General Discussion

General Discussion4ks blaming 5ks for picking what they want

4ks blaming 5ks for picking what they want in General Discussion

    and therefore going mad as fuck are literally best people to watch and read in chat.
    also - theyr'e pretty decent at ruining teh games.

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      I just attended a local coaching event, a 5.8k player played on my account to teach me qop.

      Everyone flamed him for being 4k.

      Case in point: 5ks think they are better than everyone because of a number. Shove your ego somewhere else.



        so fucking real right here


          what else should we use to determine skill/pick order in the pick screen except mmr? there's a reason valve made it visible

          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            lol how'd that 5.8k player lose all his games with qop? acct buyer or boosted player? :D


              pls tell more stories:D i like



                Valve made it visible so that all the 6k players could stop sending them death threats.

                As for me. You should really just care about the first number to determine your skill, maybe the 2nd number.


                  5ks are the best guys what are you talking about they are 99.999 percentile man. If you get flamed by them you should be glad to be in their pressence.

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                      Iunno in my experience, 5Ks don't flame that much. The biggest flamers are the mid 4Ks.

                      Let's say your Storm dies twice to Qop in the first 5 minutes. 5ks would look at it as (while not good) an understandable result. 4Ks would basically go: FK IF YOU SUCK AT MID, WHY DO YOU GO MID? GGGGGGGGG I'm AFK.


                        I'm on the cusp of 5k, 4950ish as of writing. my biggest issue when playing with high 5ks/6ks is that more often than not they will only play their 1 shot wonder hero mid. storm, sf, ember etc. they'll have several hundred games as using their best hero and only have played maybe a few dozen games as anyone else. it's extremely tiresome to listen to someone claim superiority because of one hero they've played a thousand times. one hero can certainly affect the entire game but at its core the game is about team work, which I find lacking in these MMR ego trip players


                          5k us = 4k eu

                          your last game proves it


                            ^that is true acutally


                              lol 1 game proves what exactly? i pick a greedy brood and i end up with a tinker with euls? you have 700 games as SF, youre exactly the player im talking about. if someone were to pick your SF or take mid from you i bet you cry and whine and feed your face off. but since were on the topic of games proving anything, nice job losing about all of your last games played as SF. oh and in addition to your logic, my drow is better than yours too.


                                typical us scum, thx for further proving my statement


                                  4.5k teammates all flamed 6.1k for picking gyro mid
                                  (i flame team for buying urn and bottle when im wisp)

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                                      if you used your little brain and learned to analyze you would know

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        It's Europeans favorite past time to make fun of Americans, meanwhile Americans don't even waste time thinking about Europeans in such ways (cause every country has it's faults) I wonder why they care so much about down playing Americans? Probably cause of a type of superiority complex they got going on to make themselves feel better. Either way you put it, no matter what the topic is, Americans seem to be the center of attention, whether it be sports, politics, music, and more. As Storm Spirit would say: Is that a spotlight!? Ovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr hereeeeeeee! PS: This country is fucked up, but you have to live here to appreciate the things that aren't fucked up about it.

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                                            He's borderline 3 4 k though

                                            plz do

                                     dis game. what would u do?
                                              edit: doom dooms jungle creeps for farming. oracle randomed. fml.

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