General Discussion

General DiscussionThat fucked up moment when you get match against Aui and

That fucked up moment when you get match against Aui and in General Discussion

    server laggs and no stats :S

    Ciao Bella

      be patient lol


        how does that help^^


          that's still better than horse yoga


            Best player ive played against in solo Q was Smash 7.4k..... yet to play with envy or waga :( i cant wait to troll envy to the max kek.

            Mighty Fungal Cap

              I got matched up with Yarin, but in low priority... And he ended up feeding intentionally. I actually hoped to see a good player stomping some low prio scrubs, but it didn't happen ^^

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                I think once envy realizes you play bloodseeker this patch 97% of your games he may troll you ;)


                  when i played against envy he just started intentionally feeding on invoker

                  Night 夜

                    I once got matched onto the same team as Era and Comewithme... game was easy. Didn't have to do shit xD.


                      ^ When I played vs Era (TA vs Pudge) his teammates were feeding like retards whole game and he was the only one doing sane stuff

                      And vs ComeWithMe he was diving my mid zeus under t2's like 5 mins into the game with support Sven, I was a decoy, a masterbait who was making S P A C E while Void was happily farming.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        meh, who cares nowadays about getting matched vs pros

                        Night 夜

                          haha, they were in a 3stack with some hon guy when I played with them. Era on LC and ComeWithMe on Viper, they just went nuts. I think at one point Era dove T2 pretty early into the game against 3 heroes, jsut Armlet toggling his shit through there.



                            how else do I show my e-peenus? I thought that waz the only way


                              10/10 would blackhole all of them(or lose) again