its one of the heroes you should just play a lot to learn,munderstand and execute properly.
theorically, you go for:
mek when you are 5-manning early
midas, when you are giving up early game and aiming to late
sb, if you are snowballing and can get it really early
eul, when you need to dodge smthng/are planning to farm jungle/need smthng to interrupt chanelling spells/are planning to go for requiem pickoffs
you dont rly need to maximize reuiem's dmg unless you have a eul combo or have some guy with disables on ur side. generally, the point of reqirm is slo/dmg decrease, not just dmg itself
why would you get midas this particular patch on one the fastest farming heroes in the gaem :(
or adapt your build to your playstyle, i get treads madness sb fast and start raping
Midas? Almost never, you can have a huge impact in the 10-15 minute mark fights if you just get a blink or sb or s&y or euls:
-Blink 50% of the times, it's usually the best initiation item for him.
-SB when you dont feel confident enough in your skills to do blink + razes/requiem, or if you wanna get silver edge later on t ocounter some passives like bristle's or PA, huskar, etc..
-Eul's if you wanna get pickoffs or disable a channeling spell, not really needed to farm faster.. With aquila, bottle and tread switch you should be able to keep your mana pool always ready to fight while flash-farming.
-S&Y if your team lacks a righ-click carry, as it gives you good move speed to stay mobile while increasing your damage by a huge amount during the early game (the slow is also great.. 5 seconds of -32% is great).
-Mek.. I think it's only viable if you'r stacking with friends and you have your 5 man strat ready and you trust them to initiate for you.
About maximizing requiem it comes with experience, you need to know what heros can disable you while casting, even if you have bkb, or if your team have a good initiation (tide or enigma), just wait for the initiation and then blink+bkb+requiem+couple razes+couple auto-attacks and teamwipe.
During the laning phase you gotta block creeps always, as the 2-3 first creep waves are the most important, if you're able to get many souls from those first creep waves your right-click damage will be great and noone will be able to contest the last hits anymore. Also you need a good map control as you will be the main target of enemy's supports and if they gank succesfully a few times you will be a squeeshy bitch most of the game.
I feel lazy to keep writing about sf, but if you have any doubt I can answer later.
Sorry for my english, its not my first language.
go nigg3r sf with dagger meka bkb and no poosy blink in 5 and requiem on their a$$ 1 v 5 you have 300000 armor and magic immunity and swag powers, and then your team can steal your kills.
with sf, you want to farm
because sf is hero that can farm everything
but you have to farm smartly and do stuff with that farm and choose where to farm. you don't want to starve your team and sit in your jungle whole game but you want to use opportunities and push towers easily (though don't let your team play 4v5)
sf can push towers easily and can get his core items really fast
but don't play him like a ricing carry that does nothing for 40 minutes (but i'm pretty sure you know this)
you should usually stack your own jungle, with razes you can stack two camps at the same minute (with illus rune 4), you should have them farmed in 10-15th I think.
ganks with haste rune are free kills, other than that you don't rely on runes that much (you can't abuse it that well like when you get regen on storm), with DD rune you can get tower down
now for some items if my opinion means anything for you when I'm 3.5k
I like going aquila for extra push power in early
Treads all the way
If you have some burst damage against you like Lina, you can try getting drums
SB vs blink? I dunno. If you can get SB soon, it's pretty damn good, sometimes getting it even before boots in <10th min can be a big problem for enemy team. I also like SB for splitpushing. Blink can be nice as well, but it might be a bit difficult to fully utilize it in fights without bkb. But you have the option of blinking into trees, blinking between camps for faster farm (but you should be doing this rather in enemy jungle by the time you get it and that's not always a good idea). Rushing blink is imo stupid.
Don't be afraid to rush BKB.
If your team is willing to play around you and with you, sometimes you don't even need any shadow blade or blink, if you go deathball you can go something like mek bkb, maybe manta. You already do a fuckton of damage between early-midgame so you don't need to straight rush any damage items.
Don't be afraid to turn around chases (okay be afraid, but not that much as you would with other heroes). SF can abuse fog very well. You can raze or requiem to the enemy's faces when they're thinking they can get you. But you might need to practice how to turn around without moving much. If you master it, then even in short space you will be able to land a raze wherever you want (a common things that happens to me is that i click in front of me when in the trees, but obviously I won't turn to that direction but go with the shortest path to the place i clicked)
Sorry for writing like a retard but it's hot as hell and my head feels like toaster. I might add more if I'll remember something else.
i would like to promote my 2 eyed demon build
sb always, unless you already have 2 invis heroes, I always built blink euls and it was trash to use in pubs, ever since I swapped to treads aquila sb I'm winning sf games with 25k+ hero dmg and 700 gpm no problem. sb>(silveredge)sny>bkb/skadi>travels>whyisthegamestillonuwon
With sb and sny, msot carries can't ffreely farm the map, they'll get requiemed or just right clicked by the insane amount of dmg you output, supports wont be able to rotate in time.
also normal skill take adivce with salt thnx
@Benao~ Why shouldnt he listen to me? I've checked your dotabuff and I see SF is your most played hero but you still have little impact (even my rubick has better stats than your sf xD) and not that big win rate, if you're good at shadow fiend you should be well above 60% with ease in winrate, I guess you dont know how to carry properly. Why always shadow blade? A full potential SF has bilnk and bkb in between 15-20 minutes and at that point they simply cant stop you if playing correctly. Check out my SF and say who's noob again.
@flash_3 man benao might not be dota 2 god but at least he has vhs games on sf
all your sf games are 2k-3k
Well he also has some normal and high skill games as SF and they are not that good anyways. I dont pretend to be a god or something but this guy just tells not to listen to me becasue "im noob" but he doesnt even look like a good player, just average at best, and it doesnt matter if its VHS or whatever, you play against people as good as you supposedly and it's clear who knows how to dominate a game and who doesn't.
If you like to brag about your average stats, maybe you wanna check out this ones, same hero, same patch, but not same skill bracket (but dont worry I'll be there soon with this Winrates, I've gone from 2 to 3.5k in a short period)®ion=&faction=&duration=&enjoyment=any&timezone=Etc%2FUTC
You didn't rape this guy for breakfast
And as you're a SF player, may you elaborate your item build in that game?
hahahaha i did rape him wtf dont you remember? your team was whining the whole game about getting outplayed and shit and won cause my guys 1v5 (me included) and gave away the win. I was forced to go mek because of the focus and to go highground early game, sadly those moth*rfuckers ignored me and never finished the game even against a gyro with 1 item min 30.
dont forget how that huskar was feeding nonstop (story of my life with every huskar in my team)
I was just trying to help you. That guy was gonna make you feed if you followed his build.
I know KDA doesn't mean much but why are yours so low benao compared to other people on same heroes in same 5k range?
i give them away to play more efficiently, fluid movements and closer to farming camps :D!
besides you have to remember: i feed 0-30 whenever i feel like it cause i dont really give a fuck :) --> if someone pisses me off or smth
++++ I usually fill the role of VISION, TANK, DMG dealer, INITIATOR, HUNTER and SPAce creator and it comes at a cost -> deaths, but the payoff is farmed teammates, towers and raxes and map control.
It's disgusting to buy Blink, Mek, Eul on a hero who can do tons of physical damage. Don't do it, please.
That guy is me and that build has given me amazing results which you can easily see.
I guess your way not to feed is buying SB every game and hope for no dust or sentries all game long.
@Soultrap, exactly for the reason that SF does a shit ton of damage just because of his skillbuild I believe it's better to build mobility and tankiness on him, however there can be some games where you will go full damage build and one shot half of their team. But unless you're stomping really hard you will be punished for not having mobility and tankiness.
SB gives you mobility. Ultimate Orb gives you a bit less tankiness than Mek for the same price, but it will transition into Skadi.
lol, I tried to reach 50% invoker, but is impossible HAHA
Thanks Flash and Strap 4 the advices !
BTW, there is one very important thing every SF must learn from Benao: if you pick SF, go to safe lane and tell your teammates to f*ck themselves at other lanes.
So many buthurts here.
Just play, man. Devolop your own playstyle, work on game sense, that would be the most important thing for SF.
There's no shortcut how to be better SF. Or how to be more efficient. Just keep playing, that's it.
efextide wait for a game you can play support invoker ;) instead of aiming mid or offlane invoker?
Filthy can you teach my girlfriend? I got one yesterday and it wasn't good. On the other hand, it makes me feel better because I know she hasn't sucked much before.
benao how do you make MoM work on shadow fiend? He'll be so damn squishy. I think u rely too much on ur team for disables and protecting u if u make MoM on sf?
i get aura after necromastery so that they die faster and just man up, with razes inbetween. Hitting twice instead of once makes a huge difference and if they have spells to aim with i can evade easier too but as long as i pewpew them down fast enough, even if they turn and stun or something they are still fucked.
I don't rely on people for sf to work, thats why i get wards sb and gem myself!!
edit: that way i cant be surprised, just avoid highgrounds and shit when i calculate they are in the vicinity and shit
edit2: i aim to kill fast and swiftly meaning that ulti is wasted since it has a casting time and blabla, just pewpew instead and by the time i need ulti i am already level 13+
problem with SB is you lack mana to spam razes and farm jungle, thats why i like the euls build
not with aquilla --> skady and as i said --> pew pew more than raze or are you saying i dont farm enough?
no I just dont see how you can spam raze with only aquila, it's been some time since i've built SB on SF, i'll try again next time
@baxter, that's why I included the 2k thing, also I'm not the only one doing this build, most pub stompers like sb on sf not as escape but more for initation, the dmg from sb and your right clicks destroys pretty much anyone at any point of the game (bar bristle). Also sb forces the supports to group up and constantly buy detection, which drains them and they're scared to move around the map. Again from personal experience this builds got me much more success than going blink or euls for that matter.
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Hi guys, SF is like my last hero to include to the mid-hero pool.
But I dont find the way to play it right.
When should go Mek? Midas? Euls or Shadow Blade?
How to maximize the dmg of réquiem of souls?
Counters/Pros? Playstyle against other mid heros, and also 1vs1?