General Discussion

General Discussion6.84c

6.84c in General Discussion
Pom Pom 🍕

    Wasn't that long ago since b, but another hotfix patch coming.

    Interesting change to Chen though. While big creeps like ancients, trolls and centaurs won't be as big, you could make 1K hp banishers and harpies now. That's kinda cute.


      4 harpies strat, you heard it here first! 560 dmg highrange chainlightning every 4 seconds!

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        Hmm, that is interesting.

        Also rip drow visage :(

        oh and ghost creep now viable hahaha

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          That tether nerf lol.

          Im pleased with all these changes tbh.


            mek got hit hard.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Also doesn't look like icefrog listened to the cries about tb buff. Has the change to quelling blade even been fixed yet (where illus don't benefit from the extra damage anymore)

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              Quick maffs

                I dont think he cares about TB at all

                Dire Wolf

                  I don't get the hero bounty changes. You get less xp for hero kills now? And slightly more gold if you're behind?

                  More undying nerfs, AWESOME.


                    Mek = sansa
                    Ice frog = ramsey


                      less xp and some little comback israel gold


                        this is retarded, this game was better some time ago

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Mek is just so bad right now, which is an indirect buff to GG. Also yeah that QB bug got fixed a while back. And guys deal with it, almost no AGI carry is good this patch and TB is the greediest of the greedy so even if he got buffed he kinda would be useless.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            the nerf to meka is made to force you to buy the new item arc+mek which is 45cd, so its a buff to this item


                              poor visage :( (again)


                                how is it a buff? while i love the upgraded boots as triplesteal made me note, its still 1600gold for a recipe that could be spent elsewhere.

                                still its not a buff to the guardian boots, just a nerd to the mekanism alone

                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                  It's more poor drow than visage. Visage will still be picked about as much, but drow strats will be less popular.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    I think drow is good this patch. She comes online at 6 with 1 item and can either teamfight or rat.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      It's an indirect buff because now you get more value out of the recipe.


                                        Wait .. i didnt even know that drow aura affected familiars 24/7


                                          It didnt, only when the aura was activated or drow was in the AoE. As I understand it is now an Activate exclusive now

                                          The change was made because Tether was a 1-point wonder and you would not increase the level in it but rather skill stats after lvl 11

                                          Quellingblade got fixed

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            I still didn't know they got the damage while they were in the AoE. Thought they got it only with the active.


                                              Now you know but it doesnt matter!

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                Is mek now worst then vanguard?

                                                NextStep ®

                                                  As much as i love getting mek I do like the mek nerf. It'll slow down snowballing from back to back team fights.
                                                  Slow down the deathball meta for PRO scene which is rather important for the coming TI.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    Nice, ursa not touched XD

                                                    Im the Bully of my School

                                                      yea time to spawn ursa. ggwp undying you were fun the time it lasted

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        You guys need to stop talking about trblade, his wr is going up.


                                                          Terrorblade shouldnt be bad that patch since its about pushing towers quickly, if you think about it get a team that is tanky and push good like a dk mid and then when ge calls for push just go metamorphosis and push that tower, tb is super strong early if not focused, in a team fight paired with something like a dk, a stun and undying, nobody will be able to touch tb while he destroys everything. Im considering trying this hero again. I do agree his str nerf was a bit too much though.


                                                            ^ well they also fixed QB not effecting illusions, which I am guessing is why his win rate went up 1% this week. even with that and the fact that towers are no longer immortal, he still doesn't seem good, he got nefred so hard and farming is slower this patch which is a nerf to all heavily farm dependent heroes.


                                                              He is too easy to shut down & it takes him ages to come online. Even if he comes online, he is still not that great.


                                                                just played with the tether nerf, it's not a big deal, 9 movespeed difference on a 300ms hero
                                                                still rather pump stats over it