General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Mute System Is Retarded

The Mute System Is Retarded in General Discussion

    This mute system is so fucking retarded and was one of the main reasons i left this game coz i ALWAYS got muted just for saying "idiot" to someone intentionally feeding the courier and stuff like that with this stupid dumbass automated system. Why not just be able to mute a player if you dont like what hes saying this report system is messed up and needs to be fixed. You call some1 "idiot" and for the next 48 hours you cant communicate with your teammates LOL.


      I think it one of the better ways to discipline players. You know, you can go 48 hours NOT playing, maybe even go outside and come back when you feel better and refreshed. Perhaps you'll present your views in a constructive way instead of insulting. You know yourself that saying "idiot" does not get you the reports needed for mute, you need to go further than that.


        seems like the system is working as intended


          I find that most players who can't speak to others in a constructive manner are the ones who lose the games and are the ones who always complain about being muted.

          Honestly, if you can't speak to someone rationally, you shouldn't be playing a team based game. Instead of calling someone a "noob" "idiot" "feeder" *insert expletives here*, you can tell them what they're doing wrong and how to fix it. I've played a few games where I've done this with others and they shaped up and ended up winning.

          Being bad mannered because you're losing or because someone did something wrong isn't an excuse, you deserve being muted or even low prio if you behave like this.


            Mooca - I totally agree with that. But because i happen to be in games where some idiots think its fun to intentionally feed the courier and stuff like that i call them out for it and i happen to get reported.

            plz do

              well, idk i never got punished/rarely reported and ive been flaming alot in my dota thug lyfe. I guess it takes a lot of reports to actually be send to LP or being muted. I dont know ask Benao, he is da maestro de la LoPrio.

              King of Low Prio

                I flame alot and get muted like once a month, and once I get muted I just flame them in chat wheel language


                  lol..looks like the system is working just fine.


                    the retard system is muted!


                      Im muted right now :||||

                      srslyyy ? just becuz I told venge spirit get ward like 5 time in 60min and guess what he was stacked with 3 of his friends in party so they reported me :))


                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        only 1 report per game counts, so it doesn't matter how many were stacked =D

                        Das Claw

                          You're probably one of the most reported people on dota; if almost every reported game gets you muted.

                          Working as intended. Stop being an asshat to other people.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            @no-life king
                            it reminds me of stun stacking they still dont get that they dont stack

                            1k mmr at reporting ppl


                              ^ayy lmao

                              i love u butt

                                i flame a hell lot and i only ever got muted once, you guys got mute skills