                Did I fit the thread rules?


                                  It doesn't really bother me but balancing teams based on party mmr throws an unnecessary random element into the match that seems unsuited to ranked games.

                                  party and solo mmr can be very different and the party mmr isn't necessarily from games with the same stack.

                                  but, if you based the teams off of solo mmr, stacks would abuse it so i don't really have a solution except to have a seperate solo ranked queue.

                                  the question is: is the extra queue time worth it?


                                    Triplesteal- yours was my favourite post on this thread. I can't believe I read all of it until I read yours, was worth.


                                      thanks for your feedback
                                      actually, your nickname fits fine here lmao


                                        ^ I fokken cried at the lines you listed. :((


                                          Me 3 :(((((


                                            ^ Trash slovenian scrub.


                                              Not the time to fuck around young boy, Tripple gave his heart on the table and we have to aprecciate and respect this.


                                                ^approximately 2/3 of what ive written is complete bullshit :)
                                                well actually its not bullshit, just random thoughts, not all of which belong to me.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  It still was pretty :3


                                                    ^your recent troll games are still prettier


                                                      ^^ REKT.


                                                        Troll pickers kappa!

                                                        plz do

                                                          it was nice to get some insight into triple's reallife. I didnt know that dota players 5k+ had one though.
                                                          also, i think everyone is very fond of triple and likes to read his posts - hope he will stay true and loyal to the dota2 community and not go over to some horrible shit games like hearthstone or shit like that by getting tired of us mognoloiding autists, who fu*kk up his mmr and wr and fu*kk up his head by posting shi*et like this thread.
                                                          but triple - mb u just had some social pressure and stress lately and performed bad in dota because of that. would explain ur horrible winrate this month.


                                                            Me and kumbo will help this noob to become player worthy of Dota again.

                                                            plz do

                                                              and: "From what I see around me, people do not grow up and mature; they just learn to hide the child inside them and wear pointless masks."
                                                              beautifully said. i feel the same.


                                                                hopefully ^^

                                                                offtopic - try to win some gaemz in party rmm untill friday, i got smthng like 5085 atm. you need 3.1k. I enjoy playing with u, although we lose more than we win so far.
                                                                and i do not have real laifu, only dota2 and tentacle hentai.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  The whole notion that the 3500 guy is dragging your 4000 average mmr team down is stupid because the matchmaking makes the top player on each side close and he worst in each close and averages there rest. Unless you're like 5500 the teams will be extremely close in rating and makeup. If you have a 3500 then the other team does too. You lose cus u play badly period. It's the same thing when people bitch about how dumb their teammates are. The enemy team is just as dumb.

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    Either hushhush wins some party games (which is surprisingly hard sometimes even tho his solo is 1k over his party :D), or tripple loses some xD What is more likely it's up to you people to decide Kappa

                                                                    plz do

                                                                      hey guys im at 3034. won 2 games yesterday w a mate whose party mmr is 2,4k. turned out quite trollolololool:

                                                                      ps: my mate was io. he is like the best io in normal skill. lol. was reaaaallly fun. unfortunatly he doesnt play often :(

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        "fu*kk up his head by posting shi*et like this thread. "

                                                                        Mmm I force him to read this. As well as posting comments here. He dont want to but still I force him to do it.


                                                                          you are wrong timberwolf ( with all due respect). I stack with someone whose party mmr is 1k higher than mine and we often face off against a stack with mmrs close to the mean of the game.


                                                                            Still most people that play party and get queued with 3 solo que players, dont care shit about mmr and ruin others solo games. Solo should be solo, end of story.


                                                                              Classic selective memory, where OP only ever remembers the shitty stacks and not the ones that did fine or even won him the game.


                                                                                I lost like 90% solo games where i had dual stack in my team, cause either they were both higher mmr then they deserved or didnt want to cooperate with the rest of the teammates. Maybe it's different in normal skill bracket :)


                                                                                  dunno about selective memory but this was my game this evening:

                                                                                  Eustake & Anon were the stack. Could just as easily been the other way but Anon clearly made it a 6v4 game.

                                                                                  Considering all the other game modes have been removed (All Random/ Single draft etc.) from ranked, I would be over the moon for stacks to have their own queues or play in unranked.



                                                                                    If you actually read my posts you will find comments about fucked up games where the good stacks were in my team.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      "you are wrong timberwolf ( with all due respect). I stack with someone whose party mmr is 1k higher than mine and we often face off against a stack with mmrs close to the mean of the game."

                                                                                      What's your mmr? For me I've never had that happen. Every stack I'm in with drastic mmr differences the lowest are always close, the highest are always close and rest average in between. Might not be the mechanic though but I thought someone said it was.

                                                                                      This is pretty old, but it says basically what I said, the top guys should be close in skill, the lowest guys should be close. It doesn't always happen, especially at really high range of mmr.



                                                                                        mmr dispersion inside party is no longer taken into account on the stage of matching, but it matters to calculate +/- mmr pllayers get after match. That means even if you got absolutely same average, you can get more or less pts in case mmr deviation inside your team is higher or lower than in the opposite one respectively.

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                                                                          First this game

                                                                                          I go solo hard lane vs Sniper with Jugger. I buy my own wards later in the game because they dont do it. Riki buy all items, besides diffu, that give im low damage. But I am still the one that they blame for our lost game.

                                                                                          Next game I end up with this stack again. Now WR is Morph and Pudge is DP. Morph start flaming me during the load screen and tell the team that we lost since I am in the team.
                                                                                          I tell the team that I will not let Morph take mid since he is trash, and Morph dont let me take mid since he IS trash.

                                                                                          My team reported Morpling later when they understood that he is useless trash.

                                                                                          I like his current lose streak on 9 lost games in a row yeasterday. That is what happens when you go stack with useless friends and dont listen to your teammates that know better then you.

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            Well, now I am stopping completley ti play during evenings with the accounts I care for.

                                                                                            Two games on another account this evening. Both ruined by stacks.

                                                                                            The first game I had 3-0-0 and lvl 8 with Riki mid vs SF. The useless2 man stack pick tusk+cent and go hard lane. Then they feed untill both have 4 deaths each and then they leave the game.

                                                                                            The second game I was with a 4 man stack.
                                                                                            They random tusk and AA and pick pudge and weaver vs
                                                                                            Sniper WK Lion Zeus and Clock

                                                                                            I had last pick and I had no fucking idea what to pick considering the 9 other picks. So I picked AM.
                                                                                            I won the safe lane 1v1 vs clock. Weaver had mid. AA was farming Midas in the jungle.
                                                                                            Pudge and Tusk had the hard lan and they feeded sniper to godlike while I got ganked by four people every now and then. Had to buy my own wards etc.

                                                                                            Pudge couldnt even dust sniper while hooking him so sniper just escape from him. Pudge had the dust in one of the slots but managed to use it some seconds after I suggested he buy dust, which I said some seconds after sniper used his shadow blade. So Pudge dusted him over 5 seconds to late. Sniper even farmed an Abyssal blade.

                                                                                            Well as I said. From now on I only play with old accounts during the evening. And I play with the "real" accounts during the day.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                              The 4 man stack ofc blamed me for the lost game. Even if they random crap and garbage. Feed sniper to godlike. Dont provide me space to farm.
                                                                                              And AA told me that they all reported me. And AA lied and said that he muted muted me min 1 when I asked if he really wanted to take my last hits in the safe lane.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                Blog detected.


                                                                                                  ^did you mean "bullshit detected"?

                                                                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                                                                    i must be the only one that love to mute 9 players at start. and when i say i mute ppl i really do mute them :(



                                                                                                      I thought you were a nice guy. Now I know better. And you disapoint me.