General Discussion

General DiscussionRight Click Deny, cant use follow tool

Right Click Deny, cant use follow tool in General Discussion

    Hello Guys,

    I use this command "dota_force_right_click_attack 1", wich makes your deny atack be on the rigth click, btw when i have control of some units like ilusions, creeps, meepo heros and etc, i cant make them follow another units, because it's gonna try to "hit" and when it reaches the range to atack it will stop moving and dont follow anymore.

    Is there any other hotkey or something that makes some units follow anothers without beeing on the rigth click? Like "F" button on Dota 1?

      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

        I have more control of lane when using Right Click and i cant change that ;/

        Any other idea?


          ofc you have more control, that utility is for noobs

          are you a noob?


          do you want to improve?


            Yea check your settings, the default (and I still use default) is "M" + left click on the unit to follow. I barely ever use it though, maybe just with jugger at level 1 where every tick of spin damage is important

            bum farto

              M + click hero follows the unit you clicked with the units you click M with


                About you guys thinking i m noob, actually there is many ways to play. As you can see some pros use autoattack others dont, some use A to deny and others dont. Anyway, it depends on the hero i m playing also, i have some differents configs.

                Hum, i will check it tonight, my M is binded with another utility wich i cant remember, anyway i think it will do the same as rigth click.


                  because you're best friends with pros right?


                    i personally use the force right click deny, because its one less button to push and then you can animation cancel for denies too.

                    anyway. just use M+click. its super rare you need to follow someone anyway. the main thing i use it for is if i want to tank roshan with illusions. other than that maybe if i want a meepo to follow someone before i get travels. idk.

                    following someone is pretty rare.


                      Follow isnt pretty rare.

                      You can use when you dominate some creeps that gives auras (like wolf), ilusion to go with waves and lots of more examples.

                      But for me, the creeps i dominate (even with chen or enchantress) makes this tool pretty important.

                      But thanks for the advice, though that M would do the same thing as rigth click, so i binded with another shit.


                        ok so for dominate, a thing that rarely happens, and when it does you just leave them on follow for the most part use M+click.

                        if you need to micro him just follow him again after you're safe if it even lives.

                        don't make illusions follow waves wtf that doesn't even work. A-move the lane and micro it if it goes too far.

                        i think you need to learn how to micro.


                          I use A-Move, but sometimes the ilusions cannot be on the front line so you can put it to follow waves and after that just micro it again for other direction. Works pretty well with naga at start, since ilusions are pretty weak without heart or butter.


                            If you aren't capable of watching the minimap and microing them with hotkeys, just give them waypoints. If they are faster than the creeps then double them back once with a waypoint.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              I also use right click deny, i replaced the default 'follow' button from M to G.


                                one guy on whos account i worked had this shit option on. it drove me nuts.


                                  Ok, with this thread I've learnt that this option is not default and someone's been messing with my settings :/

                                  I can't remember playing without it to be honest.