General Discussion

General DiscussionIf doto is bad, the community is bad, the patch is bad, etc etc what ...

If doto is bad, the community is bad, the patch is bad, etc etc what are the things that makes u stay with doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? despite all the negative things doto is known for, why do you stay with doto?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      my thoughts? i think your annoying posting every 3 day a thread . ur avatar is ugly ur gameplay is shit ( i saw) ur a bad player a bad forum spammer . a shitty anoyying person and a bad dota player. ur happy? what? what?. yea shhh


        kid is called bad intentions. yet still suck big dicks everyday and have no idea what bad intentions is

        ED WUNCLER

          pure f@got. perioid

          ED WUNCLER

            Woke Up Quick, At About Noon
            Jus' Thought That I Had To Be In Compton Soon
            I Gotta Get Drunk Before The Day Begins
            Before My Mother Starts Bitchin About Ma Friends

            Hex Sigma

              ^as if gameplay nickname or profile pic has anything to do with the thread/subject itself; if you don't like the thread don't post in it. Man some dota players have mental issues

              On topic: Well as far as i can see OP dota is like a slot machine(if you're not very high rated at least). Sometimes you lose and it feels bad. But when you win, the feeling that most players get is very acomplishing.... well more or less. Besides all those bad points that you mentioned which indeed exist, if somehow a mediocre player gets to win he will disregard them immediately.

              Well either this or dota players are masochists. But afaik other mobas/arts/whatever usually breed the same people so i guess it's down to the game. After all the concept is simple. You are locked in a "room" with 4 other randoms, they either may be good people or total ignorant. You need to stay there and cooperate for an hour. Every tiny mistake can you lose you the game, and if you somehow get mad you won't leave, else you are going to be punished. Breeds rage like a comment section on youtube.

              There's also those players who even though they have a love/hate relationship with the game, they still stick with it, cause their friends are playing, or they wanna follow the competitive scene or because they don't want to bother to learn yet another game back and forth.

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              ED WUNCLER

                ^ didnt read. high skill player. mean around 3.3k mmr +. mean ur opinion doesnt matter. mean go read a book. mean and learn about life

                ED WUNCLER

                  Raspharusa ... ME ``:..É.'''..:L:/$!|!|///$%&(*)__+::`^¯­´­~~¼³¦¢£±±@±¢¬¦³¼¶§¶\ you.. GOD WORST KEYBOARD OF THE FCKING TIME CANT USE THAT SIMPLE ¯''..é'.::

                  ED WUNCLER

                    MEE : YOU

                    ED WUNCLER


                      ED WUNCLER


                        ED WUNCLER

                          SO HOT THE GUY IS ABOUT TO LICK THAT GIRLPU$SY

                          Bad Intentions

                            is im the bully of my school mad :O

                            ED WUNCLER


                              Im the Bully of my School

                       so sorry sir.,. plz dont tell lord ramsay..

                                Im the Bully of my School

                                  with my big alpha male voice


                                    and this is what makes me stay in doto.

                                      Този коментар е изтрит

                                        ^ @boss i fucking love you random comments lmfao.

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                                        Bad Intentions

                                          ^ what did he say?! he removed it! :(

                                          NextStep ®

                                            Bad intentions and Im the Bully of my School are the ones making this forum alive.

                                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                I am too lazy to learn how to play another game


                                                  competition releases dopamine in the brain and makes you addict, its kinda like gambling, same mechanism.
                                                  also cuz there is nothing else to do~

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    For me just the community is bad, but I enjoy playing the game

                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                      the patch is so fine for me

                                                      the comunity sucks. i hope when i get 5k it improve

                                                      ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                                                        dota is not bad


                                                          i like more or less everythig about this game, so dont see any reasons to switch to another one

                                                          waku waku


                                                            ^ i bet you expected that, but i really had to, sorry

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              " there is nothing else to do "

                                                              Sadly, I agree

                                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                triplesteal, you should try carrying 12 year old blizz fangays in heroes of the storm, with nova. lvl 20 trait auto refresh your ulti- which is basically a 3 times tapping sniper ult -whenever that skill does the final blow, so you basically can wipe the enemy team ez

                                                                as for how you get the lead to do that, well you basically baby your teammates to ganktrain all day every day, bully the weak, and if they suck dong and ignore you, which will on average less likely happen than in dota due to game nature, you just try scout out and pick people off, whereever the fuck they are extending-which is a lot of times cus duh tis a casual moba, either case is super easy because nova has the highest burst in the game while being a cloaked hero, and there's like no wards in the game besides a few shitty skill replacement of a few heroes, only thing is nova is paper, definition of glass cannon, most other dps/assasin/carry in the game are more/far more tanky

                                                                basically trade depth for 20 min throughout high octane action rounds, I mean solo play.

                                                                Except dota 2 is rapidly becoming LOL and HOTS ish, which sucks cus that's not what dota was/will ever be good at

                                                                and although I have only played the game 3 days, I heard nova was nerfed big time a while ago, but I care less, I rarely touch op heroes in dota 2 anyways

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                  also I just bought tychus, although I know him no more than him being a bad guy in cinematics ending of wings of liberty who got killed for whatever reasons, and him being the guy in the trailer who was suited up, and him having a cigar which was just removed days ago by blizz in hots whijch got on frontpage complain thread in r/hots

                                                                  his skills are totally ballin, machine gun wielding bamf, NO hit and run cus he can shoot continuosly while walking, using skill including sprint dash, and an ultimate which sends freaking transformer shit from the sky making him turn to that thor thing in sc2, and new skills, like a 100 times faster jakiro ult made of bombshells-duh, literal nuke(albeit very small area, and by small I mean smaller than nova's orbital cannon), another dash, and the same aoe shizzle skill

                                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                    FINALLY NO FUCKING HIT AND RUN, i fucking hate doing hit and run, I NEVER liked that bow horseguy unit in aoe2, looks gay as fuck

                                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                      my favorite aoe2 unit ..I can't really coin one, maybe the freaking slow walking elites spawning from castle thing, they look pretty slick and badass and hit like truck

                                                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                        oh and hots graphics is quite shockingly decent, a totally different style from dota 2, but no surprise cus I heard hots is based on sc2 engine, which in all honestly was same era right, 2010 sc2, 2011 dota 2, launch times

                                                                        and sc2 got a revamp like 2 years ago no? and dota 2 graphics got a boost pre ti4 no?, so all in all 1 year older graphics, except new game, go search up compare threads if you care

                                                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                          and the queue times are like 20-70 seconds, mostly 30 or so. it ususally reads 40-70 but actual times are much faster

                                                                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                            the patch isnt bad. Ppl are bad for sure. Should be an age requirement for dota