General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's happened to Undying?

What's happened to Undying? in General Discussion

    Why the massive win rate in 6.84?


      In fact Undying's winrate just increase every patch and no one knows why.


        There are two major impacts of the change to zombies.

        (1) bristleback no longer kills them with quills and other physical spells that used to wipe the zombie now do not so when your team is mobbed by zombies they are not going to make it out alive

        I think the best counters will now be luna, gryo, and medusa who attack multiple targets.

        (2) you can use him to rosh, roshan gets distracted by zombies for the entire duration of tombstone. He used to wiped them out with slam. But now he has to attack each one.

        Octarine Core is also a major buff to Undying. He thrives on face tanking damage and healing it faster than you can kill him, so now he heals even more. But most importantly tombstone cd does down to 45 sec, with 30 second duration.

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        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

          ^so wut still shit hero

          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

            slow casting animation, tombstone is literally paper, relies on teamfight, can't do shit alone, gets raped by ganks yeah ggwp

            Quick maffs

              Gets raped by ganks

              I dont think you know how this hero works


                In reality, tombstone is practically unkillable early game. It has 800 hp and 5 armor, but more importantly UD can heal the tombstone for 480 hp every 6 seconds. This means that you must do at minimum 104 dps to take it down. That is almost as strong as backdoor protection on a tower.

                If you think its paper I can only conclude you play in games where UD doesn't know how to heal it with soul rip. UD is an extremely powerful early game hero. I have often been attacked by 3 heroes early in the game and killed all of them solo. UD only real weakness is that he is bad at flash farming.

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                  I started playing him


                    Lol guys, have you seen that guy's stats? He has little to no idea of dota at all. Waste of time trying to explain anything. It's like a Kael 2.0

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Another thing to think about is how the t3 and t2 towers got nerfed, which makes it easier for undying to finish the game while he's still strong. Sniper is also his best counter, while also being extremely popular in pubs, but since he was nerfed his winrate has dropped from 55%-ish to like 47%.

                      NextStep ®

                        Pretty broken.
                        I'm gonna abuse this hero.


                          ^ Kappa?


                            Road 6k undying spam

                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                Watch me beat a tri-lane solo with UD, and go on to crush everything. I really can't do this with any hero. But at 3.4k MMR with Undying its easy enough I can manage it.

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                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                  Undying is really broken cuz u have to manually click those zombies, shit like kka splash doesn't do anything to them anymore.

                                  Antimage is probably the best safelaner to go up against him, just make sure you buy a magic stick if you feel overwhelmed (I fucking kid you not, I had a TRASH 5K SLARK NOT BUY STICK AGAINST UNDYIGN AND WHINE ABOUT IT)

                                  5K = TRASH

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