General Discussion

General DiscussionTo you support players out there what makes playing support enjoyable.

To you support players out there what makes playing support enjoyable. in General Discussion
KGBlue Lives Matter

    Why do you main support? It seems like your a masochist if you do so as so much random shit in this game will blow you up and on top of that supports rarely get commended for their efforts but rather its the carries the supports helped to get fed and keep alive that gets all the commends and praise...


      if u found a good lane partner , its enjoyable tho with both complimenting each other ( until something went retarted lol)

      3.8k Ryozan

        because I like to win


          Because I get so much more out of the game.


            because u dont sit in lane for 30 min last hitting creeps, and kill others within 2-5 lvls


              cz u can do so much while ppl dont expect anything, so if you dont fuck up, everyone is like "wow, what a player"

              if srsly, imo it is the most skill-dependant role in dota, and hardest one to execurte properly


                Don't think support in pubs means much more than buying some detection and smoke...

                All it really means is you don't plan to farm a lane/jungle.

                A lane support Visage buying wards can still roam the map and kill shit once he hits 6. Spirit Breaker can do so much earlier.

                Some supports like Omni, Earthshaker and Warlock can single-handedly turn around a late-game teamfight and win the game.

                tl;dr you get to do all the cool stuff as support and don't have to spend 30mins watching health bars drop below 90% before right-clicking. and you also guarantee that there is actually some decent vision on the map.


                  I've started playing doto with one of my best friends, who taught me how to play. And he was expecting me as lane support.
                  Also someone could be relly afraid to play hard carries, as in 2-3k MMR people take attention only for carries/mid. So you can suck hard as support and no one will blame you as @TripleSteal- already told here.

                  Polish Hussar

                    Because someone has to buy the wards and courier...


                      Im not a support player although i like to pick 4th or 5th to counterpick so when i see a 4 core lineup i know ill be the ward bish so im wise enough to pick a non greedy hero.

                      I like to support when im tired or just want to play casually. I dont have the stress of a carry to get the most lasthit/gpm. It feels good sometimes to just pull creep, buy wards and stun ppl than lasthiting like a madman.


                        more relaxing


                          I got all my commends from random people I met in solo queue:

                          waku waku

                            it's always nice when you just randomly put sentry wards everywhere and wind up killing enemy riki or other invisible heroes when otherwise they could become a force to be reckoned with


                              Because I love to fight and don't like staying in a lane for 10 minutes into the jungle or w/e. I also like to play heroes that have more then one spell and things like that, I like to spam stuff.

                              Plus lots of times my stack has no in game sense on where to ward or adapt to enemy movements so its my job to make up for that lack if they were to play support. I gotta be able to spot movements of the other team before my team feeds in the jangle, etc. Heck I even buy my own wards if i'm playing a farming carry!!


                                Also, crazy shit happens in pub games. Support can beat all the shit out of your 6-slotted carry.

                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                  I get too crippled without map vision and when I'm support I can choose wherever I want my vision. It's also nice to have sentries everywhere, which I don't see much others do when I don't support.

                                  Also like denameme said I love using dust or sentry randomly and someone invis appears next to us to feast on.

                                  I also feel a lot less pressure too. Supports feeding is so normal no one really cares if you have a bad game, but if I die mid/offlane or end up with little farm safelane I'll feel so much worse than if I was a support doing just as bad, since everyone's probably thinking it's my fault we're losing (if we are) or the one dragging us down if we're going back back and forth with the enemies.


                                    Soultrap my commends look a lot like that too, no one ever commends me for forgiving them. And I forgive people all the time. Someone needs to nail me to a cross or something.


                                      Every time carry misses lasthit, support dies for his sins.


                                        Lol ^..

                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                          1. I like that supports are usually the ones making the key plays early and mid-game. In a sense, we are carrying the carry by creating the space they need to get their heroes online later in the game.

                                          2. Honing game sense. Supporting well requires the player to constantly engage with and train areas which go beyond reflexes (i.e last hitting), areas like player psychology (eg. what will this opponent do in a specific situation and what do i do to counter it).

                                          3. The assist gold bonus? 😂 Icefrog buff plz

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                                              roaming tusk = best support.
                                              surprisingly fun too


                                                i'm not the best support player out there in the dota world but one of the main reason why i like playing support so much was because i can die more. i feel like there is more room for error when i am playing support and i also feel much more at ease when playing support.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Because you actually take part in fights from level 1.


                                                    Because everyone want win, but nobody pick support.
                                                    In the mmorpg i have everytime been the Healerslut.

                                                    0 quequetime in mmorpg
                                                    People will carry me if i do a good job
                                                    NEVER queque solo ranked 3k mmr, it's more valuable pick slark and carry by youself.


                                                      Carry is one who farms, support is one who doesn't. So basically you can carry or support with any hero.


                                                        I'd love DOTA to be that simple

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                                                            DOTA is that simple. Most recent example:
                                                            my teammate picks Dazzle => farms => owns everyone => wins dotka ez

                                                            ^This is 4.5k MMR match, BTW.


                                                              I've started playing more support lately. I enjoy it because I can have a positive impact on the game not just in the support aspect, but by keeping other players positive. I like when we start out in a match, and enemy team gets a great gank, or carry is being too aggressive and dies to tower/creeps, next thing i hear or see is, GG, we lost... team to op, f techies/bludcyka/storm/hohohaha. So i'll mic in and say hey, want me to come help you? "well i'm not getting any farm so yeah." aight, omw. tp in case some havoc, maybe get a kill, free up some space for a carry to kick ass. It's even better when you mesh with a carry, who follows the supports lead.. you hardcore supports know what i mean "okay, i'm going to stun.. and then slow.. you take him out afterwards..." " what about the creeps" don't worry about that, i've got urn charges for days.. DO EEEET!!!"

                                                              Support a riki or a brood and watch them just be stunned when you show up in lane with sentry wards starting out. They'll almost insta commend every time. (says a brood player)

                                                              The other thing I like about support, that I touched on and see that others have as well, is motivation. A positive attitude can sometimes completely change a match around.... my last few ranked are GREAT examples.


                                                                Sometimes it's fun to constantly be doing things rather than lasthitting in lane. CM is my go-to support and you can jungle her, roam for ganks, zone out offlaners (with help), obviously you gotta ward all the places. Supports are fun because you setup a lot of the action. You get to be the one to blink/dust/disable, or save your carry with a nice play.

                                                                For me all roles are fun, but which I play just depends on my mood or what my team needs

                                                                Edit: In response to NSP - I agree, when you get to lane with a carry that you mesh with, it's awesome! I remember not too long ago I laned CM with a random mirana player and we just knew when the other wanted to go for a kill or when we wanted to back. It's so much more fun when you get someone who plays/thinks like you.

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