General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to build windranger as a carry?

How to build windranger as a carry? in General Discussion

    How can I play wr as a carry, whats the optimal skill and item build

    Also, is aghs rush better with her changes or an early maelstrom?


      Mael => AgS => Octarine => MKB => Daedalus


        Why octarine?


          OC not worth the CD reduction and even worse for the lifesteal. would not even build it for the 6th slot.

          Meal -> Aghs -> MKB -> [Situational]


            phase boots - aghs - daedalus - bkb - shadow blade - satanic

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY


              Bristle got super big early so i kept roaming with him and helping him

              is wr better played hard carry or rat like pusher with ult aghs?

              Pom Pom 🍕

                for skill builds it's actually worth getting her ult at level 6 now since it costs very little mana and she got +100 attack speed on it two patches ago. You should also max shackle before windrun. Shackle is really bad at level 1, and you're fine with just 1 point in windrun.


                  Phase->Shadow Blade->Scepter->Desolator. I prefer rushing Shadow Blade, coz I want to have impact ASAP & Aghs first seems too greedy for me. It's easier to snowball with SB. Why desolator ? It gives insane dmg vs buildings/rosh/heroes & the most important part - it's very cheap.

                  Skill build - E-W-W-Q-W-R-W-Q-Q-Q-R-E-E-E-U-R

                  I think WR best role is ganker, with Shadow Blade she is one the best (if not the best) counters to split pushing. She can still carry very hard if enemy doesn't have mulitple MKBs. She is one of the best late game carries, but she needs to have impact early on to get to that point without much loss, that's why I prefer SB first on her.

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                      yeah this is why people fail, they go for a maelstorm on windranger. Correct carry build is phase boots>aghs>crystalis into a daedalus?desolator or mkb if they have evasion, and the rest is just luxury items. It is proven that daedalus is more dps than mjolnir, plus windranger gets maximum atack speed with her ulty which renders the mjolnir useless. Lightning procs you say? Well to that i say crit procs!Mora farming pottential with maelstorm as an early item?To that i say powershot and static farming. Also without maelstorm you dont get to push the lane, but if you NEED to push the lane, powershot is a low cd nuke. Thank me later, Dedpul out.


                        oh and about skillbuilds:
                        -max powershot to help harasment and farming
                        -your q & e totally depend on what you are up against, if you feel threatened that somebody might right click you skill E, and if not max Q so it has synergy with your ulty
                        - ALWAYS skill your ult on 6/11/16


                          imo Phase -> Dagger -> Aghas -> Crit -> MKB or whatever
                          and Dagger is a must have since positioning is so crucial on her. Shackleshot is one if the best spells ingame if you hit it. I would always prioritize Powershot > Shackle > Focus Fire > Windrun, but ofc 1 lvl in WR at the start.


                            dagger will delay your damage item i think, build it only after aghs.
                            If I play carry wr I usually go null+tango->bottle->phase->aghs->cryst/daedalus/mkb/bkb/dagger whatever needed atm.


                              aghs must obv.

                              deadulus for the damage, skadi for the slow, sustain and survivabilty. yes, skadi. its rli cool in her ulti and the early OoV amplifies her lane harass. i'd make blink/force staff rather than sb on her


                                As for item builds I find phase->aggs-> daedelius-> MKB/shadow blade/skadi (situational stuff of course) then if the game goes long get a rapier..... By then you two shot heroes lol

                                As for skill builds I normally level my E first for escape then power shot then shackle ..... I then normally max power shot

                                All of this is player choice of course (except maelstrom NEVER build maelstrom on wind ranger) this is just what I find useful


                                  For pure hero killing:

                                  phase --> agha --> crit (arguable to go phase --> point booster --> small crit --> agha --> big crit)

                                  optional dagger, hotd

                                  Mael provide more split-push power and is generally a better safety net than small crit if you are not doing well.

                                  Skill build wise, 1-3-1-1 to 4-3-2-2 to 4-3-4-2. Powershot can be left at level 3. There is no need to max it. There are certain scenarios whereby you want lvl 3 windrun more than lvl 4 shackleshot.


                                    slahser's way, the only way

                                    i love u butt

                                      pen -> is -> v -> ictory


                                        without dagger i feel like wr is a piece of shit


                                          Phase > Dag / Agh > Deso


                                            I used to go maelstorm after phase boots and blink after maelstorm but it didnt work very well unless I was stomping, because very likely you will be super squeeshy and you wont have much single target damage, then I started going aghanim first item because I feel like wr is a bit like huskar, as soon as huskar gets his armlet he becomes a new hero.. Same with WR, as soon as she gets aghanims she gets to another level, you are more tanky, more ult damage, much less cooldown. Then you can get a blink/SB (I rather go blink) if your team lacks initiation or if you wanna go for solo kills, then start building damage (crit or mkb depending on enemy hero).


                                              ^ Ive never made armlet on huskar, preferring to stick with HoTD->AC->Satanic->heart. Ia armlet rli that good on him?


                                                its core ^


                                                  I play WR almost exclusively as a (semi)carry. How I do it (I'm trench, tho, so prolly wrong in many ways).

                                                  -> null talisman + tango straight out the door, then rush bottle in mid
                                                  -> ring of aquila + phase boots
                                                  -> casual void stone
                                                  -> either daedalus or aghs, depending on how the game is going. I usually get both if I can.
                                                  -> turn void stone into euls or sheep stick if you need control. or get rid of it if at this point no longer needed. same with null talisman.

                                                  i love u butt

                                                    armlet core on huskar? tell that to matrice. he went 2 HH + hex


                                                      if you can't think for yourself it's better just to go cookie-cutter builds like armlet rather than trying to think of new meta stuff like headdress on PA [size=5]Kappa[/size]


                                                        Start with null talisman and tangoes. I tried basilus and aquila on her to compensate her mana needs but bottle is still the best item. get phase boots, then go straight for aghanims, start with the point booster, then get the ogre club (strenght) or the intelligence item if you think you've enough health. After Aghs, build a crystalys for them crits. Now is the time where you could buy a blink dagger, which really is fantastic on WR. finish the deadelus. Your main Items are done now, you don't need anything else. I usually start to buy wards and stuff for the supports so they can get better items themselves.
                                                        If you think you need more power go for a orchid, and a sheepstick if you still aren't satisfied.

                                                        With Aghs, Deadelus, Orchid you have pretty much the highest DPS ingame. Imaging your attack (which is already insanely high due to daedelus and Orchid) plus the max attackspeed your ulti gives you. if there is a tree behind someone you can kill him no matter what.


                                                          The bulk of stats from early aghs is usually good enough for early fighting, and crystalys is just cost efficient dmg.
                                                          Orchid is not good on her, you can get a blink + crystalys for reliable shackles and cheap dps for almost the same price (orchid = 4150, blink + crystalys ~4300)

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            It's a late game choice, I only get it for the silence, 30% damage is a nice bonus. Sheepstick is usually the better choice but it's less fun.


                                                              Aquilla on WR makes ZERO sense.

                                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                                Midas blink shadowblade mjllnir ags and then boots