General Discussion

General DiscussionI CANT WIN ANY GAME

I CANT WIN ANY GAME in General Discussion

    im not even feeding.

    9/10 game i am still positive. but no matter what i do i lose.

    if i play carry, entire team feeds and game is over in 15-25 minutes before i can even come online (keep in mind im getting raped and pushed back and very hard to farm)

    if i play mid, i can usually make enough space we don't get anally pounded before 30 minutes, but then my carry ALWAYS gets outfarmed and then we lose.

    i haven't tried offlane.

    i played support a couple times and won but i think it was just luck, i don't think its a reliable way to secure wins.

    King of Low Prio

      try buying euls more in pubs with QoP. I find that BKB in pubs tends to force you to rely too much on your teammates

      Bad Intentions

        oh boy.. i see a lot of reds in your matches op..

        maybe there is some personal things going on with your life? that are affecting your gaming performance?

        King of Low Prio

          and offlane is the best lane for soloing atm.


            i usually don't buy BKB that often on qop, but i got it so i could burst the bloodseeker who had a blademail without killing myself.

            i don't see how euls is good though. i'd rather just buy a sheep. i don't need euls for set up. only thing it would do is take someone out of a fight for a couple seconds.

            should i try spamming bloodseeker/qop/leshrac offlane?

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              I've lost some points lately playing dota during the day (but it was probably me playing like shit too).

              my face when solo mid SF dies to Bloodseeker 6 times in a row first 10 minutes.

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                me too somehow im losing 4 games in a row now, and when i won, its not counted lol. mybe im just having to much fun with my friends lol.

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                  Livin' Real Good

                    don't make a complaining thread, Dota 2 forums take that as bait to tell you how bad you are to feel a false sense of self worth. (seriously dota community does that)

                    But yeah, I TOTALLY get what you mean, some matches aren't even playable, i literally go into every match thinking (after i get past that ACCEPT or DECLINE option) Please... be decent, you pieces of shit don't even have to be good, just be decent and i can carry you easily without having to play out of my mind just to get that 25. Those team where it's 1-9 the first 8 mins, you're like "WTF ! How are you dying so much!?"

                    Then when you watch these people who are suppose to be in your "same" skill bracket, you see that they're making the same mistakes 1K MMR/2K MMR players make, then wondering how the fuck are they in 3K, 4K, 5K, or whatever bracket your in, the numbers lie, exactly why i'm climbing. O_O (almost to high skill, 100 more MMR)

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                      You seem to be a decent meepo player why do you not play it anymore?


                        get lion and suport the shit of of your team


                          because meepo is dead hero.

                          6.83 comeback mechanic and respawn nerf hurt a lot because the way you win with meepo lategame if you can't end pre 25mins is you split push or suicide dive teamfights (get 2-3 kills, then die, buy back and take next objective)

                          6.84 removed respawn time and nerfed sheep (no evasion break)

                          every time meepo dies you lose 1500 gold. you buy back costs you 2000. you dieback you lose another 1500.... total net loss 5000 gold every time. even if you don't play so aggressive. if you die fucking once you give team 1500 gold plus ur dead for 2 minutes.


                          idk. fucking most games are terrible. i had like 10 horrendous games in a row. i just had like 5 good games, still lost 2 of them, but they were good. but the 10 before that were retarded. no matter how hard i carry i still lose. aside from 2 games where i go beyond godlike (like 30-5) but thats some real fucking serious carrying going on there. you'd think i was smurfing in 2k.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            my last game i had peruvian solo support.

                            and my team fed their ember 20-0 before i could even get anything. how am i supposed to carry that. like literally even burning/rtz/loda/<insert pro carry> can't win that. why? because the game was over before the laning phase ended.

                            Bad Intentions

                              maybe you need some rest man, you have too many games today..


                                Go try undying offlane


                                  >because meepo is dead hero.

                                  i just can't win mmr with meepo and I have 72% winrate
                                  you need to be an extremely good meepo, never die and farm extremely fast


                                    it's valve