General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker help and tips for scrub

Invoker help and tips for scrub in General Discussion

    Hey people of dotabuff, I’m liking Invoker more and more each game, mainly the QW build and I have an OK wr with him, at least in the bracket I play, usually do fine in KDA but it’s pretty hard to carry the game, even harder at late stages of the game (with bkb’s, tankier heroes, etc). Am I building him like shiet? I know there’s a LOT you can do with the hero, so that’s why I always think I could get another item that fits better in the game, lately I’m going orchid+blink+somethinglikeaghs/vyse, since I tried desolator, maelstrom before and I find the position with blink gives me much better results, prob cause I can’t position that well without a blink. When should I try deso? Maelstrom? Necros? Something else?

    Also, any good tips or guide or someone good to watch play as a QE invoker? I just suck balls with that build, could be because susntrikes are not that easy to land without a coordinated team or an euls, but it get’s pretty hard to do stuff with a QE, at least for me. Also I don’t want to do anything flashy like aghs refresher shit, I want to do stuff that does work each game and could bring easier wins, even if it’s not flashy.

    Any help is greatly appreciated! Wanna rekt some people with this magic dude.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Necros are good as first item if ur team is willing to push early.
      Maelstorm is situational, desolator seems even more weird.
      Common builds include items like orchid, blink, force, eul, aghs, shipstick. usually smthng like skadi or daedalus as last slot.


        I think any variation of qw builds would work well vs spellcaster meta