General Discussion

General DiscussionChaos Knight resurgence

Chaos Knight resurgence in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Chaos knight's win rate has risen from a subpar ~47% pre 6.84 to around 52% now, a sizable increase. I've won three games in a row on him, though in the last one I wasn't really impactful. But he seems like a strong hero now which the meta favors.

    He doesn't need tons of items to fight. To me his weakness in the past has been farming, because he farms slowly compared to agility carries and falls behind. Also heroes like sniper and troll seemed to crush him.

    But now, fighting more early, you can rack up some kills, get a big item and be unstoppable.

    I like to max rift before his stun for the extra range and cd reduction. I usually go 2/3/0/1 at 6, then get 1 or 2 in crit, max rift, max stun. Rift just seems better for fighting due to his limited mana and stun randomness. Easier to rift someone twice to kill them then stun once.

    For items, I go stout shield, quelling blade, tango. Then treads, then I've basically been trying to rush AC. I know it doesn't buff your illusions directly but the debuff makes them hit harder and AC is a great farming item. CK's base dmg is pretty good so just with hyperstone he can farm the rest of AC easily enough. I've been skipping drums because I think it's a waste of gold. If I feel my hp is too low I might grab a bracer. But finishing drums is over half way to hyperstone. If you're getting harassed a ton in lane a morbid mask to turn into dominator->satanic later can be good. CK with stout shield doesn't really need the lifesteal to farm but it certainly doesn't hurt, just delays hyperstone.

    After that if I need bkb I grab it, otherwise heart is a great item. I see some people building s&y, seems good costly when heart is only 1200 more. I think medallion might also be a sweet item, boosting your illusions when you rift.

    What do you guys think?


      we think you should stop posting such long posts. It's a waste of time to read this shit. It doesn't even make you look smart either.

      how to thread:

      CK rose 5%
      do you ALSO think the hero is much better NOW?


      < blank >

        Ty for summary
        CK is RNGesus himself

        Dire Wolf

          One person's opinion.

          And I am looking for builds, not just one liner answers like:

          Is ck stronger?

          Yes he is.

          Where's the fun in that? Zero information of value shared.

          Edit: this thread is much worse and it's two pages. wall of text.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            You shouldn't rush AC wtf. It's a bad item to rush. If you want to skip drums, either have a Wisp in your team or buy a bottle/soul ring for mana or you will just walk around uselessly. Also maxing stun is better because it makes it so it stuns for at least two seconds. Also Armlet is really good for both fighting and farming also makes your illusions better.


              AC rush is terrible


                Ck was my first hero wonder if it's time to take him off the shelf, dust him off and rape some butt holes.

                Dire Wolf

                  Armlet is hard to keep up without going lifesteal as well. So what's the build? Armlet, dominator, heart?


                    AC barely does anything for illusions, you get more armor reduction out of a MoC for less then a 4th the price (& MoC isn't that gr8 anyway). on CK most people just like to build a lot of stats, drum & casual bracers are both good but you could also consider stuff like heart, AoM, S&Y, Manta, and HH. you might also want a bottle or lifesteal early just so you don't need to go back to base often/ever.


                      i already told you the perfect build last time and the time before and the time before that (CK THREADS)

                      treads drums HEART BF MANTA BKB(if rly needed but imo no)/some other shit.

                      takes 20 min to get drums+bf+manta or 25 i dont remember because i play him rarely...


                        or it was 25 min with bf too idk

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          You don't need lifesteal to keep it up, it gives 8 HP regen per second.


                            20 min BF+Manta+Drums+treads? HOLY SHIT easy game.

                            Dont do BF, dont listen him.

                            Treads + Drums its kinda the start itens, after that is just situtional. You can armlet for early figths, also manta if no ilusions killers or area damage, also BKB if you cant even move because of stuns, so that depends on the game.


                              The real tip is, never rush AC, NEVER.


                                If u wanna learn CK u should watch my games

                                is CK strong? Yes he is


                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                  S&Y is a great item on him that I'm pretty sure you love too with 205 games of S&Y (and a lot of comments before about the item). It's one of the easiest core items to farm and both disassemble items are great on him too (manta synergies especially well with armlet build)

                                  Even if you're bad at armlet-toggling it is still a good item since the buff is permanent for illusions. +25 damage for each illusion and yourself, and 475 extra health on all of you is pretty good already without counting the other damage and armour the armlet gives the real ck.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    there are like 4 tactics

                                    -> noob and pro tactic around armlet ->tank
                                    ->believerboys build ->C9
                                    ->MY BUILD ->best
                                    -->my alternative build -->necro 3 and shit


                                      alternative is oldshool build -> same as rex

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        ok well if I won three in a row with shit items I'll try good ones and see how it goes lol


                                          lol benao no offense but you have a 35% win rate with CK, and half of your games with him were in blank or high skill bracket.
                                          I Know you are a better player then me, but this is a build you really shouldn't try to push on other people.


                                            because i dont play/didnt play ck much in pubs doesnt mean i don't play the hero, havent played him a lot before


                                              I thought armlet was must have on CK. Doesnt the bonus unholy strength go unreduced to illusions if you have it active when you Phantasm?

                                              plz do

                                                ^yes and thats the main reasons why u build armlet. its not a must have.

                                       this guy is noob, asks for personal advice and posts in a nice manner. nice guys want to answer and spend some love on answers.

                                                u are noob, state halfbaked hypothesis from high skill bracket and present a halfbaked build on a hero u have won 3 games in a row with. ur theorycrafting is highly questionable, yet u expect to be treated better than others.


                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Not really, I fully expect everyone in very high skill to be condescending assholes. Just saying I get why would you flame the content of the message but beano thinks people should only post one liners or something which makes no sense. The whole point of a forum is discussion, not just armlet is good on ck. Why is it good, what are alternatives etc.

                                                  And I didn't present my ideas as gospel, I just said what I did those three games and it worked.

                                                  I tried going drums and s&y and I think my farm was better, I do actually like that build more. I still skipped armlet, maybe I will try it next. So the thread has been a positive for me, found better builds.

                                                  I still don't get why battlefury though and will probably never build that shit.


                                                    Battlefury boost a lot ur farm, CK is just unnstopable if u don't have heavy counters in the other side.

                                                    I have been see CK picked a lot recently on 5k+ brackets


                                                      you want to stack timberwolf?
                                                      im low priority and i can play ck so you can see the dmg output and farm potential of my build

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I don't know if I can even play tonight and I'm gone all weekend. I haven't been getting many games in. But you're in the dotabuff guild right? I'll find you in there.


                                                          Bean - I guess u weren't LP for long time, now it's only All Random.


                                                            ah no i just forgot
                                                            im there every 2 days... dota time, can play for 2 days (5-15 games)-->5 lp games