General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill differences between players, which analytic function would best...

Skill differences between players, which analytic function would best describe it for all 11 million? in General Discussion

    Well I woke up already after falling a sleep with the music and lights on. To bad there was no comments here, yet, telling me how wrong I am.

    I am free from work until Monday and need some intellectual challenge. Otherwise it is going to be a looooooong weekend.

    To be honest (I am 100% true now, no lies): Yesterday I had a meeting with my boss, one HR representative and the company medical doctor. I mentioned this forum and that regardless what I write, 90% of the responses, more or less, that I get, basically is telling me that I am a retard or just stupid. It was a relevant example in the overall discussion we had that was a 1 hour long meeting.

    The company medical doctor basically answered like this: people (including people in this forum) subconsciously understand or get the impression that I am far far intellectual superior to them. Therefore they have a need to "bash me down" to their level. They can’t "beat me" with intelligence so they use power instead. They do this because I make them scared or angry. Scared or angry for being intellectual inferior. Being intellectual inferior hurt their self image as well as their social group status (for example within this forum). (I know this subject from my university education, but I have not read what it is written about in wiki - there are certainty better sources on this topic. In Sweden almost everyone know this subject very well since it have been a big discussion about it in the public debate.)

    Alanis Morissette
    Nada Surf

    Linda & Velvet

    Do notice that all but one of the links are set to a specific starting time.


      BTW, my dear Badger

      One of the very first comments you made on, perhaps, my first thread in this forum was that I would NEVER reach above 3.5K MMR.
      And this was when you basically knew NOTHING about me, my smurfs, my games, education and so on. All you knew was that I was currently using an account on normal skill and claimed to be equally skilled as people on 5K MMR (EU West standard). Which I DID base on my experience playing with them and which I also did tell you.

      I guess you understand that this is the lasting impression I have of you. A mean person that tell newbiees in this forum that they suck even if you dont know ANYTHING about it.

      You still think you can asses my skill buy viewing the stats on some of my smurfs in this forum. Well you cant. I have so many counter arguments to what you have been telling me. I just dont care enough to spend the time writing them down for you.

      Also, I DO NOT show ALL my smurfs on Dotabuff. I even disabled the option so DB cant get new information from my games on this account. Dotabuff cant even tell that I have changed the name on my profile so the name you see here is changed several days ago.

      Considering the above. I guess you understand, you are an intelligent person, that I just dont care about your opinion. I dont value it at all. And I certaintly do not respect it.

      More or less, I have been trying to "troll" you. But I am kinda done with that. I have better things to spend my time on.

      I will leave this conflict behind me/us if you just aplogize and stop harassing me.
      If you do that. I will change my name on this account on this forum to something kind instead of something mean.

      It is your choice. To be honest. I dont care very much. I am just conserned about the time and energy I am wasting on you. And it would be nice to not having to put an effeort into NOT wasting time on you.

      That is all

      Best regards


        this guy..
        seriously i wasn't laughing so damn hard for ages

        I know I begged you to not post again because of your own embarassment.. but I can't hold this anymore
        Please never stop posting on these forums

        Този коментар е бил редактиран


          I am glad to make you happy :)

          Hex Sigma

            lolwut asking a doctor about the internet

            >intelectually superior
            more like awfully mediocre. Read about the dunning krueger syndrome you may be suffering of it.

            you must be one of those asperger neckbeards

            btw you need demonstrate your theories with pertinent arguments that make sense not bullshit reasoning.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              I can see his ego from Russia.


                Me and my doctor nows what I should read more about in order to understand my self, my weakness and strengths :)

                And I didnt ask. I exemplified to make them understand something.

                The real strange thing here is that you guys dont seem to believe me.


                  i just want to say, do you think you are more intelligent than me?

                  you know that you can't have an answer to this question, because you never met me and held a conversation with me.
                  for all you know this could be my 11 year old sister typing, or i could be copy pasting from some article i read 3 minutes ago.
                  for all you know i could be some young genius who you will hear about on tv in 2-3 years.

                  when you talk about a video game, a stupid 14 year old boy who is failing at school could know far more about this game than your educated self.

                  do you feel stupid now after reading this? do you feel smart? confused?
                  it doesn't matter.

                  aside from this, why do you need many smurf in the first place.
                  i don't believe people who say "i just fuck around on my main, my true skill is x higher than this".
                  i fuck around on this account, i tryhard as fuck some games yet i never felt the need to create a smurf to get higher rating.
                  why people do this and what does it give to you, i dont understand.
                  it feels 100 times more rewarding to get from 4000 to 4900 rather than to smurf from 4000 to 4900.

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    average Dotabuff player is 5.3K MMR, lol so how many smurf accounts are those? You should subtrack any accounts with less than 12 months old and any with less than 500 wins.



                      "do you think you are more intelligent than me?"

                      I dont know. And I dont care.
                      Or actually. I do care some. Because if you are more intelligent then me - then you probably can learn me something new. And that is good for me. When I am out in the town I try to talk as much as possible to strangers because every person has so much information and knowledge that I can enjoy and benefit from.

                      "do you feel stupid now after reading this? do you feel smart? confused?"

                      I feel amused :D

                      "aside from this, why do you need many smurf in the first place."

                      I test different strategies/tactics in order to reach 5k as fast as possible.

                      Now I have 9 accounts. And I believe I will reach 5K before lvl 13 on that number 9.
                      On number 8 I will start playing support when I reach something around 4,5K.

                      So, with respect to this. Maybe you understand why I am conserned about if lost and won games affect the hidden MMR calibration in different ways. Ahh! Sry. Wrong thread. We talked about this in another thread right?

                      "it feels 100 times more rewarding to get from 4000 to 4900 rather than to smurf from 4000 to 4900."

                      Well, I allready answered to "this" in some other thread.
                      The MMR system is designed so that the player with most games get the players with least games played in his team. Since I had over 2000 games on my first account, it was impossible to not slowly losing MMR from 3500 down to 2900 in captains mode. (EU West only)

                      I really really dont care about if I use a smurf account or not. I only care about reaching 5K in one way or another (EU West only). Since I believe I will get to enjoy my games much more then. From the beginning I was totally uninterested in showing my MMR on DB. But now ofc. when most people have said I belong in the 2K bracket... now it will be fun to show my MMR. Which I will do some day. I have no clue about when.


                        i dont get it, maybe i missed something.
                        you said your " medical doctor " said ppl were angry on you because they felt inferior but i didnt see you post anything intelligent on this topic, all you did was ask for intellectual sharing about a model.

                        and from what i overread on the dota topics, ur basically a 3k player who theorycraft and is sure that he's right, like basically every single 3k players when they start undertanding stuff about this game.

                        so tell me, what actual intelligence did you show to make ppl feel inferior/angry, cuz really i am confused here.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        Hex Sigma

                          Also you need some english classes, cause your grammar is shaky. But as far as I can tell you are too intellectually superior for that


                            Hmm that is a hard question to answer Nova.
                            Since the doctor says people (not everyone) sub-consiously feel that I am more intelligent then them... then they dont know them selves what it is. And how could I know what it is if I dont ask them.

                            But for example. Maybe when I claim no-dagger + headdress PA to be good. I had an insane amount of flame for this. Two times.

                            I still claim to be as skilled as 5k MMR on EU west. Had this discussion so many times. I am not interested in telling it again.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              But hey! Dont get me wrong here. I am useing a somewhat simplified definition of intelligence in this thread.

                              I dont claim to be exceptionally intelligent. In my classes of engineering physics I was only among the top 30%.
                              On the army intelligence test I scored 8 out of 9
                              My IQ is prob between top 5%-2%.

                              But this intelligence combined with the following factors is what the doctor is talking about:
                              1. my general knowledge is extremly large for my age. I "beat" all people in the age of 50-60 that I talk to.
                              Reasons for this is for example that I have university credits equal to 9 academic years accross a wide range of subjects. I have read a lot of books outside of my education. I listen very much to "talk-radio" that discusses and analyses the current public debate and politics and culture etc.
                              2. I am good a systematic thinking and analysing
                              3. I am good at recognizing important details that make a difference (details that most people dont care about)
                              4. I am good at thinking differently, thinking outside of the box etc.
                              5. I am not consered about if people like me. I just want them to respect me. And I want to behave towards them with respect and manners.
                              6. I have a lot of me-time that I use to think, think, think and think even more.

                              A high intelligence (8 out of 9) combined with these 6 factors make many people feel insecure and inferiour, unconsiously or not.

                              And ofcourse people dont like to feel "dumb", or less intelligent, less educated or whatever you want to call it.
                              And there are various ways for them to handle this uncomfortable feelings and thinking.

                              One example:

                              Hex Sigma

                                ^hey at least you're not blunt or wave :D


                                  actually from my point of view you're weak!

                                  you may have knowledge far surpassing mine but i rly don't care about much, i only follow patterns and most of what i know i can't even name because i don't know what's it is called, just what it does and the benefits of it and things like that.

                                  And i already gave a function of skill/playstyle against mmr a few months ago ->i doubt i can find it now





                                      I dont care if you think I am weak or not. But since you think I am weak it would be very interesting to know WHY you think this and what you mean by WEAK.


                                      You are very right. English spelling and grammar is one of my weaknesses. But for me it is far from important. The biggest problem I have with this is when people in Dota tell me mean things about this. It was never a problem during my education even if the education was on English and it is never a problem in my work even if the company has English as first choice.

                                      OK, one more example, my english is also a problem when I call the IT support at work and someone in India or Hungary or Russia or Turkey answers and try to help me. That sucks ;)

                                      waku waku

                                        are you x6?


                                          because of the same reason you're asking me. I already hinted to why in my previous post


                                            "hey at least you're not blunt or wave :D"

                                            I am not intelligent enough to understand this ;)



                                              Well im tired and on 75% sick leave. I am not going to put any effort into understanding what you mean. I would be happy if you explain it to me, but in the end it doesnt matter.

                                              I want to play Dota, not search for your posts and play the guessing game :)


                                                just out of curiosity what university did you graduate from? cause i srsly can't imagine you being higher qualified than what a technician would be, and there's nothing wrong with that.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  no intelligent human being could ever play daggerless headress pa and think "hmm this is effective"

                                                  there has to be absolutely zero capacity for critical thought

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    Troll again, troll good


                                                      Top universities in Scandinavia


                                                        You might be very intelligent outside of dota but if you honestly believe you are 5k eu west and you drop from 3.5k to 2.9k then idk what more to say. The skill difference between 3k players and 5k players is massive. A real 5k player would probably have something like 90%+ wr from 3k to 4k.


                                                          Best thread ever. Anytime someone can slip in asperger neckbeards into a any thread makes it alot better.
                                                          TL:DR #FlameThread


                                                            Cringe as fuck.
                                                            Yet again some aspie thinking he's smart or intelligent. Too bad so sad, but being better than some idiots doesn't make you smart, intelligent or anything like that. You literally appear as a pseudointellectual. Who fucking cares about university credits or anything like that, not to mention I'm pretty sure you didn't finish oxcam or top ivy league unis.
                                                            And any decent doctor has 10 or more years of uni credits. But you're too autistic to realise that credits mean no shit and try to justify your delusion by pointing at some irrelevant numbers.



                                                              since you have decided to just not beleive me I am just not going to waste my time on you


                                                              you need to consider that I stopped play Dota1 during the summer of 2012. Then I started with Dota2 during my sick leave in April 2014. I have played D2 one tear and since I dropped down to 2900 mmr. I have played like 3000 games and learned very much and greatly improved my skills.

                                                              I claim 5k since I played with people on 5k. Also got invited to ranked team games by people on 5k.

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                had to be done, this is gold.


                                                                  It is a very big difference to have 10 years of credits in medicine and have 9 years of credits distributed in 10-20 different areas within social and natural science. It is not even relevant to compare it.


                                                                    Alli, what do you mean?


                                                                      top scandic unis don't mean much, good professors though.


                                                                        Why not? We have the same text books and cases as top US alternatives.

                                                                        From what I have heard. In other countries the student can barly speak to their professors. In Sweden we can speak to them as friends and tell them they are wrong or that their choice of text books sucks or whatever.


                                                                          Around 30% of the students from Stockholm Business School start to work in the finance industry in London.

                                                                          Karolinska is rated top 20 in the world.

                                                                          And we could always disscus all the innovations from swedish engineers and business people.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            are you implying you graduated from there? or just trying to hype wherever you came from?


                                                                              Nothing of that. Just trying to add relevant information.


                                                                                The thing is this. Swedish universities are good but the students are not good. Since 50 percent of the population study at the university. Not at the same time.


                                                                                  And since education is free in sweden the universities can never get enough money to compete with the US alternatives when it comes down to scientific reasearch and publications. But this dont have any significant impact on the education in the populare programs.


                                                                                    I find that hard to believe. Education isn't only free here in Scotland for the Scottish... but for almost anyone who comes here... yet Scottish universities get a shit tonne of research grants and big name publications. Even in my cities shittiest Uni a guy teaches 3D modelling and virtual environments and had to take time off to work on the Dark Knight movies and shit... The more prestigious one works on the sensors for LHC in CERN and shit... how free your education is means fuck all tbh...


                                                                                      It is free for everyone that is citizen in EU. Befoer it was free for everyone in the world. But this was changed about 3-4 years ago in order to increase the comptitiveness


                                                                                        Hmm ok i missunderstod. Well if you are interested you can google the rankings for swedish universities. I will not do it for you.


                                                                                          still diesnt make you smart
                                                                                          at best you're from a second degree technical school


                                                                                            The free thing only have indirect impact. It is the money that has the direct inpact.


                                                                                              Well i said i am only 8 out of 9. But since we have the same text books and research articles we learn the same knowledge.


                                                                                                you're wrong on so many levels if you think you share the same knowledge

                                                                                                and what do you mean about 8/9?


                                                                                                  "and what do you mean about 8/9?"

                                                                                                  I described that measure of my intelligence in earlier posts on this page.

                                                                                                  "you're wrong on so many levels if you think you share the same knowledge"

                                                                                                  OK, hard to come up with relevant counter arguments.


                                                                                                    you're seriously less intelligent than i gave you credit for! how can you even sustain yourself OH WAIT!! you're on leave/sick because you realized how hopeless you are!

                                                                                                    now tell me why do you think you didn't graduate from the best uni in your country even though its free?
                                                                                                    because you were clearly not even qualified for that, but here you are trying to show some random people on the dotabuff forum that you are indeed above us all and trying to boost your confidence by knowing what an analytic function, or even statistics that's covered in a second year basic course.

                                                                                                    pa headress ftw and imo you're closer to a 4 than 5, even that is giving you too much credit but that's to buff you up in case you're clearly not demental and just on handicap (sick).