General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is source 2 etc

what is source 2 etc in General Discussion

    sorry, I need quick updates.. I haven't played for past couple of days

    What is with this source 2?

    What's the impact? How will it affect the normal way I used to play?

    Do i choose source 2 or original source? etc..


      source 2 is a new and improved game engine.

      It won't affect normal dota in a direct way... but hats may become more graphically intensive depending. (low end pc's should already be using the no-hats mod tbh... some of the hats about can already cause slowdown)

      Actually, in the future, certain hero abilities may be programmable that weren't before possible (vector based skills such as some seen in HoN apparently). A 64bit excecutable can pull off more complex stuff in general... but you usually only see it in things like lighting and particle effects. Source 2 also has Lua support for modders which is pretty cool.... but very little of this actually affects standard dota.


        "I've been to beta and back, and back to beta…and back." @Lion