General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 5 things things lower level players do wrong?

Top 5 things things lower level players do wrong? in General Discussion

    So in my journeies throughout the world of Dota 2 so far I've had a mixed bag of games sometimes I can tell what went wrong ( the 1/30 night stalker or I got shut down as the mid lane carry or our supports being useless while they clearly have vision) but what I've found is that my own inconsistencies and relative inexpirence are my biggest enemies

    So my question to my more expirenced peers of Dota buff is. What is the top 5 things lower level players do wrong consistently? Is there anything that I can do about these aside from simply practice?

    It is my hope that by this list being put forth I will think about these problems and overcome them expediently

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      Practice more.


        I have quite a few but I'm busy so will just post whatever is on top of my mind every now and then..

        When farming solo: Noobs only go back once they start to see 2-3 people ganking him, by then its too late to retreat. Must think 10-15 seconds ahead of what's possible to happen

        When using ult, especially the ones with huge team-fight impact (i.e. Chrono, Omnislash, Scream of Pain, etc): noobs use it like an auto-fcking skill when they see 1 enemy hero without even assessing if there's a big team clash that is bound to happen etc


          These are little tips that i encounter when i was still 3.3k

          Failure to use Helm of Dominator, you thought it is only bought for its lifesteal , yeah it should be , but its has an active spell, dominate a creep, use it to stack creeps and ancients an easy way to gain more farm and exp

          Failure to buy very crucial items, especially courier and wards, these are very core of dota games , if your team has no support ( i guess 5 man carry team) GIVE YOUR TEAM A FAVOR BY BUYING THE COURIER.

          Also for the love of god, boots , tp , sometimes smoke are next crucial items , mid-players , before you try to gank the other lanes, make sure you have at least brown boots, and carry please , dont go directly to much luxury items without brown boots.

          I CANNOT OVERWHELM HOW OP TP IS. For 100 gold you can farm to other lanes , help other lanes , get them kills. IT'S WORTH THE GOLD MAN. GIT YOURSELF 1.

          Smoke is quite a thing i dont use usually but it helps in some situation such as going to rosh pit alone , team ganks, and sometimes, juking :v

          Unable to adapt games, and situations, I am no bragging but, one of the main reasons why i rised up to 4k during the era of troll and sniper in 6.83 is their failure to make the right items to a certain game. A good example is , a sniper mid, going for the usual bulid of phase, MoM , mjnolnir, HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO FIGHT THAT AGAINST A ZEUS with dagger , veil and agha?
          Thats why in guide there's the situational items. SITUATIONAL.


            1. Going back to farm after scoring a teamwipe.
            2. Failing to pick up sustain items (Mek/Urn etc.) which results in the whole team having to retreat to the fountain even after successful ganks.
            3. Failing to recognize the timing windows for each hero. Eg. is dragging a game when the heroes on your team don't scale as well as those on the enemy team. At the other end of the spectrum are players who throw bodies at towers and rage about getting picked off despite having the better late game.
            4. Missing too many last hits. I cannot emphasize how big of a difference there is between 2/3/4/5k players when it comes to farming.
            5. Poor practice when it comes to denying experience and apply laning stage aggression.

            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

              Might fall under carts 3, but inexperienced players or lower heroes tend to get over confident. They get a lead and start to try to 1v3/4/5. Cause they are a little more farmed and end up throwing the game. They think they cant be stopped and charge in

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                Honestly I wish dota had a missed last hits counter. Probably a window of hitting a creep in his last 130 hp or something and if they got the gold. Be interesting to see more than last hits v denies

                plz do

                  1. They dont check minimap / teammates / opponents.
                  2. They dont carry tp scrolls and if they do, they dont use them. Hence map awarness (almost the same as No1).
                  3. They dont know what to do next and are very inefficient. Lack of planning and anticipating. (What's the objectiv: kill, farm, structure? Aggressiv or defensiv?)
                  4. GPM/XPM is low (games take too long time) because they dont last hit creeps.
                  5. Failure in timing. Spells come too late or too early. Double stuns. More shadow blades than daggers.


                    1. Keeping the camera locked to their hero, others have talked about map awareness but I think this one is posisbly even more essential. Yes it´s good to see people coming to get you from the map but what´s even more important is item checking and maybe even finding out why they are coming to get you. If you can see that they are carrying wards, smokes or whatever you might be able to find out the purpose of why they are moving or instantly counter ward etc. In short, every time you are not occupied completely on what your hero is doing, move the camera and see what´s going on!
                    2. Item optimisation, other people have spoke about it and talked about situational items but it´s really true. Maybe you pick a hero like bounty hunter but no one else on your team is a natural mek or vlads carrier, guess what, be that bitch and do it for the team.
                    3. Practice mundane things like last hitting and hero animations for attacks, you must know them all inside out in order to beat someone who is playing a hero against you - There´s a flame thread going on at the moment about SF vs Drow but this is an example of where it´s really important. SF has a better attack animation than Drow at early levels and thus should farm better, but if you are the Drow but you must know not only your attack animation but also the animation of the SF.

                    (my experience coming from low end 5k gaming)

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                      as a scrub whos played with bigger scrubs i notice people can be WAAAY To passive learn to recognize when you can just control a lane and lock it down


                        As a complete and uter scrublord, I can say that not carrying TPs is the biggest affront to good dota... shitty gank goes bad, so they dive T1, then they chase to T2, all 3 are < 30% hp and the 1 guy getting ganked dies between T2 and T3 ... you would be surprised by how many times this has happend in games I've been in, when just a quick tp in from a decent nuker or strong hero would result in a 3 for 1, or a 3 for 0 depending.

                        rushing higher level core items... getting some smaller items can speed up your farm so that you get the bigger item at about the same time... but are stronger on the way there for fights/tanking jungle or w/ever... the amount of brown boots deso rushes or phase into heart etc I've seen tried, only for them to not even get it by 35 mins in when the enemy have some t1 items a t2 item and a t3 item...

                        Map awareness... I've actually had so many people ping me and spam >We need wards after dying from a gank that a ward showed was coming... or the good old "why u no call miss?" to the mid when it was obvious that lina was going to rotate as soon as she had lvl 6 for example.

                        Running in 1 at a time... your carry is about to be picked off... has almost no hp... and the closest hero ain't gonna save them... but runs in anyway, then the next closest tries to save that guy, then the next, then the next...

                        Trying to defend lost causes... one dead guy pings the shit out of a tower that's being 5 manned, the 3 remaining heroes (none of whom could reasonably do shit against the 5 man) sit about staring at the tower, then do one of 2 things... just die... or walk away *after* the tower falls... waisting sooo much time grouping up to do literally nothing... this also comes under, getting pissed when the rat rats.

                        I could go on... but there are so many basic macro game things that noobs are ass at... then the micro game things like what to do in a teamfight are rarely up to scratch either... like a brew throwing tiny up with tornado and the whole team stand waiting for him to come down while the enemy team wail on them...

                        I try to improve, cos I do some of this shit myself... but it fucking hurts when you watch this shit happen in game. ...


                          Ok, Im grinding at those potato brackets myself. I got 1400+ games played but still - here I am. However, I do feel like I am often way more experienced than people I meet at these 1200-1400 MMR games. The common mistakes I often see, are

                          - Sticking to your item build, whatever happens. Never buy items that arent included in guides, or are on your hero-specific quickbuy-list. So no BKB there - it must be useless. GG.
                          - Passing on warding. "Hey i need my Aghanim's first, then ill get wards". Too late! You never get your scepter if you are constantly ganked. Or the other option, you hit the 60 min marker and click on your teammates that your Doc's scepter is now done! Nice, but GG already, Lycan is beating your T4 towers. But nice scepter though.
                          - Getting too eager. Hey its the last barrack there, lets dive in one by one and beat the 200 hp off that melee barrack, die and then return to find out its healed back. Bummer, but lets try to kill it again. No? Buyback, run there solo, attack basedefenders uphill - and repeat until your fountain is cooked. Oh well, it could have turned either way. Maybe. If you had "unbelievable luck" instead of any coordination skills.
                          - Checking enemy heroes item builds. Look, there is Axe, ill sneak to him with Shadow Blade and kill him! Too bad he had 2 HoT's and gem. Well, maybe he dropped the gem, lets try it again. No, seems to have kept it. Maybe now? No. Oh well - perhaps I should focus on that Crystal Maiden with ghost scepter instead, seems like an easy kill. No, that did not end up well either.
                          - Communication. Guys, Im going to push this lane! I guess you can see it on minimap, so why bother on telling anyone. Its not like I need any backup on jungle to be ready for a counter-gank. Im the sniper, I dont need assistance. Besides, they just ganked me pushing alone, why would they do the same thing again.
                          - Speaking of repeating your mistakes. Do that. Because you will never know if it will work this time! Or perhaps next? Just don't give up what you are doing - persistence is the key here. All those teamwipes were just good luck on the other team - they just randomly happened to wander around positioning much better, with all ultis up, items ready and hp/mana -pools full. Pure luck, bet they will not hit that sweet spot again! Just do not evaluate your own actions a minute ago, go on ahead and repeat the same mistake.
                          - Oh no! Someone is typing plans on chat. Why don't you just shut up, the text is covering my vision on creep healthbars and I can not last hit them. Besides I know better what to do, but I'm also smart enough NOT to fill the display with that stupid text, that will likely just cover the screen of my teammates.
                          - 35 last hits should be enough, lets go already! Im all set to teamfight with my Antimage vs. the enemy ES.
                          - 11 minutes in the game, your mid has died twice already. Ok, time to call it a GG and just let your focus go. Its 11 minutes, there is no bouncing back anymore. We just can not do it with PL on our team, the guy is just somewhere farming alone. Better abandon the game and focus on finding a match that is actually winnable.

                          Overall I'm very disappointed with the lack of communication and coordination of the teamplay. You are skilled enough to build somewhat proper builds on heroes and can see around your hero, but that is pretty much just about it. I do NOT think that I would be very aware player myself, but good lord how blind people there can be. People listen to their own music and get carried away with it, dismissing the team communication. People like to focus just on your own hero, not the team. You forget to follow what is going on around the map. Even if you do buy those TP boots, you just use the movement speed, and if you TP, its like putting yourself to first line of creeps pushing the 5 enemy defended base. Alone. Very useful.

                          bum farto

                            There's a lot of theory behind why they perform badly and honestly these are some of the more crucial things behind why they remain poor performers. Aside from the usual "last hit better" "check minimap", I feel the below are a lot more game impacting and things that lowers skilled players lack.

                            1. Aggression - Knowing your strengths. Leaving an offlane to have their way because you want to farm that 20 minute battlefury as PA. When I did some ranking for a 3K account I would go offlane sniper solo and play dangerously aggressive because it would 99% of the time pay off. The carry would run and I would feed of the support.

                            2. Turning Fights - Sort of ties in with knowing your strengths. Lower skilled players back away from possible turn arounds and it winds up getting a couple of the slower ones killed or picked off.

                            3. Positioning - Primarily applies to support players in this bracket. Just poor quality positioning in fights or in laning just causes chaos, and they need to know where to be and how to be in the right place at the right time.

                            4. Advantage - Granted the last patch made this hard but never (or rarely) have I seen a team take their advantage in lower brackets. Most would prefer to farm with aegis, or back away from towers cause they're low health when the opposition have 4 dead.

                            5. Fighting - Low skills go for the "big plays" like holding skills because they want that 5 black hole, or chrono and will hold the spell for 10+ minutes in the hopes to get that one big one. They need to learn about valued swaps, a chrono for a dead core is worth it and the same applies for multiple other heroes. Stop saving your shit for that cool play you want to post to DotaCinema, just use your shit and make it count.

                            6. Heroes & Items - Stop building garbage items, and stop picking garbage carries like Alch or Night stalker carry. Stop picking junglers, stop building battlefury, stop getting Skadi as a first item etc. these things matter in a game. Also for anyone thinking of posting games where they do this and win, congratulations your one of the few 99% of low skill players can't pull off a successful Alch carry, or jungle CM etc.


                            Stuff like last hitting, checking items and stuff are things that I don't frequently do unless I am on a support and I do just fine. Again, there is a lot of emphasis on theory rather than practice. Learn to be aggressive stuff like where I level boar and just ran at people all over the map, low skilled players don't know how to deal with shit like this cause it counters their understanding of "farm, don't miss last hits, check items = win game?" this notion helps but it's stupid to assume that communication, not missing farm, and being item flexible is the formula to getting better.

                            Loads of people do this and the majority are still garbage. Most of the people I coached will attest that I didn't really say anything about their last hitting, or checking items, or anything else cause while it's important, it isn't massively game impacting IMO.

                            bum farto

                              Any person sub 2-3K who wants me show them how little theory crafting matters I will be happy to give them a coaching session this evening on anything but a mid or a carry.


                                I am pretty new and I am laughing my ass out by how many of this I repeatedly commit...

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                                  1. Try to stick to one-size-fit-all builds / not buying enough utility items: In my latest game I struggled with my inner 3k who wanted to buy MKB on an underfarmed Ursa just because they had a very annoying Windrunner. But I ended up buying AC to give Wisp+BH additional time to live in fights, and just let TA do all damage while I rush at their supports to zone them out.

                                  2. Not respecting a hero properly: This accounts for 90% of deaths at lower level plays. You can call that support Pudge stupid and laugh at him all day but who are you laughing at now when he lands a hook on you at 60min and you die without buyback.

                                  3. Not adapting mid-match: One of my 3k friends was playing a game as Slark. He had 2 bad matchups on the other team in Barathrum and Bloodseeker, but he kept putting Treads on Agi and refused to buy SnY, wanting to scrape up a Skadi after SB instead. I told him using Str treads can marginally increases his chance to survive and make a difference but he wouldn't. He ended up dying 16 times and lost in a game that his team had a decent chance to win, as the other 4 were holding their own quite well. He also used Dark Pact at all the wrong times (spamming when it's off cd) but that's another story.

                                  4. Leeching your carry's experience if you're playing support: We all know this too well. It's OK to think your carry is a pea-brain who can't last hit but it would be better if you can think of other things to benefit your lane rather than trying to "guard" the Sven for 5 mins then you realize their offlane WR is L6 and both you and your carry are L4.

                                  5. Being distracted by fights elsewhere: I get it, we're all spectators in our own game. I used to do that too. But please refrain from looking at a fight unless you can reasonably get there and make a difference.

                                  casual gamer

                                    the BIGGEST mistakes new players make are blaming others and creating smurfs, these will cripple ur growth


                                      creating smurfs isn't a phenomenon exactly confined to new players though.

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                                        casual gamer

                                          people who are already 5k+ on their mains obviously know the game, but these idiots who 2-3k and smurf for whatever bullshit reason will stay garbage forever

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            In the high 3k range I can't for the life of me get people to smoke sometimes.

                                            Even had a sniper player tell me smoke was worthless.


                                              When you smoke - do not stand there pinging for 30 seconds waiting for all 5 people to finally notice and group up for it. Smoking with 5 heroes is so obvious it almost always leads to you either wandering the map finding nothing (if you would win a fight) or walking right into their whole team and wiping. The whole point of using smoke is so the other team does not know you are attacking.

                                              It is much more effective to smoke 3 heroes, leave the carry farming - and group behind the 4th hero who then is bait. They come in thinking to pick off one hero and instead lose a 4 v 2 fight.

                                              Or smoke 4 heroes behind the carry who appears to be solo pushing the lane. They try to gank him, and you turn it. But when you smoke all 5 the other team knows you are either going to rosh or to gank, and they probably know which one of those options you are doing.

                                              Carry smoke with you in advance... don't ping to smoke and then buy it and stand there waiting for the courier. Use the smoke the very second you see the change to wrap around with 3 heroes and gank, or to turn from a won fight and go directly into rosh before the enemy can wonder about if you might do it. Smoke the second you know you are out of enemy vision, the longer you delay and double think it the less effective smoke is.

                                              Another way to make smoke do much more work for you is to be off the map as much as possible as a support hero. If you never appear on the map, no one will know the difference when you smoke and are about to kill them. So when you are walking around pay attention to enemy vision. Do not walk past wards, walk in fog. If they are not sure if you are top or mid they will have to play more defensively in both lanes giving your team the advantage... meanwhile you might be just stacking a camp, but they will still have to play back in case you might be ganking them if you did not appear on the map when you moved.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                i watched that 1k mmr guys games

                                                they were much better than i thought they would be

                                                the biggest difference was that they didn't farm efficiently


                                                  The most common mistake low MMR players make early is to neglect lane control. Keep the lane near your tower if you do not want to push. You can begin denying creeps at 50% hp, you don't have to wait for them to be almost dead. You can pull the lane back by doing a harass attack on the enemy hero every 2 seconds. If you really lose control, pull a camp so you can get it back to your tower. Even if you fail to lasthit jungle creeps you can still deny a lot of xp can gold to the enemy by destroying your creeps with the jungle camp. But of course, you should get the jungle creep gold too - low MMR players usually miss over half of them when they pull.

                                                  As you move up in MMR, at some point people will try to block the pull spawns. Learn how this is done and how to counter ward. If you can control the lane, your carry will get easy farm, be hard to gank and the enemy off-laner will have a terrible start. If you fail to control the lane your carry will start badly, and the enemy will have an easy start.

                                                  Are you tired of your mid player failing and think the mid moron always loses the game for you? Gank mid early. Do it twice before 6 minutes. Make your mid win. Why leave it to chance?

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    If you are a low MMR carry player and you realize that you can't lasthit very well (and you can't because if you could you would not be low MMR)... don't just accept that your farm will be slow, deal with it. Get quelling blade. Get a farming item (Bfury, Radiance, MoM, Mjolnir, HotD, HoM) get something that will make up for your bad lasthitting so you can farm faster once you have it. Maybe your team can get a tower or stack camps or otherwise create space for you. But if you don't have an item to accelerate your farm it won't help.

                                                    Get damage before lifesteal. IF you don't have high dps yet, lifesteal sucks. If you don't have high dmg, there is no point in getting lifesteal. If you are getting MoM, use it to farm faster - it will not keep you alive in fights. If you are getting HotD, actually use the dominated creep to stack camps for you. If you don't its not worth getting it early.

                                                    Get BKB when you want to fight. If you don't want to fight yet, there is no reason to have bkb. Don't use up the long charges that can win the game on fixing your positioning errors. Save bkb for when you are ready to win a teamfight. In the meantime, avoid fights until you are strong enough that you will actually do some serious damage when you pop that bkb.

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      Farming effectivly


                                                        When you are facing invis ganking heroes (like riki, bh, nyx, slark.... everyone now really because of glimmer cape). Your team should advance and retreat together. You should not be clumped into a tiny circle of 300 Aoe so that you can be wiped by aoe stuns and spells... but you should be relatively close. Think about the cast range on your spells. If your friend is attacked from invis, can you counter stun? Or will you have to walk 2 seconds back to him and then be able to cast as he dies and spams pings on your heard? When you are on a fast hero are you ranging ahead so fast supports can't keep up? Do you then blame them for not saving you when you walk into the enemy team and they are still 1000 units behind?

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          1. Not farming in general. Poor last hitting, sitting around doing nothing between fights, not buying correct items, not using proper farm rotations. Let's just say shitty farming and leave it at that. It's far and away the number one thing you want to improve cus that alone can bring you out of 2k to like 4k if you just learn how to farm properly.

                                                          2. Rotations and ganks. So many times mid will get ganked cus enemy teams supports are good, a quick tp in could turn it but no one has a tp. I struggle with this myself but it makes the difference between winning and losing.

                                                          3. Map awareness. Goes along with rotations and ganks but in general map awareness sucks in the 3k bracket, mine included. I need to work on this most. Overextending cus you aren't aware of backup coming, or not being aggressive enough realizing no backups coming, not rotating, getting ganked etc.

                                                          4. Not understanding the mechanics of the game. For example I started building solar crest on viper and no one ever builds mkb to counter. People only ever build mkb vs PA and sometimes if they notice an agi carry going butterfly, that's it. Or delaying bkb against a team that can completely lock you down. Or not picking any heroes with silences or stuns vs a storm, qop and am teams. Just blindly following builds without paying attention to why you build certain items and when.

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            @relentless your match history looks to be you spammed undying to get out of high skill ;)

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            casual gamer

                                                              ^^for someone with 500 earth spirit games you seem perplexingly preoccupied with people's personal picking preferences

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                ^----your ability to round up is astonishing.

                                                                Tell me again why you stopped playing sniper in last 14 days ;)

                                                                Also relentless I'm not trying to be a huge ahole to you.

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  It's no problem. I was spamming some UD, but just to try to understand how he fits into 6.84. I don't really play it well enough to gain a lot of MMR on it. It appears that around 3.5k where I am currently, UD suffers from the weakness of players mindset being skewed toward late game. I can't convince my team to group up and take fights when UD will still easily win them.

                                                                  For instance on this game. I won the early game dramatically, killed their riki 5 times in the first 15 minutes. The enemy spectre did not get radiance until 30 minutes. But I failed to convince my team to stay with me and push, even though I got a gem. They insisted on wandering off to solo farm over and over again until they had fed riki enough for Dire to come back. I got two gems this game, but as you can see we lost both of them. My gyrocopter was particularly bad. He often did 2 or less attacks in a fight...sometimes zero, but he built his items for right clicking.
                                                                  He did the most dmg on the team by far, but it should have been double or triple what he actually accomplished with a massive early advantage given to him.

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    1. decision making
                                                                    2. decision making
                                                                    3. decision making
                                                                    4. lack of game knowledge (decision making)
                                                                    5. being overconfident of their own skill

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      For the 4k-5k bracket, most players have reasonable mechanics and skill use. It's mostly awareness and gamesense that's lacking - it's just about being alert and using your brain tbh.

                                                                      Once you get to 5k-6k, people tend to be pretty competent generally - it's more about not making small mistakes that build up/choking.

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        i dont even enjoy playing sniper anymore tbh, i was picking him to deal with troll being in every game

                                                                        plus they buffed carries that i was already playing in 6.83 into being very strong, and nerfed their natural counters


                                                                          farming patterns


                                                                            From my experience in the lower brackets.

                                                                            1) Last hitting is still a problem (get carry free farm still no items by minute 30 due to missed cs)
                                                                            2) Farming distribution (3 ppl fighting over jungle while lanes are empty)
                                                                            3) Composition of the team (picking mele carry into offlane ranged hence no farm)
                                                                            4) Chasing after kills instead of focusing objectvies (especially going high ground)
                                                                            5) Communication especially within team fighting structure (who will initiate, follow up priority targets etc, like chasing bristle trying to kill him while support are sitting there for an ez kill)
                                                                            5) No buy backs before big engagements (winning big early on then get wiped lose a bunch of towers let other team back into the game)
                                                                            6) Not knowing when the heroes are peaking (stomping midgame due to team comp needing to finish the game or at least get racks but retreating to continue to farm allowing troll, slark, am to hit peak and come back)

                                                                            just some observations...


                                                                              They also don't prioritize Roshan as a big objective as much.
                                                                              Bad farming leads to bad economy which leads to bad wallet management -> run out of buyback money when you need it the most.


                                                                                Instead writing "other people weakness" I will write my own mistakes I make constantly (I'm 4.3k solo). There will be more than 5.

                                                                                1. Overconfidence. Assuming enemies are noobs. I have 200 hp in mid, 200 gold missing to get bottle. I still play semi aggressive, coz I think enemies will be too scared to dive me. They dive & I die xd

                                                                                2. Relying on luck. I don't know what rune spawned & I see supports missing. I know it might be invis, but I hope it's not & I keep farming instead going back. It results in invis support kiling me xd

                                                                                3. Not buying BKB when needed. I try to be greedy & hope, they won't punish it. EE-sama style.

                                                                                4. Not saving money for buyback in late game. Also spending reliable gold too easily, instead keeping it for buyback.

                                                                                5. When being behind in farm, playing too risky - farming waves I shouldn't, coz it's clear enemies are there or will come there.

                                                                                6. When farming & there is a fight, I tend to finish wave/stack & then TP instead TPing earlier. It sometimes result in lost fight, coz I wanted to farm 3 more creeps...

                                                                                7. Not using courier enough. It's ok to send yourself salve if ur low hp or bottle crow even in mid game.

                                                                                8. Being too absorbed with farming when being mid/safe lane. There are games were I just afk farm for first 20min then I wake up & don't even know what is going on in the game. This is a big thing, coz I don't know how strong my hero is relatively to others.

                                                                                9. Not following crucial lvls on enemy heroes. For example crucial lvl for SF is 3, when he is mid, that's when he gets lvl 2 raze.

                                                                                10. Being too passive in lane (not harassing enemies, not killing offlaner etc.).

                                                                                11. Not saying missing & blaming teammates poor map awareness.

                                                                                12. Not buying dust to shut down this Riki, BH, Clinkz etc. There are games were I had lead & I could have killed enemy invis hero over & over again, but I didn't want to buy dust, coz "it's a support job to do it". It resulted in many missed kills.

                                                                                13. Valuing kills over your own life. Your life is in 90% of cases worth more than getting a kill if u play carry/mid & they don't have big streak.

                                                                                14. Not using all skills before dying. I know I'm gonna die, so I should should have used all spells & right click as much as possible, instead I run away, even though I know it's 100% sure I will die.

                                                                                15. Going for easy kills instead going for that 1 hard, but big kill. It's not like getting easy kills is bad, sometimes it's much better (good for snowballing to feed on enemy's weak link), but there are situation where blowing everything to get that support & get a kill, instead blowing everything, get carry & assist is game losing.

                                                                                16. Going emo, when crashed in laning phase instead focusing on how to comeback & win.

                                                                                17. Focusing on allies mistakes instead own.

                                                                                18. Not thinking about what to build in the specific game, repeating the same build over & over again.

                                                                                19. Being pissed by OP hero spammer, instead focusing on how to win/counter him. Sometimes I flame this Ebola, Zeus, Lina picker in all chat. I don't need to tell that most of the games I flame I lose.

                                                                                20. Not paying enough attention to how Rosh is game changing (not taking it, taking it too late, not contesting at all etc.)

                                                                                21. Not stacking & farming ancients enough.

                                                                                22. Problems with positioning in team fights (esp. when playing demanding heroes like Tinker, Storm in terms of positioning).

                                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                  Side note I'll throw this in:

                                                                                  1. Jungles that pull your lane just for low level camp.

                                                                                  2. Supports that single pull non stacked camps especially low levels.

                                                                                  3. And my favorite from the few times I pick a safelane carry. Supports that don't harass leave lane when your a melee safelane carry vs a range. I pick void one time and I'm against viper. Support just kept single pulling low level camp. So either lane is past my tower or over pushing was good times.


                                                                                    1. Overextend
                                                                                    2. Don't keep timings
                                                                                    3. Dont know exactly the burst damage nukers can deal and under- or overestimate them, resulting in bad ganks/teamfights
                                                                                    4. Too greedy for fantastic moves(refresher invokers, fast blink enigmas, etc.). Focusing on single beautfiul plays results in low winrate in longrun
                                                                                    5. Incorrect warding and de-warding. People put obs in the same spot they did it before even tho enemy team dewarded, place sentry to unblock pulls, and this sentry is in the spawn box as well, etc.

                                                                                    Howard Donald

                                                                                      In no particular order.

                                                                                      Not understanding how severely all those avoidable deaths affect them.
                                                                                      Being inefficient, wasting time not doing anything.
                                                                                      Giving the enemy free information, ie. not using fog, revealing their item builds too early.
                                                                                      Reacting to what the enemy does instead of thinking ahead and outplaying.
                                                                                      Blaming everyone else.


                                                                                        1: Last hitting
                                                                                        2: Knowing what to do in teamfights (standing around doing nothing if you used all your abilities)
                                                                                        3: Communication (Not only in my scrub games, in all games)
                                                                                        4: Map awareness
                                                                                        5: Enemy prioritization
                                                                                        6: Tempo


                                                                                          Can you expand on what you mean by tempo?

                                                                                          Also thank you for the overwhelming amount of information being poured in to this topic :P

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            I define tempo as the pace of the game. if it's a slow game where there aren't many kills happening, keep farming items if there's nothing else to do. looking for kills when the enemy are hard to kill is a high-risk low-reward play because if you don't get the kill then you've wasted time that could have been better spent farming, while the enemy are probably farming more efficiently than you if they aren't participating in kills either and you can't find them.

                                                                                            if you can control the pace of the game, i.e. you can speed the game up or slow it down, use that to your advantage. for example a kotl can slow down the pace of a game by constantly keeping back enemy creep waves, slowing pushes and therefore giving a late game carry more time to farm. at least that's my interpretation of tempo

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              Fighting when they should be farming

                                                                                              Farming when the enemy dives and you can actually go and do something

                                                                                              Those 2 are the biggest mistakes by far.


                                                                                                -Line up pick
                                                                                                -Item build
                                                                                                -Role consistency
                                                                                                -Discipline xD



                                                                                                  Good support is hard to find. Supports that will stack and pull and not leave their carry alone in lane, grab and protect runes to help mid win lane.

                                                                                                  Buying obs wards is one thing, but getting someone to actually deward, doesn't happen often enough.

                                                                                                  Smoke ganks, smoke is something that is norm to not see once in your matches, unless you, yourself, take initiative to do it.

                                                                                                  Supports running around with 1500 gold saying they need to finish their item before buying wards, smoke. Also tping to lanes to take farm they shouldn't be farming, when they should be smoking, ganking or stacking.

                                                                                                  There comes a point during the end of laning phase and start of mid game that no one smokes or ganks and end up standing near mid tower defending it for no reason at all. It's normal to see people rez and just run right to mid alne and push the lane back and huddle near tower for noting at all, no farming going on, nothing going on at all. stale.

                                                                                                  I really need to get out of this bracket!!

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    Also try to master tread switching, it's one of those things that I always put off and never finished doing. Find a hero you like that NEEDS to tread switch, mine was wraith king. Then just play him a bunch until you get used to switching to int whenever you cast

                                                                                                    The seemingly minor gains from it can actually be huge, and it's basically free mmr if you think about how it increases your effectiveness


                                                                                                      One thing I'm noticing is sometimes when I go to put a ward down late game I'll walk into the enemy team and of course die instantly my question is would that be a misunderstanding of the tempo of the game? Bad luck? I suppose it might depend on the situation of each game...... A better question is when is it appropriate to leave the team for a second to ward? When do you forget about river vision and more specifically seeing people enter the rosh pit?

                                                                                                      Come to think of it the same question applies to dewarding

                                                                                                      There are some things that just aren't clear to newer players.... I assume most of it is picked up over time but that's partly what forums are for right? Explaining things?helping people and just generally discussing the game?

                                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                        I'm in the 2.8k bracket now. What I see mostly is:

                                                                                                        1) Not using midas/necroicon at times.
                                                                                                        2) Playing support CM and not harassing enemy out of lane, or in trilane and not double stacking/double pulling.
                                                                                                        3) Not TPing to offlane when enemies dive and they are low HP.
                                                                                                        4) Mid not rotating after 10-14 mintues in... Or allowing his enemy to gank, "aka. no miss/warnings".
                                                                                                        5) Offlane not calling miss or asking for help or not TPing to safelane when there's 4 man ganks.
                                                                                                        6) Not shutting down crucial heroes like Huskar, PL, PA etc... mid-late game.
                                                                                                        7) 4th position not warding or helping warding or will not help in buying sentries when the enemy has more than 2 stealth heroes.
                                                                                                        8) No dust on more any 2 allies, when enemy has like 2 or more shadowblades.
                                                                                                        9) People who don't know when to not push lanes alone or ward alone late-game.
                                                                                                        10) I see this alot in bot games as well as low games. People who don't walk around to defend towers but walk into THE ENEMY, pushing the lane!