General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked calibration question

Ranked calibration question in General Discussion
Infinite Ominous Guarantees

    does the inital bracket of the account matter at all in the ranked calibration process? if two level 13 accs, on in normal skill and the other in very high, both perform exactly the same in the exact same calibration matches will their mmr be the same?



      hidden mmr apears as ranked mmr after 10 calibration games( in fact u have 10 games to increase ur hidden mmr by + - 300 not more) and also wins / loses dont really count

      Infinite Ominous Guarantees

        so if i have a smurf and that got to level 13 through non-normal matchmaking and is still in normal skill, i can calibrate it at level 13 and there will not be an issue?


          then mmr after calibration would be 0 - 2.4k mmr

          its better to keep increasing ur hidden mmr before calibrate

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          Infinite Ominous Guarantees

            ohh alright, i misread your initial post.



              its better to keep increasing ur hidden mmr before calibrate

              Why? After a few games, then the hidden MMR increases as fast as the official MMR. At least that is what I have been told.