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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Highest KDA at that match. I can say you are lead your time to victory beside Templar. Participate in any engagement eh? Pressing hard at lines like any Medusa player do.


      You have 5 boots on your hero lmao, looks like your team rolled the game.


        great dark seer game buddy. clearly u participated in most if not all your team's kills. GGWP


          no dead and 26 assist? damn thats good, normal skill aside, good job


            Nice winning streak m8. U know how 2 play the Techie I see!


              Support bounty with a deso, you would have been better off with a force staff or blink. As a support bounty you don't really right click people late game so a deso is wasted. A blight stone wouldve been sufficient.

              haru yo koi

                You stomped pretty hard with Sven. Looks like you got all the space you needed to farm and win the game.


                  Looks like one hell of a game of throws. I feel sorry for you, being lonely squishy support against this kind of matchup. I would like glimmer instead of that perservance (even tho refresher would be nice or lotus useful). I'm pretty suprised that your team didn't have crimson or pipe tho...

                  LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                    Did you play mid lich? Your team got destroyed :/


                      #skip me
                      no, I was solo supporting lich.

                      Pablo Picasso

                        Early team ganking so hard that your invoker learned 1st ultimate @ lvl 10.

                        LIL KASALANAN (REAL)


                          I was the one ganking and I was offlane wex oh god... :v

                          Massive Dynamic

                            Excellent game as Elder Titan. Awesome KDA. 31 assists? WP sir.


                              You basically crushed the enemy with void, BTW I don't think you needed to buy Echo Sabre if you already had MoM(my opinion)

                              Massive Dynamic


                                @NB.Zictive I mainly bought it for the early mana regen. I just ended up having it at the end before I could replace it with something else. xD

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Wondering how you lost that game, you had about an 8k XP average lead throughout the game. Maybe some of your teammates got cocky and somehow ended up dead with no buybacks? Anyways kudos to you and Ember for carrying your team, just sad to see a game that could've easily been ended while having a humongous lead.

                                  Edit: Wasn't paying attention to the hashtag rofl, gonna make a new one for Zictive.
                                  Well played Warlock! Good supports like you are hard to find in Normal Skill, even more so on SEA. Idk if you could've avoided those deaths, your Hero Healing is very good though. Keep it up buddy!

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                    Lol is that zeus match. The enemy team has zero tower damage at all. Probably able to kill most if not all with 2 wraths as pa only has phase boots. Tekis useless.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      U did ur best . But pa just too poor items at 50 minute mark. Just another game where pa cannot flash farm and sucks balls late game anyway


                                        Ez katka match, good carry, good support over all a very good match good play man you must have good rotation's and coordination. Keep it up. Even though they had low level and less deaths their farm seems to be pretty reasonable, must be the huge booty they got after killing you once or twice, perfect example of rubber band theory.

                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                          You actually had a really good chance but with that team you needed to finish the game before 30-35 minutes and since you did not, you lost because everyone on the enemy team got farm and your heroes dont scale well at all.


                                            @brain we had like 5-8 chances to finish it but our LC started going yolo


                                              @brain issues, that's quite a comeback you made there. Is that all your items there? Judjing by your overall gold, I'd think you could also buy Shivas and stash it, so you can use it to push faster.


                                                Hard game, noone on your team got a gem to detree the treant and eventually superior vision allowed them to get the jump on you and end the game.


                                                  NaturalCauzes: Nice, long match. Must've been super close. That's a surprisingly low TD for SS, though, did you use Serpent Wards for the teamfights?

                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                    Looks like a stomp, you did well. Could've farmed a bit better and maybe gone for a casual yasha early on.

                                                    @AltSk0P I bought back a lot that game.

                                                    @proto I would've done that but i had like 30 bs charges and it didn't feel like i lacked damage. Not having to go to base during fights was rly valuable, the tankiness too. When I caught someone alone, i just perma hexed them. Good advice though.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    Proto | 改善

                                                      you should swap bloodstone for eblade lategame since it allows for better burst. you can burst any hero by the time your manapool is depleted


                                                        Sven stomped the game. A viper-necro offlane looks cancer on paper. Seeing as you're supporting while harassing the enemy tri-lane, it is justifiable to max sadist last however I do recommend putting at least a point on sadist before level 6.


                                                          You stomped by the looks of it. Good job, your attack speed must have been crazy.


                                                            Nice, mastering stomspirit and spamming that hero. Wp but took you long enough to finish the game

                                                            Ступор Мозговины

                                                              Pudge Imba! I guess it was mid Pudge?


                                                                Very strange high skill game, Bf on Sven two assaults in one team.... Died a bit much with Sven as well


                                                                  slardar and invoker did most for radiant, tipical es player

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    I dont get the trend with no boots Timber. Still, nice throw and bad itemization by your teammates

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      Monster game impact, sexy skadi pick up and good job in getting the most OP item u can get for him :] overall gud stuff :]


                                                                        @Goethe you wont believe me, I had boots in my stash, just swapping things with bkb/blink/travels.

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          10-10 u skipped me! 😬😬😬😬😬😬


                                                                            @Bad Intentions, sorry, tipical game. Except sven was not carrying and razor was feeding. Blink dagger on riki seems GUT, can easy join fights and escape them using ult.


                                                                              wow , close game. still won despite the enemy team with the lead towards the end


                                                                                @Shintaro looks like a solid am player, but hard to carry a game that goes so long, without mid players, and againsr 3 carriers, perhaps u shoyld have gone for the throne instead of trying to make megas, being in a 4v5 game, u had a pretty decent margin ahead


                                                                                  @nils looks like you have really good farming skills and you got ahead in the game. the throw was real though
                                                                                  sorry about your loss!


                                                                                    Hero healing a tad low on omni tho but good support play nonetheless helping your axe snowball and winning the game

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      Great performance as tinker. I'm surprised at how little of an effect the spectre had on you. You managed to hold the game long enough for the enemy team's early advantage to wear off, then slark could mow down the towers when you pushed with aegis.


                                                                                        radiant never even had a chance. you had the lead the whole game


                                                                                          Good start but comeback mechanics screwed you good after getting caught out a few times, causing a game-losing advantage swing.
                                                                                          In other words, Game: Thrown


                                                                                            dont think aghs was a viable item build as you went dps, if opponents were decent enuf, they wont let you ulti to begin with, rather go for a damage item than aghs

                                                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                                                              You carrying the team 1 vs 5 as necro ....mid? Well played. From the line up , enemy fucked anyway. And tb buy dominator lol


                                                                                                6 slotted by 30 mins is always a good thing. Big plus on the pushing effort. Honestly, dire heroes has no real answer for you but you pummeled them well and that's what matters lol. Ggwp

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  not really sure about the veil or diffusal purchases but you made it work

                                                                                                  Robert New California

                                                                                                    Great Sven Game. GPM was good, and the whole game was a stomp. Though with that Rubick abandon, you could have ended earlier than 40 mins.


                                                                                                      Damn, do your shoulders hurt after carrying that game? 31k hero dmg, one one came even close to that, great weaver stomp overall