General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to get Shadow Blade or Blink

When to get Shadow Blade or Blink in General Discussion

    Can somebody explain me when to get shadow blade and when to get blink. And when are both together viable?

    Both Items are generally good on snowballing heroes but I've no clue why I'm buying blink/shadow blade, I either just feel like it or think that going invis/blinking is useful for this game.


      Shadowblade for catching/scouting

      Blink for initiating/escaping

      Shadow blade is useless for breaching high ground, unlike blink

      Shadow blade is much better for pickoffs on split pushers who cannot afford a slot for detection or heroes who liked to send units down the lane and hide in jungle (there used to be one... Not sure if such a hero exists anymore)

      If one team ends up turtling blink > SB

      If both teams keep split pushing and keep lanes pushed out until someone gets picked off SB > blink

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        Get Shadow blade vs. normal skill scrubs.
        Get Shadow blade vs. low disable team.
        Get Shadow blade when you want to maximize dps on a physical initiator (eg: slark,alchemist, meepo (jk) )

        Get blink when you need high mobility.
        Get blink when you have hard to land spells or skill shots.

        Probably other things im sure others will cover.

        Polkadot Piranha

          Also keep in mind if the enemy team has heroes that are prone to disabling Dagger. Heroes like Spectre, Zeus and Venomancer can turn your dagger into a 2250 gold-sink depending on the circumstances.

          As for the viability of both - heroes like Legion/Doom can often benefit from an early blink and then go ShadowBlade later on, when the enemy team are hurting for inventory slots.

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          kvasius # KSVM

            About SB and dagger together. Viable on heroes that NEED positioning, smth like kunkka. But not as first 2 items.

            Also, now, when theres Silver Edge, actually it can get some other viable utilities.

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              The usefulness of Shadow Blade/Silver Edge also greatly diminishes if your team already has other stealth mechanics in use.


                SB has more impact early game imo. You force the enemies to be scared and you pressure lanes, or you pick them off. Enemy supports also have to buy sentries and dust so they will be underfarmed
                With blink however you can farm more aggressively and you have more mobility and escape.

                Slark is the only hero on which I prefer SB tbh


                  silver edge's damage reduction and passive disabling ability have greatly increased sb's viability, in my opinion. Where I would always go blink on some heroes like ursa, slardar and sven, i would now prefer sb into silver edge more. its a great team fighting item now

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