General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does volvo love CIGB's? (Cheap Invisible Ganking Bastards)

why does volvo love CIGB's? (Cheap Invisible Ganking Bastards) in General Discussion

    A hypothetical (and probable) pub scenario in 6.84:

    So here I am, innocently farming my radiance as Spectre. All I want is for the world to ignore me and let me farm my (now even more freakn expensive) core item. The glitter of gold pushes me on!

    And along comes the ganking squad consisting of invisible drow/nyx/ursa/riki/bs with tp cancelling abilities. And kills me. again. and again. And they dont need any items or skill to do it. Just negligence on part of my supports in failing to put up appropriate stealth detection. Which happens 75% of the time in pubs.

    Gg radiance. Gg late game. Gg carries who need a lot of gold and exp to come online.

    Dota 2 pub matches now become a 30 minute sensless death match where last hits have become even more irrelevant (less bounty from creeps, more bounty from hero kills) and favors a play style built on roaming and killing junglers and loners on lane, basically all carries.

    Riki gets even more buffed, despite his high win rate. Ursa is untouchable for 4 seconds. And they even offer a shadow blade upgrade. As if the item wasn't already frustrating enough. Now drow etc. have a sange merged with their blade to help her with the one thing she lacked in. strength.

    Gg classic late game dota. I will miss u.


      To long didnt read. But as a respons to the headline: maybe since then the SOLO PLAYERS can have fun playing SOLO independently of if there are any stacks in the team or not.


        Spectre is a female Klingon (you can tell because she wields a bat'leth) with a speech impediment. Giving up would be a great dishonor.


          My older brothers favorite hero was stealth assassin, my bro a d-bag = stealth assasin a d- bag hero. In all seriousness never like this hero to much.

            Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

              But the Klingon ships have cloaking devices too...

              need fucking job

                Don't rush your radiance, build urn and blademail or vanguard and play with your team. If your ult is up just gank someone.

                plz do

                  ^what he said. also if ur team is shit, take carry who can carry earlier and w less than spec.
                  btw drow is shit vs spec cuz of gap closing skills of spec.