General Discussion

General DiscussionSF vs Drow

SF vs Drow in General Discussion

    So as I was reading through the comments I came accross the these threads:

    I don't want to get involved in the "drama" with the posts but I do have a question for higher lvl players (not too hard to find one coming from a 2k scrub=me) but SF is "supposed" to beat Drow. I respectfully disagree.

    Drow will not out CS an SF (obv taking player skill into consideration). However, Drow can zone out a SF (or should be able to) so instead of focusing on CS early on (even though it's important) use Frost Arrow to harass SF w/o drawing creep aggro. I feel like you can get early harass with FA and use Gust to protect drow from raze attacks. You may not be able to out CS the sf but you may be able to keep the sf from csing with the harassment. Once drow hits lvl 6 if she's not too far behind she can kill the sf with a good play 3 lvls frost 2 gust and ulti. That's a 4 sec silence with 45% slow. At the latest by lvl 9 with with 6 sec silence and 60% slow SF will have a hard time. But I'm sure I'm missing something. So please enlighten me. Thanks for the Input.


      They assume sf can "destroy" drow before she gets level 6, with max souls and have euls to solo her by that time!

      Not realistic imo and if that doesn't happen drow can kill him in like 5 hits. The thing is yes, sf has raze but thats a local advantage drow can find a way around for while drow's advatage is global and if sf stays mid his team is gonna lose. So even IF he ends up winning, he's still losing and the moment he wants to support the team with his advantage he's gonna lose mid. So as long as the enemy doesn't have a push strat with like chen, drow is superior to sf every time

      Dire Wolf

        Drow is kind of a passive mid, I think that's why a lot of people hate her. She does best to sit there, hit 6 and then farm some items fast. She's a good ganker but not until a while later with like shadowblade/blink.


          Agreed but as soon as she hits 6 if the other mid starts roaming you can punish it by taking tower extremely fast. So long as you have a tp to help stop dives to protect your teammates leaving the lane vs drow can be very costly in the farming differential for the other mid. The only mid that I dislike playing against as drow is tinker. Everybody else can be countered in some way form or fashion except for tinker. He can spam his abilities too much with enough mana regen and that blind is terrible. I even don't mind storm so long as you anticipate the jump and silence in time or stay close to tower.

          So to me your team has to have a strong laning presence and not rely on you to win them the lane. If you don't have that where you team can come out at least even in laning w/o ganks than drow is a bad mid pick.

          Dire Wolf

            "So to me your team has to have a strong laning presence and not rely on you to win them the lane"

            Which is like every fucking game lol. Comon everyone spams gank please.

            The hardest part I find about drow though is last hitting pre 6. Her animation and projectile speed SUCK.

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                  haha sure keep deluding yourself. We had nearly the same farm

                  edit: and he almost died twice! Then knowing he couldnt kill me, never risked anything and focused on farm -> which drow doesnt mind as his team is losing.

                  and as i said that time! realistically sf shouldnt have gotten any rune, at most 1

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    KitraK yes you are right "after the first two waves". You don't allow that SF to get that equilibrium if you do then you have lost lane and better run to jungle when possible to try to catch up some farm (even though SF will do the same). Whole point was you don't allow the SF to get there by harassing from the first wave. But other than that you are completely right. My point was you don't play the CS game with sf you play the harass out of lane before SF can return the favor. Drow needs cs so does sf but sf needs cs more. So if you can harass and keep sf from getting cs but splitting xp I'm perfectly alright with that goal is to hit lvl 6 and not allow sf to get out of control.

                    When I play support (which I normally do) I don't ever ask for a gank from mid unless I picked mele sup first and my carry is mele vs 2 ranged where I can't secure cs for the carry or the opposing team is diving with 3-4 ppl and we can't hold line even at tower with 2. I would say 1/10 games if that I ask for a gank if that.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      What KitTrack said, seriously, SF wins for sure.

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Ah this thing again. How retarded do you think SF is to just let you run up to him and hit him? All Drow can do against SF is taking the tower if SF ever leaves the lane which won't happen anyway.

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                            pass dotabuff



                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                  ill just wait for you np

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                                        i was playing with 130 delay.. still you can't get close. You're playing with a fountain. you think i cant get bottle and do the same? is that realistic of me?


                                          you lost now grow up and get over it you sad fuck

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                                              casual gamer

                                                if the game had kept going sf couldve easily farmed euls and killed drow twice

                                                and yeah sf will get every rune in real games idk what ur trying to say there


                                                  not only are you using bottle, you're useless in the game! 10 min and you have no items! are you gonna win the game with treads aquilla min 10?

                                                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                      you're used to playing with 100, doesnt change the fact that im hitting around0.5sec slower which made me miss tons of creeps under tower early game which makes me weaker in the midgame. You're trash its even clear you've never played mid/against a decent sf in your life. All your moves were non realistic and still you had nothing to show for!

                                                      or what? half a level means rape? half an aquilla over me is rape? You were forced to be paralized and forced to use razes with your fountain cheat bottle to get anything. And thats with the delay handicap and rune cheat that allowed you to escape the risk of getting close to last hit.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        i mean you bought 3-4 tangos, 2 salves, and a mango as drow

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          if after watching him play you still don't understand why drow > sf then you got no hope... he doesn't either. So clouded by his ego. I watched the replay and you can clearly see the effects of 130 ping and still he was pushed to a corner until he started cheating.

                                                          Just so you know, even with the cheat he would've lost if he didnt get that min 6 rune bot. But i don't expect you to understand, you've never played that matchup while ive played at least 30 drow vs sf mid


                                                            trash benao remains trash
                                                            Ahhhh... Good to see threads like this

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                                                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                  then dont get runes like a realistical scenario would be you shitfuck.

                                                                  i dont even care about US delay, but you being a walking fountain and saying its the hero or your skills that far surpasses my hero or myself is just fucked up!

                                                                  like srsly? u 10 or smth? or jusr genuinely stupid?


                                                                    Oh god, you're so fucking delusional.
                                                                    That's exactly the point he's making. You're unable to use the bottle while he is IN A REAL SCENARIO. And even without taking the goddamn runes and crowing he raped you. Yet another Norwegian kiddo acting up as if he's a big deal.

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      ah you're just a sad fucking fa*got that can't even think and is delusional that thinks he can talk about others.

                                                                      you're from europe! i can go bottle build if you want me to and get runes you sad fucking sh*t! cause unlike REAL games no one is gonna be there to fuckng kill me! lets see what your f*ucking sad sf does then!

                                                                      or you can refrain from bottling runes WHICH FOR THE LONGEST TIME WAS THE RULE FOR 1v1 MID and see how sad your sf is then TOO

                                                                      Look at me, Hector.

                                                                        i wanna play drow vs sf

                                                                        i can do us east, theres something i want to try


                                                                          Rofl, in a real game sf has his own supports too.


                                                                            playing us east with drow is like playing tiny with level 3 tiny growth and no attack speed items combined with lina's projectile and turn rate affected by bat's black spit so...

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                            Look at me, Hector.

                                                                              if u play on high ping it becomes like dbz, when u play on a server with low ping, u become 3x stronger


                                                                                even if supports are in place, taking it would require 30 seconds and it may still get denied!
                                                                                its not a realistical approach and you should know that! theres a fucking reason most players bottle crow instead, but hey im not stupid so i wouldn't know how you think

                                                                                @wave yeah i know :D!
                                                                                but still i only used to play heroes with advantage in us east because of the same actually. fast hitters, still handicapped but still faster than slower ones and ones with nukes like sf and fast mov speed.

                                                                                cm was living hell for me for example

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  You're autistic and you almost gave me cancer.
                                                                                  Walking up to the rune and back never takes 30 seconds. And even IF it did – exactly the time for the new wave to come mid.
                                                                                  And most players bottle crow because of safety issues and not being able to pick more than 1 rune each 2 minutes.
                                                                                  For example as ta if you're farming ancients you would bottle crow if it's an odd minute. And as tinker you would bottle crow while stacking and marching. As naga you would bottle crow regardless. Once again confirmed for an autist who doesn't know what he's talking about.
                                                                                  And ping isn't the issue if it's stable. You can always shift most of your actions anyway.


                                                                                    if you want to secure it in a real game it takes that long you fucking scrub

                                                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                      i will play warships for now, ill check this later


                                                                                        omg you really know nothing and try to teach how fucking sad must your thinking be rly.


                                                                                          Actual scrub doesn't have a right to call anyone scrub. And you have absolutely no idea of what is a real game.


                                                                                            the sad fucker is trying to teach me how mid is played when i've played mid half my dota games

                                                                                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                                You played mid half of your dota games and you still have no idea of how to play mid. Isn't that sad? Not to mention that you've never played in a real game. And the closest to a real game probably was some random pub where 4k shit got matched with one 7k player or something like that. That's literally epic.


                                                                                                  ive probably captained more games than you ever will in your life


                                                                                                    and you still dont get it! like how stupid can you be
                                                                                                    going from 30 ping to 130 is not the same as 99 to 100 you fucktard

                                                                                                    AND THE EFFECT IS EVEN GREATER ON A HERO LIKE DROW WHERE PEOPLE HAVE IT HARD TO LAST HIT AT 0 MS YOU SHIT


                                                                                                      if you still dont understand and if you're lucky!
                                                                                                      watch the game from my perspective from my twitch channel if it got saved! you'll realize the difference if you're objective for once