General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere would meta pickers go for 6.84?

Where would meta pickers go for 6.84? in General Discussion

    You know, after the inital shock of getting all this cool items and new spells for certain heroes. I would like to feel where the meta pickers are gonna go for their new smurfs to get back into 3k again.

    So, here I have a list so far for the Meta Pickers of 6.84:

    Troll Warlord
    Carry Alch (That's not a joke, 3k players still think he's a carry.)

    Any others?


      I don't get it :D


        go fu*k yourself retard


          Troll wont be picked as it was.
          OD is OP, but as always, you just need a bkb and he is done.
          Morphling will be picked just as offlane or mid lane if rushing aghanim, also need a good team play.
          Alch wont be picked on pubs, i m SURE about it.
          Invoker, yes, it will be spammed a lot on pubs.

          < blank >

            Even Dotabuff thinks Alchemist is carry, smart guy


              I will pick support/core alch for sure. With a couple points in greevil and stun/acid you can zone mid, push, and even farm fast as hell so you can give a core a 15min aghs.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Alch maybe the new mirana by that I mean constantly grabbing rune showing up near mids on the map.


                  pick ursa against alchemist and watch him cry


                    from what i see now (streams), leshrac is most picked hero.


                      I think that they are all going to migrate to Lina and Space cow after the patch hype wears off. There is less of a comeback mechanic and its easier to end early so early/mid game snowballers will be really strong, both heroes are just that and were really good in the last patch. they were barely changed, cow is actually a bit stronger and they both can make good use of some of the new items.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        First game i had in this version, thoughts: alchemist is still garbage, octarine isnt as good as it seems, new oracle ult is pretty good, sniper is still op.


                          ^Is the new patch up yet or you are on test servers?


                            Natures prophet

                            Midas -> aghs

                            follow it with blink deso and octarine orb in any order you wish

                            Optimus Drip

                              I think wraith king, enchantress, lone druid, centaur are all going to be top picks. Also I believe in pubs that alc will be picked a lot.


                                slark slark slark slark