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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Nice Elder. High kill participation and always there when team fight happen.

    Fee Too Pee

      is that lp game? u did ur joob thou, all carry team got crushed by roaming BH and Riki can snatch up so many kills to snowball really hard . most assist in the game wp. but not that good since it lp :/


        Just another huskar strat game. LUL
        But you did good as the huskar


          Great game. You just destroyed them with Slark. Sven 1-10 how is that even possible? XD


            Woah, a Meepo player. Well, you did quite okay with him but its definitely can be better.
            Try to practice more if you want to main him at ranked. You're kinda win that match because of helps from Sand King and Bloodseeker

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              I don't think I need to tell you that you died a bit too much in that Shadow Demon game.


                Even though AM can scale extremely well into the late game, Void and Slark can scale well too. In other words, 1 hard carry vs. 2 carries. You could've skipped the butterfly and heart and bought vlads and BKB instead. Still, you played a good game. Good farm, good gpm, good KDA.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  Are you actually kidding me? 22/1/16 statline is absurd. Farmed like nobody else was on the map. Enemy Invoker obviously couldn't contain you. Unsure if OD is really a meta pick right now but well played. Heck of a snowball.

                  fishy boi

                    EZ TOPKEK


                      Nice ursa, but still your p.a rekted them. ^


                        Hard game 4 vs 5 with a good Arc warden in the enemy team. You did ok.


                          @spader- good kill participation as bounty, asume it was you who got the team snowballing. Good item choices to curst down the slark, really like the unconventional dagon 5

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            You did fine overall. Your farm could have been better though. I have to say I don't like your itemisation. I don't see the point of ever buying orchid on QE invoker, it doesn't help you get solo pick offs (Drums is way better for that). Also, no way you don't buy Blink Dagger on QE, it's way too good to pass up. Even on QW you still go force staff to have some mobility.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              @hi, the orchid was for the pickoffs on slark and mirana. I didn't buy blink because I needed the hex and aghs for teamfight, why buy a blink when your team is already doing all the initiating for me?

                              stupid fuck 2000

                                Blink on Invoker is mainly for mobility in fights/moving around the map efficiently in order to farm faster. You shouldn't view it as just an initiation item. There's a reason blink dagger is a viable item on pretty much every hero in the game.

                                @fee to pee, yeah she got so tilted she leaped onto our ancients cliff and started killing them off. We let her be and ended the game. Judging by the demon edge she probably wanted to feed us a rapier or something.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  True, but I believe that in that game, I had more important items to build up, blink dagger was a luxury item compared to a hex against a slark

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    you probably abuse Arc Warden to the next level in your bracket. those fast item timings. zero death. mirana tilted to the next level ( see her items : fairy fire , wind lace , demon edge lol) nice win streaks win arc warden mate. Well played overall

                                    This is for the guy with Ember profile

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Gr8 stomp as Huskar on a Battle Cup Game (!), once you got BKB you were pretty much immortal. Props to your Dazzle, seeing as how Huskar likes to live on the edge and Razor's Eye of the Storm pushes people to the edge he played very damn well with dem graves. Enemy team was outplayed (their strong early-game gank potential didn't mean shit, kudos to you guys).

                                      Looks like a case of a mismatch to me. Still, well played!


                                        Not much to say. Well farmed LC and you had a good team line up. They got totally rekt. gj m8!


                                          very nice razor td hd items semi . .
                                          bad farm i mean lashits :d


                                            oh well, pretty sure that troll warlord lost the game but you definitely should not have died so much with naga ...
                                            also perhaps going for a yasha before octarine in a game that is obviously full of the other team pushing and forcing fights might be alright
                                            anyway ive been in those situations as a naga and i understand that there is only so much you can do yo ..but i would probably recommend the 404 build with 1 lvl of ensnare and takin stats and ult since like 9 or 10 but thats just me i guess ..
                                            hope you will have better naga games, shes a cool hero :)


                                              Outstanding Performance. Well played, wish I one day could play with such a good meepo.

                                              No need to say more. Really.


                                                Nice job there helping the team out as Naga. Even with 4 people, you guys managed to win that fight (albeit a little too close). Its also quite good on your draft because you don't have squishy support in there. If not, they would be blown up instantly with that Rapier + crit on kunkaa. Overall, good job.


                                                  You did fine in the ds game.. Though you lost 4 v 5..the reason I think you lost.. Is coz none of you went for diffusal.. Also.. Given the spec.. Ursa with a silver edge diffusal.. Would've meant an easy win.. Their team fight was really good... While yours would've meant more power packed if the diffusal was there.. The omni ultimate fucked you over big time I think.. Anyways ggwp

                                                  fishy boi

                                                    ez topkekekekek


                                                      Easy game. Your team composition just out-drafted them in every way

                                                      Massive Dynamic

                                                        Typical Zeus game. Good job on the teamfight contribution. The unupgraded boots are hilarious. I'm sure you built arcanes and disassembled for aether lens, but leaving them like that for the rest of the match is highly entertaining.


                                                          Your farm was poor and I'm not a fan of your item build either.


                                                            Nice SF, even though your temmates were just ****. Seems the fed the lanes hard and did not ward / deward enough. Toplane should have been easy against dusa and sky with kotl. And yeah, your team obviously forgot the lifestealer jungling ;) Simply not possible to solo-carry that game.

                                                            My lastgame: Silencer solo offlane...


                                                              good job, u almost carried ur team as silencer, it seeems ur pa did nothing


                                                                Seems like you had a hard game against a Alche with 1.1 k gpm. You did good on your part.

                                                                fishy boi

                                                                  ez tapkik


                                                                    Gonna reply to Spader because the guy above said nothing of value.

                                                                    Nice job, seems like you had a very good impact on the game and I like your pick.


                                                                      Valiant, singlehanded effort. But that shit happens when people pick Chen and Visage at the same time in normal skill bracket. BTW, Alchemist looks confused a lot with that build.


                                                                        Yeah he demanded that he be given the jungle and Chen take the solo safe lane. Was a really fucked up game.

                                                                        Ignore this, was just replying.

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                          Jungled and actually rekting scrubs. Wolf need no armour. U replaced jugernaut as carry. Most tower buiding . Gg ez no pt ck

                                                                          Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                            G: nothing much to say, looks like you snowballing. Line up was way better than Dire.
                                                                            B: I don't understand what you saying to the other guy

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                            dark soul trummoner

                                                                              GG carry crystal maiden wth

                                                                              grats on the stomp i guess

                                                                              Lindsey Lohan

                                                                                Not much to say, luna spammer But IT seems to work for you


                                                                                  I don't know how you lost the oracle game.. Your carries had farm.. You did a good job as sup I guess.. Ursa had no bkb.. That maybe..
                                                                                  Last game.. Jugg.. We won with 11hp ancient


                                                                                    Nice work winning a very hard game. It was very close to a loss tho lol. Gj anyway.

                                                                                    fishy boi

                                                                                      you had lots of assists.
                                                                                      also, topkek

                                                                                      M u r d e r

                                                                                        PA item timings were messed up in order, was going for last item BKB but didn't make it in time xD Game could have been different!

                                                                                        note: say something other than "you needed a pipe" or "es was feeder"


                                                                                          That's a very scary lineup you're playing against, with Bara's charge and Furion's global teleport, and even Zeus' ulti.

                                                                                          And wow, a rare game lost with Rapier in your inventory.

                                                                                          Personally, I would've changed the lanes a little. I would prefer seeing Drow + 1 (preferably not ES) against the LC, because she's good at harassing LC early game. Also, ES needs farm to get an early blink, so he really shouldn't be laning with the carry.

                                                                                          Also, as a Lich player (check my profile), I prefer going for an early Urn over Mek, because you are going to be involved a lot of the fights and you are not supposed to be in the front line (ergo, you can get be a lot of healing done). You also can make up for the armour of Mek with your second skill. I also think Aghs is core in this game over, especially because there'll be treants and Chen's creeps to keep up the infinite bounce.

                                                                                          Also, I guess you guys were outdrafted. You don't really have a way to deal with the Zeus unless ES does his job (which fails to be the case).

                                                                                          (Wow much long insight).


                                                                                            es 4k hero dmg ..why go aether lens ? veil???aghanim???


                                                                                              380 lh on a naga NotLikeThis

                                                                                              M u r d e r

                                                                                                Was the only real Nuker in team so Veil not as good, and I was poor AF (except for one very brief moment during which I got travels because was hoping for a push xD) , warding all the game. I like the extra range on Aether lens too, helps survive... Just not against Zeus double ult instagib....

                                                                                                We were defending mega creeps (hence the rapiers) but just was too much pressure. In very the end BKB'd NP just ratted the ancient when enemy got pickoff and cores were not close enough to react .
                                                                                                Agreed , needed Aghs.

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                  imo Undying can't be a core, he should be helping out with warding to and your Aghs should be the priority. Undying just doesn't scale well in late game, unless he gets an Aghs himself and even then, it's a support skill.

                                                                                                  <<do not ignore because I got skipped :c>>

