General Discussion

General Discussionleshrac...

leshrac... in General Discussion

    leshrac is actually a broken hero rn wtf...


      ppl havent figured out how bad pugna trashes him but ya hes retarded right now, lightnings so good

      Livin' Real Good

        Not broken, just really good you cry baby, why do people like to throw that word out so easily, i just finished hearing Spirit Breaker was broken.

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          last game i was against pugna as leshrac, bkb glimmer saved me

          he's so good against this 5 man train shit meta, just spam lightining

          Livin' Real Good

            ^ He's insanely good in this early push meta though, they're using him right now in TI qualifiers as we speak. lol

            ED WUNCLER

              leshrag . wards plesz


                how am i a crybaby>? im just stating hes retarded hero



                  good normal skill though, thats probably why u heard spirit breaker was broken

                  ED WUNCLER

                    baby babyy

                    Miku Plays

                      Leshrekt is love, Leshrekt is life


                        Both SB & Leshrekt are broken & cancerous. They're easily top5 or even top3 heroes to climb MMR.

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                          get leshrekt

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            He was always good. He didn't even get a direct buff this patch and Glimmer Cape is actually pretty good against him. People just realized that lightning is a fucking 260 damage nuke on 4 CD that hits 7 people and also slows for 1 sec.

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                                *douchey hipster getup on*

                                I liked him before he was cool back when he was only like the 100th most popular.


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                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                    how is he broken. His mana cost is ridiculous. even with bloodstone and a good number of charges he cant spam his skills. He doesnt have 1 skill that doesnt cost him 100+ mana to cast and his ult burns mana like crazy. Not broken at all.

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