General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on drafting

Advice on drafting in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Was my draft bad? Lina cried he cant go against silencer and said he wouldve done better with invoker lol.

    plz do

      ur draft was suprior, ur plays were superior. ur team holds u back.

      Miku Plays

        im asking for advice on how to draft

        plz do

          ?? profit.


            the heroes you picked interact badly with each other, but its about general intuition of the game, not a list of specific errors.
            mb i can point out lack of reliable stuns which could help lina or kunkka, but thats not the only point


              Why was Lina mid anyway instead of Zues? Kunka + Lina is a good offlane combo, you can do a lot of harass and have the power to kill someone at level 2, if they use X- LSA- Torrent - DragonSlave.

              Mid cs at 10 min... Lina was 17/1, Silencer 27/12. Then lina goes 0-13-1 and abandons... so probably he just can't play lina at all.
              Did you ask him if he could play lina before picking it?

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              Miku Plays

                i asked him if he can Lina mid he said no but my friend can Lina mid but he stole it instead, asked him in picking phase to pick void instead. the draft revolves around chrono and the two globals


                  Zues should have been mid. I think you just set the lanes wrong, then being in bad lanes everyone fed. 6-0 by 9 minutes.

                  But the fact that it ends up 41-3 means you guys probably would have lost no matter what you did. The other team just had better players. If that were not the case you would have had some minor turnarounds here or there. You got outplayed all the time probably because of matching failure...

                  Oh, I see in the details of their match histories. Their whole team is actually Very High players who just had low party scores. So they were quite underrated and should not be matched against you.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Miku Plays

                    they abandoned.. and my friend just fed them for commends lol


                      Look whenever you loose a game in CM and people complain about the draft, it's usually just because they suck and don't want to admit it. Your draft was fine even though i just hate Kunkka in general cuz the hero seems way to funky for me. And TripleSteal already gave you pretty good feedback.

                      And also: A player in normal skill said that he does better with invoker then with lina... please don't take that serious


                        Here is what I mean. You just had weaker players, probably would have lost no matter what you picked.

                        Your team
                        Void - 18 games Very High 39% win
                        AA - 62 games Very High 40% win
                        Lina - hides stats
                        Kunka - hides stats
                        Zues - no games Very High

                        Their Team
                        Silencer - 217 games Very High 44% win
                        Slardar - 336 games Very High 47% win
                        Tidehunter - 144 games Very High 48% win
                        Witch Doctor - 306 games Very High 47% win
                        Wyvern - 267 games Very High 47% win

                        So you see that their team has a ton of experience playing much harder games. All five of them are almost good enough to sustain a Very High rating and get into Very High on their best heroes. Your team is just not really a comparable team. Matching making failed.